
Where there's smoke…Darby Ridge, Oregon, had always been a welcome sanctuary for Janine Taylor, a refuge from a troubled past. But all that changed when fire swept through the isolated town, leaving fear and suspicion in its wake, and a mysterious stranger came to her door–a man who knew far more about that terrible tragedy than any stranger could….Keeping a boardinghouse had long accustomed Janine to dealing with disturbing characters, but she had never had a guest like Quinn Coulliard. For there was in this dark, dangerous man a strange, compelling gentleness that could draw a wild raven to him at a whispered command and awaken Janine's long-buried passions with a single mesmerizing glance….


My horse and my secret against your land.Princess Adrienne de Marigny had issued edicts before, but this one was different…and dangerous. Long before arrogant rancher Hugh Jordan had infiltrated her kingdom–and her fantasies–Adrienne had vowed to be a successful breeder of horses, using her prize stallion Carazzan. But Hugh desired to own Carazzan–and to bend the princess to his will. And the man had some bargaining power: her deeply held secret…and her soul-deep passion for him.Yet neither could foresee what events the princess's proposal would unleash…


This arrogant, ill-mannered American was hardly the sort of man Princess Adele of Orlantha was used to encountering in her world of wealth and privilege.And yet Matt O'Brien was all that stood between her and the deadly conspiracy that threatened everything she held dear. Her only hope was a marriage – in name only – to her self-appointed «protector.»But to be so very intimate with this infuriating yet dangerously compelling man was almost more than she could bear – because their masquerade was turning into a passion that was all too real.


When Serena Gregory's clothing-optional Caribbean cruise fell through at the last minute, the thrill-seeking dermatologist decided that helping Darius Maxwell, her mysterious new neighbor–who might or might not be a crown prince–commit a felony would be a worthwhile alternative.Yes, it would involve clothes–for the most part–but the risk of skin cancer would be drastically reduced. Not to mention she'd be helping to secure the future of an entire European country…that she'd never even heard of.That's how Serena wound up over her head in trouble when she should have been next to naked in paradise–and risking her career and cold, hard jail time for a man she'd only just met!


Banning Talbot, Marquess of Daventry and Society's favorite bachelor, is accustomed to having his every whim obeyed–Until he finds himself the reluctant guardian of Prudence MacAfee, the outspoken, golden-haired hoyden laughably nicknamed Angel. Now it's Banning's duty to introduce this deliciously unconventional creature to the ton's most eligible suitors. But his heart has an agenda all its own….


Lucy Lang isn't looking for fireworks… She's looking for a nice, decent man. Someone who'll mow the lawn, flip chicken on the barbeque, teach their future children to play soccer. But most important… someone who won't inspire the slightest stirring in her heart…or anywhere else.A young widow, Lucy can't risk that kind of loss again. But sharing her life with a cat named Fat Mikey and the Black Widows at the family bakery isn't enough either. So it's goodbye to Ethan, her hot but entirely inappropriate «friend with privileges» and hello to a man she can marry.Too bad Ethan Mirabelli isn't going anywhere. As far as he's concerned, what she needs might be right under her nose. But can he convince her that the next best thing can really be forever?THE PERFECT MATCH will be included in a romance shortlist column written by New York Times bestselling author Sarah Maclean.


THE PAST IS NEVER TOO FAR BEHIND…When Thorne McCafferty rushes home to the family ranch, he is thinking only about whether his sister Randi will survive the car wreck that has put her in the hospital. He never expects that Randi's E.R. doctor will be Nicole Stevenson.Nicole has never forgotten the teenage passion she shared with Thorne… or the sting of his unexplained rejection. Now she's all grown up-but he still affects her in the very same way. Will they both be able to move beyond their pasts for a second chance at a happy ending?


The McCaffertys: MATTMatt has never met a woman who wouldn't succumb to the McCafferty charm. But beautiful Kelly Dillinger, the cop assigned to his sister's hit-and-run case, proves indifferent to his attention. Her all-business attitude pricks his ego…and fires up his blood. The more she resists, the more determined he becomes to break down her defenses. Matt might think that law enforcement is no place for a lady, but he might soon find himself making a plea for passion.


Derek Archer had been called a killer…He'd been hunted, stalked and pursued as a fugitive–until he'd vanished altogether. Shortly after the case against Derek Archer was closed, the man managed to escape and create a new identity. Then he set out to exact his revenge. One by one, the men who had ruined his life began to die….Susan Wade didn't know whether or not she should trust Archer–when he had come so mysteriously into her life. Whoever he really was, the man was cool under fire and hot to the touch. His eyes said he had a score to settle, though. And it wasn't long until Susan wondered if the man she was coming to love was framing her for murder.


Remove gold foil. Close eyes. Absorb chocolate…And forget the world.Cassie Halloway is definitely not losing it! So she sucked face with a perfect stranger to prove she was over her ex-fiance. So the new guy nearly made her swoon and forget anyone else was around. And so he turned out to be Ty Parker, her latest client. And, okay, so maybe he's just a little engaged to another woman…. Whatever! As a brilliant stress-management consultant, Cassie has everything perfectly under control. And soon she'll be able to face a stress-free Ty with equal calm.After all, there's no problem a little chocolate therapy can't cure…is there?