
SHE WAS TAKING CHARGE OF HER DESTINYThe pampered daughter of a successful hotelier, Marnie Montgomery had everything she ever wanted–except independence. Now that would change. No man would ever again tell her what to do–certainly not infuriating, domineering, undeniably attractive Adam Drake.Adam was determined to clear his name of the false charges that had ruined his career at Montgomery Inns. If that meant deceiving the Montgomery daughter, and even stowing away on her boat, so be it. If she had secrets, he would discover every single one….


The kayak trip was supposed to be a honeymoon. But when Nell and Joe Stevens are caught in a flash flood, Nell is swept under, trapped and loses consciousness. When she awakes, safe on shore, she finds a note from Joe, explaining that he has gone for help. He never returns. The search that follows raises more questions than it answers. About the family he never mentioned, who arrive in Nell's sleepy hometown. The enormous inheritance. And worse, the question whispered by the locals: is Nell responsible?Always hoping for Joe's return, Nell tries to put the rumors behind her. But as years slip past, Nell craves answers. She takes to the river again in search of the truth and finds that jealousy, desperation and deception can pull you under faster than churning water–and you may never resurface.


ONCE UPON A PRINCE…Forced to take a little R & R after a few too many investigative mishaps, P.I. Carly Carpenter initially viewed her vacation as punishment. Then she met blond god Luc Gardner–a man so confident yet mysterious that Carly's inquisitive radar went into overdrive. Spending time in Luc's arms was no hardship, but learning about his royal standing was both a blessing and a curse. Here was the story she needed to prove her investigative worth. But by revealing that Luc was the European prince who'd gone AWOL, she'd likely lose him forever. And when he left, he'd take her finally unguarded heart with him…


Miranda Lyme, mezzo-soprano, is in love with the infamous–and, okay, technically married–conductor-composer Kurt Hancock. So what if he lives in London, and she…doesn't. Their secret rendezvous are more than enough–for now. Besides, Miranda's life is full and frenetic: four part-time jobs, plus singing in the opera chorus, voice lessons with Madame Klein and looking for her long-lost father. Who's got time for a full-time beau?Miranda craves the good life and is certain that's what she'll have once Kurt officially ends his marriage and she rises to stardom. But there are glitches. Like the fact that Kurt is still technically faithful to his wife and he insists that Miranda keep their relationship a secret. He promises it won't be like this forever. Yeah, sure…. The truth, when it finally arrives, is so shocking that it causes Miranda to lose her voice.But the show must go on. Will it be a night to remember–or one to utterly forget?


Her love for him was like a paper rose, which longed for the magic to make it real…Compellingly handsome Tate Winthrop once boldly came to Cecily Peterson’s rescue. Her devotion to him knew no bounds, but since the fiercely proud Native American refused to consider a mixed marriage, their passion remained unfulfilled. Shattered by Tate’s rejection, Cecily had been forced to leave the man of her dreams.Now she was back and destined to win. But when Tate becomes caught in the middle of a shocking political scandal, she realizes they need each other now, more than ever. And this time it is Cecily, a woman embarking on a brilliant career, who comes to his rescue and attempts to shield the man she loves from a devastating secret that could destroy his life….


Vanessa Lawrence had a talent: falling for the wrong man.Case in point, her ex-husband. On the outside, the football player had looked perfect—handsome and rich. But Mr. Perfect turned out to be a lying, manipulative philanderer, and Vanessa vowed never to compromise herself for a man again. Then she met Nick DeAngelo. He was also handsome and rich. And he just happened to be an ex-football player.His disarming charm gave her a rush, and he sure knew how to sweep a girl off her feet. But he was so much like her ex-husband…could she trust him? Could she trust herself?“[Miller] paints a brilliant portrait of the good, the bad and the ugly, the lost and the lonely, and the power of love to bring light into the darkest of souls…” —RT Book Reviews on The Man from Stone Creek


What would you do if a movie star was living under your roof?Prepping for his new movie in the tiny town of Pinecob, West Virginia, up-and-coming actor Joshua Reed lands himself another drunk-driving conviction, this time involving a stolen limo, a dark country road and a cow. Rather than let him rot in jail for the summer, twenty-five-year-old Leanne Gitlin, his fan club president, agrees to vouch for him so he can serve out his sentence under house arrest. In her home.But playing the gracious guest isn't in Joshua Reed's repertoire. And while everyone in town is thinking up excuses to drop by the Gitlin house, Leanne quickly finds herself counting the days until her famous visitor leaves.Leanne, the youngest of five, watched her family fall apart and dutifully stayed put to help her mother pick up the pieces. Stuck in Pinecob, she was itching for something new, but Joshua Reed's media circus isn't quite what she had in mind.In a debut novel as endearing as it is wise, Heather Cochran has whipped up one season the town of Pinecob won't soon forget.


Goombah to GucciAs the only granddaughter among seventeen grandsons of one of New York's reputed Mafia dons, Teddi Gallo has been surrounded by overprotective men all her life…not to mention those FBI agents tailing her family. But now, determined to live her own life, she has decamped to Manhattan with dreams of making it in the brutal restaurant business.Soon, however, she is finding her dinner plate is more than full as she juggles an old-money, news-anchor boyfriend, a devastatingly handsome FBI agent trailing her 24/7, a nervous accountant concerned her business is failing and her cousin Tony acting as her bodyguard. Toss in bringing her new beau home for Sunday dinner and trying to explain the hundred pairs of stolen Jimmy Choos in her Uncle Vito's living room…and Teddi Gallo's already-chaotic life is made all the more messy. Maybe a few well-hatched plans, a bit of matchmaking and a dose of Mafia Chic will get her out of this jam.


Even as Lady Polly rejected another proposal of marriage, her heart burned for the man she'd rejected five years ago.She'd heard that in his misery, her beloved Lord Henry Marchnight had become a rogue and a gambler. But when he appeared before her on a deserted terrace and stole a kiss, Polly knew that her passion hadn't died. The man still knew how to steal her reason with one touch.But reason she needed as suspicions of criminal behavior hovered about Lord Henry. Should she return to her routine of spurning suitors? Or should she do what she should have done five years ago–trust her love and follow her heart…?
