
«Ужасные дети» – одно из ключевых и наиболее сложных произведений Кокто, о которых по сей день спорят литературоведы. Многослойная и многоуровневая история юных брата и сестры, отвергнувших «внешний» мир и создавших для себя странный, жестокий и прекрасный «мир Детской», существующий по собственным законам и ритуалам. Герои романа – Поль и Элизабет – с детства живут по правилам собственной игры, от которой ничто не может их отвлечь. И, взрослея, они продолжают жить в своем мире, который обречен на столкновение с миром реальным… Также в сборник входит знаменитая пьеса «Адская машина» и эссе «Дневник незнакомца», в которых, говоря о вдохновении, памяти, времени, дружбе, автор открывает нам свое истинное лицо.


«…Контракт был подписан легкомысленно; но ещё раньше, чем девушка достигла полного расцвета, она наполнила собой большую часть жизни Джона Хольдена. Для неё и для старой ведьмы – её матери – он снял маленький дом, из которого открывался вид на обнесённый красными стенами город. Когда ноготки зацвели у фонтана во дворе, когда Амира устроилась сообразно своим понятиям о комфорте, а её мать перестала ворчать на неудобства кухни, на дальность расстояния от рынка и вообще на разные домашние дела – он сделал открытие, что этот дом стал для него родным. Каждый мог и днём, и ночью войти в его бунгало холостяка, и жизнь, которую он вёл там, имела мало прелести…»


«Мы пятеро друзей, мы вышли однажды друг за дружкой из одного дома…»


Парижский Центральный рынок. Огромное, фантастическое, роскошное царство чревоугодия, над которым плывут умопомрачительные ароматы сыров и колбас, фруктов, цветов и сотен других произведений природы и поварского искусства. В этом царстве кипит жизнь – правят и соперничают бойкие красавицы торговки, подрастают маленькие гамены и их смешливые подружки, наживаются состояния, разносятся и упоенно смакуются сплетни, спорят о политике в кабачках. Именно здесь пытается укрыться от полиции бежавший с каторги и затерявшийся в бесконечном лабиринте парижских улиц молодой революционер Флоран. Но укроет ли его «чрево Парижа»?..


The Lees of Happiness – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). The Lees of Happiness is a was first published in the «Chicago Tribune,» and first published in book form in. A newlywed young woman named Roxanne and her short story-writing husband Jeffery begin married life in a home of their own, looking forward to many years of happiness and success. However, sudden tragedy strikes when Jeffery becomes blind and paralyzed due to a blood clot in his brain. Roxanne faithfully nurses him to no avail, supported by her Chicago friend Harry Cromwell. When Jeffery finally passes, Harry and Roxanne lean on each other for support as their lives take on new directions. Famous works of the author F. S. Fitzgerald: «This Side of Paradise», «The Beautiful and Damned», «The Great Gatsby», «Tender Is the Night», «The Last Tycoon», «The Diamond as Big as the Ritz», «May Day», «The Rich Boy», «The Curious Case of Benjamin Button», «The Offshore Pirate», «The Ice Palace», «Head and Shoulders», «The Cut-Glass Bowl», «Bernice Bobs Her Hair», «Benediction», «Tales of the Jazz Age».


The Jelly-Bean – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). This is a Southern story, with the setting laid in the small Lily of Tarleton, Georgia. Fitzgerald wrote that he had «a profound affection for Tarleton, but somehow whenever I write a story about it I receive letters from all over the South denouncing me in no uncertain terms.» Written shortly after his first novel was published, the author also collaborated with his wife on certain scenes. The story momentarily follows the life of a «jelly-bean», or idler, named Jim Powell. An invitation to a dance with the old crowd revives his dreams of social advancement and love, until the consequences of drink and power of money come through and ruin them. Famous works of the author F. S. Fitzgerald: «This Side of Paradise», «The Beautiful and Damned», «The Great Gatsby», «Tender Is the Night», «The Last Tycoon», «The Diamond as Big as the Ritz», «May Day», «The Rich Boy», «The Curious Case of Benjamin Button», «The Offshore Pirate», «The Ice Palace», «Head and Shoulders», «The Cut-Glass Bowl», «Bernice Bobs Her Hair», «Benediction», «Tales of the Jazz Age».


Tarquin of Cheapside – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). Written almost six years before being added to this collection, this story was written in Fitzgerald's undergraduate days at Princeton. Considerably revised, it was published in the «Smart Set» in 1921. At the time of its conception Fitzgerald had wanted to be a poet, and was interested in the ring of every phrase. This short story is told in narrative style. As the story opens the invisible narrator and reader are in the home of Wessel Caster. Wessel is reading The Faerie Queen when he is suddenly disturbed by frantic pounding at his front door. When Wessel opens the door he finds a man exhausted and frightened. The man, called «Soft shoes» by the narrator, quickly explains he is running for his life and needs a place to hide. Although Wessel has his concerns he decides to help Soft shoes into hiding and awaits the pursuers… All the while wondering what has caused this man to flee. Once the pursuers are gone the man demands the stranger explain, which he does in written form that Wessel begins to read aloud as the story comes to a close. Famous works of the author F. S. Fitzgerald: «This Side of Paradise», «The Beautiful and Damned», «The Great Gatsby», «Tender Is the Night», «The Last Tycoon», «The Diamond as Big as the Ritz», «May Day», «The Rich Boy», «The Curious Case of Benjamin Button», «The Offshore Pirate», «The Ice Palace», «Head and Shoulders», «The Cut-Glass Bowl», «Bernice Bobs Her Hair», «Benediction», «Tales of the Jazz Age».


Porcelain and Pink – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). “Porcelain and Pink” is a comic one-act play. The plot involves a young woman in a bathtub and a case of mistaken identity. Originally appearing in the January 1920 issue of The Smart Set, “Porcelain and Pink” was the earliest of the stories Fitzgerald would later reprint in a book-length collection. The story is a bit of a lark, a one-act burlesque that opens with a splendidly droll parody of stage directions, featuring a blue porcelain bathtub. Famous works of the author F. S. Fitzgerald: «This Side of Paradise», «The Beautiful and Damned», «The Great Gatsby», «Tender Is the Night», «The Last Tycoon», «The Diamond as Big as the Ritz», «May Day», «The Rich Boy», «The Curious Case of Benjamin Button», «The Offshore Pirate», «The Ice Palace», «Head and Shoulders», «The Cut-Glass Bowl», «Bernice Bobs Her Hair», «Benediction», «Tales of the Jazz Age».


Oh Russet Witch! – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). This story was written just after the author completed the first draft of his second novel. However it may seem, the story was supposed to be in the present time/tense. It was published in the «Metropolitan». At the end of the story, Merlin deeply regrets not following his dreams. Caroline represents the life that Merlin always wanted, but he chooses to ignore these dreams. Merlin convinces himself that Caroline is nothing more than a witch that appears only to tempt him away from the safe life he has chosen. However, as soon as this false illusion of Caroline is shattered, Merlin falls apart. As an old man, Merlin finally realizes that he has not pursued any of his dreams and therefore his whole life has been a waste. Famous works of the author F. S. Fitzgerald: «This Side of Paradise», «The Beautiful and Damned», «The Great Gatsby», «Tender Is the Night», «The Last Tycoon», «The Diamond as Big as the Ritz», «May Day», «The Rich Boy», «The Curious Case of Benjamin Button», «The Offshore Pirate», «The Ice Palace», «Head and Shoulders», «The Cut-Glass Bowl», «Bernice Bobs Her Hair», «Benediction», «Tales of the Jazz Age».


Mr. Icky – one of the stories, which entered in a collection of eleven short stories by F. Scott Fitzgerald «Tales of the Jazz Age» (1922). Mr. Icky is a whimsical and lighthearted play written by F. Scott Fitzgerald centered around a man named Mr. Icky. In a quick and droll manner, interactions between the cast summarize several pivotal moments in Mr. Icky's life. The story starts with Mr. Icky beginning to converse with a young boy, and shortly after, a suitor searching for Mr. Icky's daughter arrives on the scene desiring her hand in marriage. The play continues to show the resolution of that situation, and also the event of Mr. Icky's other children leaving home and the impact it has on him. Fitzgerald's writing style in Mr. Icky is difficult to analyze as almost the entire story is comprised of character discussion. However, I would label his writing as very casual and humorous. It is obvious that Fitzgerald put effort into making sure the aura of the story was lighthearted and funny. Famous works of the author F. S. Fitzgerald: «This Side of Paradise», «The Beautiful and Damned», «The Great Gatsby», «Tender Is the Night», «The Last Tycoon», «The Diamond as Big as the Ritz», «May Day», «The Rich Boy», «The Curious Case of Benjamin Button», «The Offshore Pirate», «The Ice Palace», «Head and Shoulders», «The Cut-Glass Bowl», «Bernice Bobs Her Hair», «Benediction», «Tales of the Jazz Age».