
When their parents, the owners and performers of the Gannelli Family Circus, are murdered by a Yankee Captain in rural Arkansas during the Civil War, young Gian-Carlo and his cousin Magda barely escape with their lives into the surrounding woods. From then on, they have only one purpose in life: a VENDETTA against the Union officer. Their cat-and-mouse game finally reaches its climax in East Texas. Will this be their final performance?


The author of sixty-two books, more than forty of them published commercially, Ardath Mayhar (1930-2012) began her career in the early 1980s with science fiction novels from Doubleday and TSR. Atheneum published several of her young adult and children’s novels. Changing focus, she wrote westerns (as Frank Cannon) and mountain man novels (as John Killdeer), four prehistoric Indian books under her own name, and historical western High Mountain Winter under the byline Frances Hurst.<P> This collection – which features 27 fantasy & science fiction stories – was originally published in paperback as «The Methodist Bobcat and Other Tales.» Included are:<P> THE METHODIST BOBCAT<BR> THE LYCH ROAD<BR> THE VEAULES<BR> MAY BANKED FIRES RISE ANEW<BR> THE GUARDIANS OF THE SHRINE<BR> ARPEGGIA'S DEATHSONG<BR> THE PLACE OF THE ANCIENTS<BR> OLD MAN, BAD SCENE<BR> THE SWAMP RUNNER<BR> FATE HAS THREE FACES<BR> MINDBEND<BR> IN THE LONE GRAY<BR> THE DAY OF THE DRUM<BR> DEEP WOODS LADY<BR> WELCOME TO SHIARA<BR> THE LAST PAS SEUL<BR> MY FRIEND EDDY<BR> THE FACE IN THE FOG<BR> NORTHER<BR> PER CASTANEA<BR> THE BLUE-FIRED COW-KILLING CRAZIES<BR> PURSUIT<BR> LALIQUE<BR> THIS IS THE NIGHT!<BR> STONE CIRCLES<BR> CONFLICT<BR> NIGHT SONG<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!


When Katharine's father dies in 1864, leaving her destitute, her cousin «sells» her to the beastly One-Eye Murray. She then flees west into the wilderness, but One-Eye hires Sun-Shot O'Neill to track the girl across the wasteland to «save» his investment.<P>
"A classic tale of survival against all odds, Lone Runner is a superb cat-and-mouse western suspense tale filled with tension, poignancy, and gritty realism"–Robert Reginald.


George Fitch, an ex-Civil War soldier, is summoned to his parents' New Mexico homestead. He arrives accompanied by an ancient Indian medicine man and two trappers, to find that his mother's cousin, on a neighboring homestead, is methodically depopulating the valley. The great railroad barons are stealing huge tracts of land, using imported gunslingers to run off or murder the legitimate homesteaders.<P>
Only George, his three friends, his mother, his father (lamed by a previous attack), and a very old and determined black lady remain to defend the Fitch ranch. Using inventiveness, skill, and pure grit, this small group rallies what help can be found and faces down the opposition. It’s do or die as the Feud at Sweetwater Creek finally comes to a head.<P>
"A fantastic western, with well-drawn characters, a strong sense of the post-Civil War environment, and plenty of shoot-'em-up action. Once again Mayhar just blows us away!"—Robert Reginald.


“Silvertip” was what men called him, since the other names he chose to wear were as shifting as the sands of the desert; but he was more like a great stag than a grizzly. For he was built heavy to the waist; below, he was as slender as any swift-running deer. Yet the nickname was no accident. Above his young face, high up in the hair over his temples, appeared two tufts of gray that at times and in certain lights had the look of small horns. For this reason the Mexicans were apt to call him “El Diablo,” but Americans knew him as Silvertip, which they shortened often to Silver, or Tip.


The 8th Western Novel MEGAPACK® presents four more classic western novels…almost 700 pages of action-packed, quick-draw reading! Here are:<P> A KILLER'S BARGAIN, by Dean Owen<BR> It was too late for Holden to run…and suicide to stay!<P> CHEYENNE SATURDAY, by Richard Jessup<BR> He didn't know who was the more savage…the girl or the circling Indians!<P> PARADE TRAIL, by William Byron Mowery<BR> Fleeing robbery and murder charges, Gary Frazier heads into British Columbia – but he's only one step ahead of the Mounties. One of Mowery's best and most exciting books, full of thrilling North-Eastern action!<P> RIMROCK TRAIL, by J. Allan Dunn<BR> A tale of «The Three Musketeers of the Range» and their new Three Star Ranch.<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!


Leslie Ernenwein (1900-1961) was a prolific, Spur award-winning author of westerns, penning more than 25 novels and well over 130 short stories. He also worked as a feature writer for the Tucson Daily Citizen. Included in this volume are 4 of his classic novels:<P> HIGH GUN… It was called Apache Basin, this raw, rough lonely land where the bones of many violently dead men had bleached white beneath a scorching sun. Against Apache Basin Jim Modeen pitted himself – pitted his renegade streak, his cavalry courage, his hard-won savvy of wilderness danger.... And pitted his gun!<P> THE GUN-HUNG MEN (Spur Award Winning Novel!)… Men who slapped leather for a living and when they threw their irons into the border war it meant only one thing – hell itself on the range!<P> TRIGGER JUSTICE… Jeff Tennant had been in Yuma prison on a brand-blotting charge. Now he was back at Tonto flats, fitted out with a new gun belt and holster, ready to fight for revenge and his plundered homestead.against a quick-trigger gang of killers!<P> THE FARO KID… All his life, Steve Rennevant would remember that night in Cheyenne when he killed two men. The crowded saloon. The uproar at the poker table. A derringer blasting the player down. He had drawn and fired—fast.<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 290+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!


The Seventh Western Novel MEGAPACK® presents four more great westerns:<P> BLAZING TRAILS, by Francis W. Hilton. What happens when a cow-puncher with a lightning fast draw carries out his dying uncle's last wish?<br> INDIAN BEEF, by Harold Channing Wire. When young Barnet trail-bosses cattle north to an Indian reservation, rival cattlemen resort to low trickery to beat him to the market. Fugitive Indians, outlaws, and spies in his crew add to Barnet's troubles!<br> GUNS OF CIRCLE 8, by Paul Durst (writing as Jeff Cochran). A good old-fashioned shootout caps this rip-roaring western adventure!<br> THREE-CORNERED WAR, by Richard Wormser. Between the outlaw miners and the outraged Indians, the town was in big trouble!<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 280+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!


Edgar Rice Burroughs (1875-1950) is best known for his Tarzan and John Carter of Mars books, but he also wrote four thrilling western novels. We are delighted to include them all in this volume. As always with novels from this time period, not everything is «politically correct» by modern standards. Please keep the age of the work in perspective as you read. Included are:<P> THE BANDIT OF HELL'S BEND<BR> THE WAR CHIEF<BR> APACHE DEVIL<BR> THE DEPUTY SHERIFF OF COMANCHE COUNTY<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 260+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!


Saddle the horses and round up the posse – it's time for another ride through the Old West with four more great western novels! Here are:<P> Sudden Bill Dorn, by Jackson Gregory… They were made for fighting and loving: Bill Dorn, hard-bitten cowman facing the loss of his ranch to a friend turned outlaw, and Lorna Kent, a stranger in Nacional, wanted for murder yet claiming to be the heiress to a deserted ranch…<BR> Border Ambush, by Walker A. Tompkins… Seeking to avenge a murder and destroy an outlaw empire, Doug Redding scoured the wastelands in search of a hidden canyon where a notorious rustler holed up between raids!<BR> Killers Two (aka «Keep Off My Ranch»), by Allan K. Echols… A lone rancher pits his guts against the fast guns of two rustlers!<BR> Bullet Range, by Will Cook… «A tough, gutsy tale of a range that lived by the gun. Top flight!» – Real Magazine<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 260+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!