
Auch gut 200 Jahre nach Jacques Offenbachs Geburtstag am 20.6.1819 ist die Forschung zu Richard Wagners deutsch-französischem Antipoden des Musiktheaters des 19. Jahrhunderts noch immer geprägt von einem Übergewicht an Untersuchungen zu seiner Biografie und zu den Libretti seiner Opern. Anatol Stefan Riemer nimmt hier erstmals die Kompositionstechnik Jacques Offenbachs detailliert in den Blick. Als Ausgangspunkt der Analysen dient dessen Große romantische Oper Die Rheinnixen, die im Jahr 1864 Wagners Tristan und Isolde vom Spielplan der Wiener Hofoper verdrängt und nicht zuletzt interessante Einblicke in Offenbachs Technik der Erinnerungsmotivik jenseits von Wagners Leitmotivik ermöglicht.


This edition is comprised of the most important legal documents in early American history which are considered instrumental to its founding and philosophy: The United States Declaration of Independence The Constitution and Bill of Rights. Also included The Federalist Papers and Inaugural Speeches from the first three American presidents our Founding Fathers. Their words provide additional insights on how the American identity was shaped. Discover the real roots of the present day Government. Table of Contents: Declaration of Independence (1776) U.S. Constitution (1787) Bill of Rights (1791) Amendments (1792-1991) The Federalist Papers (1787-1788) Inaugural Speeches: George Washington (1789, 1793) John Adams (1797) Thomas Jefferson (1801, 1805)


"The History of France " in 6 volumes is a comprehensive account of French history from its earliest beginnings in Gaul to 1789 written by the French historian and statesman François Guizot. According to the author's opinion, there are, in the history of peoples, two sets of causes essentially different, and, at the same time, closely connected; the natural causes which are set over the general course of events, and the unrestricted causes which are incidental. The fated causes and the unrestricted causes, the defined laws of events and the spontaneous actions of man's free agency – herein is the whole of history. This carefully edited collection has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Table of Contents: Gaul The Romans in Gaul Gaul Conquered by Julius Caesar Establishment of Christianity in Gaul The Germans in Gaul, the Franks and Clovis The Merovingians Charlemagne and His Wars The Crusades, Their Origin and Their Success… Volume 2: The Crusades, Their Decline and End The Kingship in France The Hundred Years' War, Philip VI and John II The Hundred Years' War, Charles V Volume 3: The Hundred Years' War, Charles VII and Joan of Arc (1422-1461) Louis XI (1461-1483) The Wars of Italy, Charles VIII (1483-1498) The Wars in Italy, Louis XII (1498-1515) Volume 4: Francis I and Charles V Francis I and the Reformation Henry II (1547-1559) Charles IX and the Religious Wars (1560-1574) Henry III and the Religious Wars (1574-1589)… Volume 5: Henry IV, Protestant King (1589-1593) Henry IV, Catholic King (1593-1610) Louis XIII, Richelieu, Catholics and Protestants Louis XIII, Cardinal Richelieu, and Foreign Affairs Louis XIV, His Wars and His Conquests 1661-1697 Volume 6: Louis XV, the Ministry of Cardinal Fleury, 1723-1748 Louis XV, the Seven Years' War Louis XVI, France Abroad – United States' War Louis XVI, France at Home – Ministry of M. Necker Louis XVI, Convocation of the States General 1787-1789


Six years ago I met a young colored man, a college student recently returned from Germany where he had been engaged in graduate work. He was born, he told me, in one of the Gulf States, and I questioned him as to whether he intended going back to the South to teach. His answer was in the negative. «My father has attained success in his native state,» he said, «but when I ceased to be a boy, he advised me to live in the North where my manhood would be respected. He himself cannot continually endure the position in which he is placed, and in the summer he comes North to be a man. No,» correcting himself, "to be half a man. A Negro is wholly a man only in Europe. Half a man! During the six years that I have been in touch with the problem of the Negro in New York this characterization has grown in significance to me. I have endeavored to know the life of the Negro as I know the life of the white American, and I have learned that while New York at times gives full recognition to his manhood, again, its race prejudice arrests his development as certainly as severe poverty arrests the development of the tenement child. Perhaps a study of this shifting attitude on the part of the dominant race, and of the Negro's reaction under it, may not be unimportant; for the color question cannot be ignored in America, nor should the position taken by her largest city be overlooked.


"Between the sterner flights of logic, I have sought to set some little alightings of what may be poetry. They are tributes to Beauty, unworthy to stand alone; yet perversely, in my mind, now at the end, I know not whether I mean the Thought for the Fancy—or the Fancy for the Thought, or why the book trails off to playing, rather than standing strong on unanswering fact. But this is alway—is it not?—the Riddle of Life." Contents: Credo The Shadow of Year A Litany at Atlanta The Souls of White Folk The Riddle of the Sphinx The Hands of Ethiopia The Princess of the Hither Isles Of Work and Wealth The Second Coming "The Servant in the House" Jesus Christ in Texas Of the Ruling of Men The Call The Damnation of Women Children of the Moon The Immortal Child Almighty Death Of Beauty and Death The Prayers of God The Comet A Hymn to the Peoples


The Consciousness of the Atom is a series of lectures of Alice Bailey which guides the reader through her Theosophist theory. Theory is based on contemporary scientific discoveries regarding the atom, philosophy and both Eastern and Western religions, applying what is known about the atom to the cosmos, the solar system and to humankind. In Bailey's teaching, God is not definitely defined as existing in the biblical sense, but as a force of energy.


La presente obra ofrece un marco teórico-práctico de la Educación Física y su adaptación al alumnado con Necesidades Educativas Especiales, concretamente referidas a las derivadas de déficit físico, intelectuales o motores. El contenido se divide en dos grandes bloques. En el primero se recogen, en forma de manual, las bases teóricas sobre las tres áreas de conocimientos que interactúan en la didáctica de la Educación Física y el alumnado con discapacidad: la Educación Física, la Educación Especial y la Didáctica. La segunda parte se dedica a la intervención educativa desde la escuela referida concretamente a la Educación Física y a la atención del alumnado con discapacidad. Las orientaciones didácticas que se proponen en el libro no son un recetario, sino una guía para orientar el trabajo docente, ya sea tanto en la escuela ordinaria como en la especial, con el propósito de que el alumno con discapacidad pueda tomar parte activa en la sesión de Educación Física.


"Homes of the London Poor" is both a personal recollection and a social study by Octavia Hill. When Hill began her work, the model dwelling movement had been in existence for twenty years, royal and select committees had sat to examine the problems of urban well-being, and the first of many tranches of legislation aimed at improving working class housing had been passed. From Hill's point of view these had all failed the poorest members of the working class, the unskilled labourers. She found that their landlords routinely ignored their obligations towards their tenants, and that the tenants were too ignorant and oppressed to better themselves. She tried to find new homes for her charges, but there was a severe shortage of available property, and Hill decided that her only solution was to become a landlord herself. In consequence of her diligent work and prudent management, by 1874 she had 15 housing schemes with around 3,000 tenants. Hill's system was based on closely managing not only the buildings but the tenants. She maintained close personal contact with all her tenants, and was strongly opposed to impersonal bureaucratic organizations and to governmental intervention in housing.


This carefully edited collection presents the lives of the most influential explorers of North America: Eric the Red, Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, Amerigo Vespucci, Vasco Núñez de Balboa, Jacques Cartier, Henry Hudson and Samuel de Champlain.


Prepare yourslef for discoveries and new adventures with this incredible book about the true origin of wanderlust. This edition forms a complete history of the earliest start and progress of navigation, discovery, and commerce, by sea and land, from the earliest ages to the early 19th century. First part of the work covers voyages and travels of discovery in the middle ages; from the era of Alfred, King of England, in the ninth century to that of Don Henry of Portugal at the commencement of the fourteenth century. Second part deals with general voyages and travels chiefly of discovery; from the era of Don Henry, in 1412, to that of George III. in 1760. The rest of the work has some particular voyages and travels arranged in systematic order, Geographical and Chronological, and studies voyages during the era of George III conducted upon scientific principles, by which the Geography of the globe has been nearly perfected.