
Someone was out thereWilla's new neighbor was watching her. Her every move, her every breath. A horror writer with a questionable past, Zachary Denton was an irresistible enigma. He claimed he only wanted to warn her, protect her–possess her.And like a butterfly drawn into a deadly web, Willa could not resist his mesmerizing, sensual pull.But was Zachary a loving protector–or a scheming predator? Willa had to determine his true motives before she lost her heart further. Because a madman was stalking the women of her quiet Texas town–and his victims looked exactly like Willa.


It's true what they say–all the good guys are married……or have Mob connections!And Natalie Dorset should know. The guy who moved in downstairs may be gorgeous, but the things he says–who uses «whacked» anymore?–and the way he dresses… Well, let's just say that Jack Miller isn't the type you bring home to Mom. Good enough reason for Natalie to stay clear.Too bad their landlady is cracking matchmaking schemes that make covert ops look like child's play. But before this little–okay, it's a pretty big–attraction can get out of hand, Natalie is determined to get to the bottom of Jack's story.Because maybe…just maybe…this time the good guy wears black.


MISTAKEN IDENTITYUnbeknownst to Miss Susanna Beverly, her stepfather had cheated her out of her rightful inheritance. Thus she was forced to become the companion of Miss Amelia Western, who was betrothed to Viscount Darlington. Who would have guessed she'd be mistaken for Amelia and kidnapped by Mr. Ben Wolfe's henchmen!Ben's intentions were honorable. He did at least intend to marry Amelia. But his real aim was revenge upon Darlington's family.Kidnapping the wrong woman upset all his plans, but as Ben got to know the forthright Susanna, he couldn't really admit to being sorry….


The Wicked West by Victoria Dahl writing as Holly SummersWhen Lily Anders gave up her proper English roots to settle in the Wild West, she didn't dare hope that she'd meet someone who shared her own wicked bedroom secrets. But the virtuous Sheriff Hale has never told anyone about his shocking desires. Will he give in to the surprising temptation of the young widow?Meet bestselling erotica author Holly Summers in Victoria Dahl's contemporary romances, TALK ME DOWN (January 2009) and START ME UP (July 2009).


Lady Roslynn knows not what to expect of her future husband, the infamous «Bear of Brecon.»Offered in marriage to the powerful Welsh lord by the king, Roslynn fears the worst. She has no right to hope for a love match, but in her heart the lady dreams of a home and family of her very own….One look at Lord Madoc of Llanpowell makes her blood run hot. The rugged warrior proves a passionate lover and attentive husband–but too soon turns cold and aloof. And when secrets from Madoc's past threaten to take him away from his bride, Roslynn knows their future together is at stake. Can she uncover the truth beneath her warlord's armor and lay siege to his heart?


One boss–two kids–and a baby!When wickedly handsome business tycoon Nick Barron recruits Georgie Cauldwell to work for him he also ends up saving her shattered heart. They spend a few gorgeously romantic weeks together. But just when Georgie thinks she has finally found happiness…Nick disappears!When he returns, as suddenly as he vanished, it is with two young children in tow and a tiny baby cradled in his arms. Experience tells Georgie she shouldn't fall in love with a man with a family. But there's something about Nick and his babies that Georgie doesn't have the power to resist…


4 Months + 5 Months = Baby!As good as accountant Jim Schofield was with figures–he could count back and tell when Teresa got pregnant–he was bad with words like commitment and marriage. But when the stubborn Texan realized he was going to be a father, his bachelor days were numbered!1 Man + 1 Love = Marriage?Teresa Tyler had vowed not to burden Jim Schofield with the consequences of their one night together. But after having figured out her predicament, he was proposing a marriage for the sake of their babies. How could Teresa take Jim's help, his protection, and not have a chance at his love?


Single mom Liana Archer has read her share of romance novels featuring dashing, passionate Sheiks. Despite her fascination with the genre, she is astonished when sinfully handsome Malik Khan, Crown Prince of exotic El Bahar, hijacks her and her young daughter off an airliner and into his lavish desert palace. What does this sexy prince want with a passably pretty, slightly overweight schoolteacher from San Bernadino?Dazed, breathless and mesmerized with desire, Liana quickly becomes Malik's royal bride after an intimate desert ceremony she does not understand. When she learns she is in fact married, she must face whether she can entrust her daughter, or her heart to a man would give them everything…except his love. How might a caring American mother and child finally move this proud, imperious monarch and make his kingdom complete?


Man-shy American Heidi McKinley winces when the king himself insists she marry–and make heirs with–his sinfully sexy royal son!For Prince Jamal was a legendary lover, an expert on erotic intrigue. Whatever would he see in serious-minded Heidi? Plenty! Up to his crown in gold-digging bubbleheads, Jamal is secretly enchanted with the sweet and studious virgin.So why was homespun Heidi donning silken disguises and posing as siren «Honey Martin» to seduce him? And how could Jamal hope to choose between a bold, brazen «mistress» and a bashful, blushing bride?


Despite being attractive, intelligent and friendly, Sasha Gardner knows no man wants a phone call from her. Because Sasha is a tax auditor for the IRS.Every job has its downside. Auditing may interfere with her social life, but it's orderly. It makes sense. And she's very, very good at it. But when unexpected complaints draw her into the tax return of a man she's never met, nothing seems to make sense anymore.Using the information in Jonah Gray's return, Sasha begins to assemble his life story: a rising career as a respected financial reporter, a house in a posh seaside village, weekends sailing the coast–it all reads like a life Sasha herself had dreamed of living, down to the guy's itemized deductions. So why had he left it behind to cover school-board meetings in a one-newspaper town?What begins as a welcome distraction soon becomes a search for answers. Sasha knows it's ridiculous–she's never even laid eyes on him–but she wouldn't be the first woman to fall for a man who looks good on paper.