
One of a series of pulp Western novels by Max Brand featuring Silvertip, a heroic lone rider who metes out justice to various wrong-doers he runs across in his travels. <P> “No pulp writer was more prolific than Frederick Faust, who wrote nearly 15 million words under the pen name of Max Brand and seventeen others. He sold all his stories and sometimes wrote complete issues of Western Story Magazine.” – The Incredible Pulps


The hooded Faceless Riders had spread a trail of terror and death along the Rio Grande. Striking where they were least expected, the outlaw band had thrown the whole territory into panic. And the toll from their guns was overflowing Boot Hill.<P>
As the ace undercover Ranger Walt Slade rode into the Border country, he knew that only one man could rod a gang so ruthlessly. And that man was Slade's bitter arch-enemy Veck Sosna, the cleverest, most notorious outlaw Slade had ever faced! <P> Slade knew that the stakes were high. For if he didn't beat Sosna the whole Border country would crumble from law and order into the chaos of gun justice. And he knew, too, that if he lost this battle it would be his last. For there was another tombstone waiting in Boot Hill, marked with an S – Slade or Sosna!


The Fourth Murray MEGAPACK® explores the works of Murray Leinster (the pseudonym used by William F. Jenkins for much of his genre work). If you’ve made it this far in the series, we assume you have already read the intros in previous volumes about Jenkins/Leinster and know how prolific he was, penning more than a thousand short works and dozens of novels over his long career. This volume showcases 3 of his science fiction novellas and 9 of his mainstream stories (all published under his Jenkins byline) – including his very first story, which leads off the volume. Included are:<P> SCIENCE FICTION:<BR> Doctor<BR> Third Planet<BR> If You Was a Moklin<P> OTHER WORKS:<BR> My Neighbor<BR> Crazy Marriage<BR> Ending With Honor<BR> George Is a Noble Guy<BR> Side Bet<BR> Trailing Trouble<BR> Vixen<BR> The General Was an Honest Man<BR> White Man’s Burden<BR> Crazy Marriage<BR> The Skipper<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!


Jake Kilgore was defending the son of the territory's richest and most powerful man. The charge – MURDER!<P> McCandless crossed the cell.<P> "It was bad enough that you brought that girl out there," he cried. «But to give her your mother’s ring! The Lucero ring! Harry, why? Why? The Lucero blood goes back for three hundred years in this land. Is this what it comes down to? This cell, the gallows out in the yard? Is this the end of the McCandless line?»<P> He groaned and turned to Kilgore with fierce eyes of hatred. «Stop 'em, Kilgore! Stop ’em or I will! If they touch one hair of my boy’s head, I’ll kill 'em – the whole pack! There was blood once in this land. Blood will run again! I swear it on my soul, on my hope for redemption.»


At a time when volcanoes were being born in what is now New Mexico, clans of hunter-gatherers were already living in the Great Plains. Primordial beasts roamed the land: creatures like the giant sloth, the flat-faced bear, the woolly mammoth, and the dire wolf hunted there, often coming into conflict with their two-legged prey.<P> When Do-na-ti reaches adulthood, he slays the badger for his ceremonial cloak. By wedding E-lo-ni, he unites their clans. Together they must face battle with dire wolves, a stampede of mammoths that destroys their lodge, and the birth of a new volcano, fulfilling an old woman's prophecy and Do-na-ti's conviction that his son must become brother to the mountain.<P> "Mayhar has a way of drawing the reader seamlessly into her historical narratives. You can smell the breath of the dire wolf as it closes in for the kill!" – Robert Reginald


The terse command cracked through Texas Ranger headquarters like a rifle shot – and no one had to be told that the most dangerous assignment ever handed out was custom-made for the coolest lawman of them all, Walt Slade!<P> For a hot, bloody week Slade haunted the trail of the vicious outlaw whose senseless cruelties shocked El Paso. One by one he whittled down Juan Covelo’s gang of killers, but always the black-hooded leader escaped his blazing irons.<P> Now Slade knew that he was up against an outlaw every bit as fiendish and elusive as his arch-enemy Veck Sosna. When the Ranger ace fingered his guns and stepped into Coveto’s hillside hideout he was grimly prepared for a deadly duel in the dark that meant either his own death or a killer’s doom!


Wildside Press is pleased to present another great collection of 4 western novels. This time, included are:<P> "WHIP" RYDER'S WAY, by Grant Taylor<BR> LOGAN, by Evan Hall<BR> STIR UP THE DUST, by William Colt MacDonald<BR> THE DESERT TRAIL, by Dane Coolidge<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 280+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!


TEXAS GUNSMOKE!<P> When Dr. Nicholas Blasingame joins his cousin Alicia and her husband in East Texas, he is scarred from political battles in Baltimore, where he lost his efforts at reform. In this new place he hopes to practice medicine and rebuild his life without conflict. Unfortunately, he finds political corruption as deeply entrenched in Moreno, Texas, as it was in Baltimore, this time in the hands of the elected officials, including the sheriff.<P> Joining Alicia and Bart in their efforts to prevent abuse and outright theft, he finds himself threatened along with his kin. The only way he can handle this is by forgetting his life-long reluctance to take up arms and to accept the help of some unlikely allies.<P>
"I'm continually amazed at Mayhar's ability to draw the reader seamlessly into her historical narratives. You can smell the gunpowder in this one!"-Robert Reginald


When the Stonor family joins the last wagon train to Oregon in the 1840s, little do they realize that disaster awaits. Suddenly 17-year-old Maryla Stonor is left to fend for herself in the mountains of Wyoming, just before the onset of winter. And even if she does survive the endless blizzards and numbing cold, when spring finally arrives, how will she find her way back to civilization? A gripping tale of survival.


The Hartleys live on Texas land an ancestor received in a grant from the king of Spain, and they value their trees only slightly less than the members of their family. Beau Hartley continually has run-ins with Gaitor Morfew, youngest of a clan of troublemakers, who accuses Beau's brother Andy of being the timber pirate troubling the area. Beau joins Andy in searching for an illegal logging crew, but when Andy disappears in the same swamp that claimed the life of their Dad, Beau is left with a series of unanswered questions. Who’s pirating the timber on their land, and how can he clear Andy's name of the crime? It takes a devastating forest fire to resolve his dilemma.