
This edition contains three studies which seem to me to be necessary prolegomena to that analysis of the sexual instinct which must form the chief part of an investigation into the psychology of sex. The first sketches the main outlines of a complex emotional state which is of fundamental importance in sexual psychology; the second, by bringing together evidence from widely different regions, suggests a tentative explanation of facts that are still imperfectly known; the third attempts to show that even in fields where we assume our knowledge to be adequate a broader view of the phenomena teaches us to suspend judgment and to adopt a more cautious attitude. So far as they go, these studies are complete in themselves; their special use, as an introduction to a more comprehensive analysis of sexual phenomena, is that they bring before us, under varying aspects, a characteristic which, though often ignored, is of the first importance in obtaining a clear understanding of the facts: the tendency of the sexual impulse to appear in a spontaneous and to some extent periodic manner, affecting women differently from men. This is a tendency which, later, I hope to make still more apparent, for it has practical and social, as well as psychological, implications. Here—and more especially in the study of those spontaneous solitary manifestations which I call auto-erotic—I have attempted to clear the ground, and to indicate the main lines along which the progress of our knowledge in these fields may best be attained.


Existem muitos livros sobre a riqueza, mas muitos não contam a verdade completamente.A maioria propõe padrões de riquezas rápidos e fáceis, que não funcionam (nem mesmo para o autor). E outros transformam a vida das pessoas em um inferno de listas inacabáveis com tarefas que não atacam a raiz do problema.Este livro está estruturado da seguinte maneira: três capítulos principais, os ímpares, que contém as três sementes das três árvores do dinheiro. Cada um destes três capítulos contém, por sua vez, sete esquemas de riqueza a serem implementados na sua mentalidade. Em total, encontrará 21 chaves ou esquemas de riqueza. O suficiente para revolucionar a sua economia.Pronto para as três sementes (impressões mentais) e os 21 esquemas (estratégias)? Ainda pensa que o dinheiro não cresce em árvores?


Este libro ofrece, en un solo volumen, las modalidades deportivas más habituales, sin dejar de lado las actividades en la naturaleza, adaptadas para las personas con discapacidad. El lector encontrará una amplia variedad de recursos, desarrollados por especialistas de cada disciplina, para la iniciación deportiva tanto en un entorno inclusivo como en un grupo formado exclusivamente por personas con discapacidad. Los contenidos están agrupados en función de las discapacidades físicas, visuales e intelectuales, teniendo presente tanto, las modalidades deportivas convencionales adaptadas, como las modalidades deportivas específicas de cada discapacidad, ofreciendo así un amplio catálogo de actividades que serán útiles en diversos entornos. Esta obra es una herramienta de gran valor para el día a día de los educadores, técnicos deportivos y demás personas vinculadas con la educación física y el deporte.


The History of Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression presents a compilation of documentary facts and resources prepared by the American and British prosecuting teams for presentation before the International Military Tribunal at Nurnberg, Germany in the case of the major trial against German officers of the Third Reich.


The Trial and Execution of Mark and Phillis, Slaves of Capt. John Codman is a record from the trial of two slaves who murdered their master at Charlestown, Massachsetts, in 1755. The outcome of the trial was the death sentence for both; the man was hanged and gibbeted, and the woman was burned to death. The record also includes few other cases of punishments by burning in Massachusetts.


This edition in four volumes is a record of Napoleon's last years spent on the island of Saint Helena, documented by comte de Las Cases, Napoleons servant and unofficial secretary in exile. Las Cases began his journal on June 20, 1815, two days after Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo, and continued it until his expulsion from St. Helena on orders of the island's governor, Hudson Lowe, at the end of the following year. The core of the work transcribes Las Cases' near-daily conversations with the former Emperor on his life, his career, his political philosophy, and the conditions of his exile. The work entered the popular imagination as something like Napoleon's own personal and political testament, and as such became a founding text in the development of the Napoleon cult and the ideology of Bonapartism.


The Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian Faith is series of messages Dr. Torrey preached to his congregation which are basically a classic defense for the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. These sermons have already helped many through their delivery. Now the author hopes they will reach and help far more in the printed form. Inspiration or To What Extent is the Bible Inspired of God? The Christian Conception of God, or the God of the Bible as Distinguished from the God of Christian Science and the God of Modern Philosophy The Christian Conception of God—The Infinite Perfection and Unity of God The Deity of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ a Real Man The Personality of the Holy Spirit The Deity of the Holy Spirit and the Distinction Between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit The Atonement: God's Doctrine of the Atonement vs. Unitarian and Christian Science Doctrines of the Atonement The Distinctive Doctrine of Protestantism: Justification by Faith The New Birth Sanctification The Resurrection of the Body of Jesus and of Our Bodies The Devil Is There a Literal Hell? Is Future Punishment Everlasting?


"My Childhood's Days in Slavery" is an autobiographical account of Annie L. Burton, African-American memoirist from Alabama. Burton was born into slavery on a plantation near Clayton, and was liberated in childhood by the Union Army. Her father was a white man from Liverpool, England, who owned a nearby plantation and died in Alabama, in 1875. Moving North in 1879, she was among the earliest Black emigrants there from the South during the post-Civil War era, supporting herself in Boston and New York by working as a laundress and as a cook. In her autobiography, published in 1909, Burton relates that the end of slavery not only signaled a time for African Americans to start a new life, but also a time to redefine their lives.


This carefully edited collection has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Table of Contents: Autobiography The Naval War of 1812 Hero Tales from American History The Winning of the West Through the Brazilian Wilderness Letters to His Children The Rough Riders A Book-Lover's Holidays in the Open Hunting The Grisly And Other Sketches America and the World War Average Americans The Strenuous Life Expansion and Peace Fellow-Feeling as Political Factor Character & Success History as Literature Biological Analogies in History The World Movement The Thraldom of Names Productive Scholarship Dante and the Bowery The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century The Search for Truth in a Reverent Spirit The Ancient Irish Sagas An Art Exhibition The Duties of American Citizenship Professionalism in Sports Practical Work in Politics Resignation Letter Colonel Roosevelt's Reports Strength & Decency The Square Deal Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech The Man With the Muck Rake Sons of the Puritans Where We Can Work With Socialists Where We Cannot Work With Socialists Citizenship in a Republic (the Man in the Arena) International Peace The New Nationalism Duty & Self-control The Right of the People to Rule I Have Just Been Shot Address to the Boys Progressive League Address to the Knights of Columbus


The Art of Aubrey Beardsley is a study about English artist and illustrator Aubrey Beardsley, written by British editor and critic Arthur Symons. The book includes biographical essay and numerous illustrations by the artist. Beardsley's drawings in black ink, influenced by the style of Japanese woodcuts, emphasized the grotesque, the decadent, and the erotic. He was a leading figure in the aesthetic movement which also included Oscar Wilde and James McNeill Whistler.