
Kuigi Sasha Gardner on veetlev, intelligentne ja sõbralik, teab ta, et ükski mees ei oota tema telefonikõnet. Sest Sasha on… maksuametnik. Igal ametil on oma pahupool. Maksukontroll võib küll takistada Sasha seltsielu, kuid tema töö on korrastatud. Mõistlik. Ja Sasha oskab seda väga-väga hästi. Ent kui ootamatud telefonikaebused tõmbavad ta tähelepanu deklaratsioonile, mille koostajat ta ei ole kunagi näinud, ei tundu miski enam klappivat. Jonah Gray deklaratsioonis oleva info põhjal hakkab Sasha panema kokku mehe elulugu: tõusev karjäär lugupeetud finantsajakirjanikuna, maja peenes mereäärses linnakeses, nädalavahetused purjekal piki rannikut seilates – see kõik meenutab Sasha enda unistusi. Miks jättis Jonah siis selle kõik, et hakata kirjutama väikelinna ajalehes kooli hoolekogu koosolekutest? Teretulnud vaheldusest saab peagi tõsine vastuste otsimine. Sasha mõistab, et see on naeruväärne – ta pole meest elu sees näinudki –, kuid ta poleks esimene naine, kes armub mehesse, kes paberil hea välja näeb…


Despite being attractive, intelligent and friendly, Sasha Gardner knows no man wants a phone call from her. Because Sasha is a tax auditor for the IRS.Every job has its downside. Auditing may interfere with her social life, but it's orderly. It makes sense. And she's very, very good at it. But when unexpected complaints draw her into the tax return of a man she's never met, nothing seems to make sense anymore.Using the information in Jonah Gray's return, Sasha begins to assemble his life story: a rising career as a respected financial reporter, a house in a posh seaside village, weekends sailing the coast–it all reads like a life Sasha herself had dreamed of living, down to the guy's itemized deductions. So why had he left it behind to cover school-board meetings in a one-newspaper town?What begins as a welcome distraction soon becomes a search for answers. Sasha knows it's ridiculous–she's never even laid eyes on him–but she wouldn't be the first woman to fall for a man who looks good on paper.


What would you do if a movie star was living under your roof?Prepping for his new movie in the tiny town of Pinecob, West Virginia, up-and-coming actor Joshua Reed lands himself another drunk-driving conviction, this time involving a stolen limo, a dark country road and a cow. Rather than let him rot in jail for the summer, twenty-five-year-old Leanne Gitlin, his fan club president, agrees to vouch for him so he can serve out his sentence under house arrest. In her home.But playing the gracious guest isn't in Joshua Reed's repertoire. And while everyone in town is thinking up excuses to drop by the Gitlin house, Leanne quickly finds herself counting the days until her famous visitor leaves.Leanne, the youngest of five, watched her family fall apart and dutifully stayed put to help her mother pick up the pieces. Stuck in Pinecob, she was itching for something new, but Joshua Reed's media circus isn't quite what she had in mind.In a debut novel as endearing as it is wise, Heather Cochran has whipped up one season the town of Pinecob won't soon forget.