
This book brings stories from George Müller's preaching tours on which he spread the word of God's around the world. In nine long missionary tours Müller has preached and led in the providence of God citizens of Switzerland, Germany, Holland, France, Spain, Italy, Canada, the United States, Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Asia Minor, Turkey, Greece, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Russia, and Poland. "Before the perusal of this book is entered upon, it seems desirable that I should myself state to the reader, what led me to undertake these missionary tours. It may be well to refer also to the objects I had particularly in view in connection with them; to mention how far the desired result has been attained; and to notice a few other points relating to these journeys."


The Conquest of the American Continent; or, The Expansion of Races in America is a eugenicist work by an American lawyer and biologist Madison Grant. The book deals with the settlement of American continent throughout the centuries, and with migrations of different tribes and racial groups to and from America.


"The History of the Conquest of Canada" in 2 volumes is one of the best-known works by George Warburton that features the beginning of the European interest in the northern parts of the American continent. Starting in the late 15th century, French and British expeditions explored, colonized, and fought over various places within North America in what constitutes present-day Canada. The colony of New France was claimed in 1534 with permanent settlements beginning in 1608. Although the English had laid claims to it in 1497 when John Cabot made landfall somewhere on the North American coast and had claimed the land for England on behalf of Henry VII these claims were not exercised and England did not attempt to create a permanent colony. As for the French, however, Jacques Cartier planted a cross in the Gaspé Peninsula in 1534 and claimed the land in the name of Francis I, creating a region called «Canada» the following summer.


American Eloquence in 4 volumes presents a study in American political history and it contains a selection of great speeches of American statesmen showing the spirit and motives which have triggered these leaders throughout several phases of American history. The work divides history of United States in 9 stages: Colonialism, Constitutional Government, the Rise of Democracy, the Rise of Nationality, the Slavery struggle, Secession, Civil War and Reconstruction, Free Trade and Protection, and Civil Service Reform. Each of these is marked by important orations of nation's great leaders, from Colonialism and orations of Alexander Hamilton, through Anti-Slavery speeches of John Quincy Adams and Abraham Lincoln to Free Trade and Reform era and lectures of Henry Clay and George William Curtis.


The Greek Philosophers in two volumes is a work by British agnostic A. W. Benn. It represents a history of Greek philosophy in ancient times, along with the reference to the influence that ancient thought had on the development of modern philosophy. Stretching from early Greek thought to Neo-Platonism, the survey covers the works of Greek Humanist, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, The Stoics, Epicurus, The Sceptics and Eclectics, Plotinus and more.


This book represents a history study by Dean C. Worcester, Philippine Commission member who at that point held the position of Secretary of the Interior of the Philippine Islands. Worcester was an avid photographer during his time in the Philippines and his photographs had a profound influence in shaping public opinion in the United States about the «exotic» Filipinos. In this work Worcester again used the power of his photography to depict «primitive» Filipinos juxtaposed with photos of the modern infrastructure brought by the Americans, particularly during his own tenure as Secretary of the Interior.


"The History of the Ancient Civilizations" in 6 volumes is one of the best-known works by historian Max Duncker. The author's object in regard to the ancient East was not to retrace the beginning of human civilization, but rather to understand and establish the value and extent of those early phases of civilization to which the entire development of the human race goes back. The narrative embraces the independent civilizations of the ancient East which came to exercise a mutual influence on each other. First it follows the realm on the Nile and the kingdoms of Hither Asia as far as the point where the nations of Iran began to influence their destinies, and then it attempts to set forth the peculiar development of the Aryan tribes in the valleys of the Indus and the Ganges, down to the times of Tshandragupta and Asoka. Then follows the history of the Bactrians, the Medes, and the Persians, until the period when the nations of the table-land of Iran were united by Cyrus and Darius with the countries of Western Asia, when Aryan life and Aryan civilization gained the supremacy over the whole region from Ceylon to the Nile and the Hellespont. The forms of life at which the great empires of Asia had arrived are finally brought face to face with the more youthful civilization attained by the Hellenes in their mountain cantons. This new development is followed down to the first great shock when East and West met in conflict, and the Achaemenids sought to crush the Hellenes under the weight of Asia. With the failure of this attempt «The History of Antiquity» concludes.


"Andrés dice estar convencido de que la mayoría de los problemas y conflictos del ser humano son de naturaleza filosófica, más que psicológica. Dicho desde mi punto de vista, el mundo de la psicología y las diferentes formas de relación de ayuda, tienen ante sí el desafío de evocar más los valores como claves de afrontamiento de las dificultades. El mundo del malestar del ser humano no se agota en lo emocional. Su abordaje y eventual superación no se queda en la mera validación del mundo de los sentimientos. Los valores son potenciales sanadores del ser humano sufriente y de los grupos que atraviesan conflictos". Del prólogo de José Carlos Bermejo.


"A Voyage to the South Sea" is an interesting and thrilling autobiographical account by the Royal Navy Vice-Admiral William Bligh of the naval expedition of HMS Bounty under his command, including the mutiny against him that happened in 1789. In order to win a premium offered by the Royal Society, Bligh first sailed to Tahiti to obtain breadfruit trees, then set course east across the South Pacific for South America and the Cape Horn and eventually to the Caribbean Sea, where breadfruit was wanted for experiments to see whether it would be a successful food crop for African slaves there on British colonial plantations in the West Indies islands. However, The Bounty never reached the Caribbean, as mutiny broke out on board shortly after the ship left Tahiti. The reasons behind the mutiny are still debated. After being set adrift in Bounty's launch by the mutineers, Bligh and his loyal men were forced to start a completely new and an adventurous journey of their own…


This eBook edition of « The Pictures of German Life Throughout History» has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Volume 1: Scenes from the Hussite War (1425): Emigration of Germans to the east after the thirteenth century Contrast of the Bohemians… A German Lady of the Royal Court: Life at Court The last of the Luxemburgers The Hungarian Crown… A Travelling Student: Characteristics of the fifteenth century Introductions in the sixteenth century The Latin schools, the children of the people as scholars… The Mental Struggles of a Youth, and his Entrance into a Monastery (1510): The church Brotherhoods; Indulgences… Out of the Cloister into the Struggle (1522): The storm among the people Luther's popularity Narrative of Johann Kessler… Doctor Luther (1517 to 1546): Three letters to the Pope Luther as a writer Activity of his latter years… German Princes at the Imperial Diet (1547): Luther and Charles V. The Roman Empire Weakness of the Imperial power Alliance of the German opposition with France… A Burgher Family: Insight into the lower circles of German life Social superiority of the Protestant provinces… The Marriage and Housekeeping of a Young Student: Position of women in the middle ages Marriage considered as an alliance between families… Of a Patrician House (1526 to 1598): Hans Schweinichen's account of the riches of the Fuggers… German Nobility in the Sixteenth Century: False position in the nation Transition to modern life… German Ideas of the Devil in the Sixteenth Century… Volume 2: The Thirty Years' War (1618 to 1648) Life and Manners of the Soldiers The Villagers and their Pastors Clippers of Money and Public Opinion The Cities The Peace (1650) Rogues and Adventurers Engagement and Marriage at Court (1661) Of the Homes of German Citizens German Life at the Baths in the Seventeenth Century Jesuits and Jews The Wasunger War (1747)…