

36 Hours SerialAs a devastating summer storm hits Grand Springs, Colorado, the next thirty-six hours will change the town and its residents forever….Ooh, Baby, Baby Part 3Peggy's been strong so far, but there are some things even she can't handle on her own. Fighting to protect her new family from her ex, confused by Travis's disappearance and now postnatal complications–it's tough to hold on.Travis is determined to do what's best for Peggy and the twins he helped bring into the world–even if it means staying away. It seems the effects of the storm that blew into Grand Springs that night will be felt long after the rains have stopped.Don't miss the next book in the series, For Her Eyes Only by Sharon Sala.


36 Hours SerialAs a devastating summer storm hits Grand Springs, Colorado, the next thirty-six hours will change the town and its residents forever….Ooh, Baby, Baby Part 2In the middle of the raging storm the power goes out, mud washes onto the roads…and Peggy Saxon gives birth to twins in the back of Travis Stockwell's cab.Peggy's been handling things on her own since the end of her disastrous marriage. But she has to admit–things are a lot nicer with Travis around. She could get used to the feeling, if only she knew that it would last…Travis can't seem to stay away from the Saxon family. Those beautiful babies–and their mother–deserve the best of everything. But what if the best for them is the stable life he can't provide?The story concludes in Ooh Baby, Baby Part 3.



Where there's smoke…Darby Ridge, Oregon, had always been a welcome sanctuary for Janine Taylor, a refuge from a troubled past. But all that changed when fire swept through the isolated town, leaving fear and suspicion in its wake, and a mysterious stranger came to her door–a man who knew far more about that terrible tragedy than any stranger could….Keeping a boardinghouse had long accustomed Janine to dealing with disturbing characters, but she had never had a guest like Quinn Coulliard. For there was in this dark, dangerous man a strange, compelling gentleness that could draw a wild raven to him at a whispered command and awaken Janine's long-buried passions with a single mesmerizing glance….


DEAREST LUCY–When I first held you in my arms, I was Claire Davis, baby doctor. But soon I'll be «Mom.» You looked at me with your dark, magical eyes–Johnny Winterhawk's eyes–and you instantly became the child of my heart. Your daddy's an incredible man, Lucy. Surely, like you, Johnny is one of God's perfect creatures. As a man, he's handsome, powerful, noble. As your father, well, there are none better. When he learned of you, he took you into his heart and home without reserve. I love him, Lucy, and I love you. And that's why I've agreed to marry him. And although he doesn't yet realize he loves me, too, soon he will…


Successful, handsome Rick Blaine wanted to know everything about his lovely new employee Catrina Mitchell. What did she like? What made her laugh? But when Rick learned Catrina's daughter was the source of joy in Catrina's luscious brown eyes, his racing heart came to a screeching halt.Having a little girl look up at him with hopeful eyes scared him to death. Children were a lifetime commitment–and he was a confirmed bachelor.But Catrina wasn't so easy to forget…. Should Rick start mixing business with romance–and both with a baby?


Fabulous FathersTHE DADHis daughter was in love–with a dog! Richard Matthews had nothing against Rags, but the dog's owner, lovely C.J.Moray, was another matter. With a charming grin, she tempted him into very unfatherly thoughts….THE DAMSELC.J. saw Richard's struggle with fatherhood, and longed to help. But how?THE FAMILYOnce Richard saw the joy that C.J. brought, he didn't want her to go. Could he convince the wary woman that the best things in life start with two–and go on to four?Fabulous FathersHave more than enough to share!


FOR THE CHILDRENFATHER FOUNDTen years ago, Chessa Margolis thought one lie wouldn't hurt anyone. But when little Bobby tracked down the dad on his birth certificate, Nick Purcell appeared–claiming his newfound son! Chessa knew she and Nick had never actually met, but Bobby longed for a father, and Nick desperately wanted to be one. Yet she never thought they'd grow so close…and the last thing she expected was to fall for Nick herself….But the closer she and Nick became, the more Chessa had to lose. She knew before long she'd have to reveal the truth…and risk losing Nick….Sometimes families are made in the most unexpected way!


Marriage–For Baby's SakeWhen Laura Michaels tracked her wayward cat to millionaire Royce Burton's estate, she never dreamed her kitty would save her son. For Laura needed a powerful husband to keep custody of her baby–and Royce needed a wife. So the elusive entrepreneur and the down-on-her-luck lady struck a marriage deal–which would remain strictly business, of course.Except the newlyweds soon found their «hands-off» union did not account for the blossoming feelings developing between them. But Royce had no use for sugary sentiment and gooey emotions! Still, the lovely woman's haunting smile triggered an unfamiliar emotion in Royce–a burgeoning love?