
One by one they faced him. One by one they died… <P> Only four hours after Walt Slade landed in Los Angeles, he was locked in a desperate life-and-death struggle with the gang of killers he had trailed over a thousand miles. <P> One by one they faced him. One by one they died – until at last he was up against the vicious, deadly remnants whose orders from their leader were – <P> “KILL SLADE – ANY WAY YOU CAN!"


The King Bird, a young and reckless outlaw, faces difficult choices when he attempts to save an old friend's runaway daughter from a dangerous gang of robbers… A classic western by Max Brand (Frederick Faust). <P> “No pulp writer was more prolific than Frederick Faust, who wrote nearly 15 million words under the pen name of Max Brand and seventeen others. He sold all his stories and sometimes wrote complete issues of Western Story Magazine…” –The Incredible Pulps


His name was Jesse Jackson—and he rode where the law feared to go… A classic western by Max Brand (Frederick Faust). <P> “No pulp writer was more prolific than Frederick Faust, who wrote nearly 15 million words under the pen name of Max Brand and seventeen others. He sold all his stories and sometimes wrote complete issues of Western Story Magazine…” –The Incredible Pulps


One bullet was all it took to change Jack Anderson from a carefree boy into a hunted man. A classic western by Max Brand (Frederick Faust). <P> “No pulp writer was more prolific than Frederick Faust, who wrote nearly 15 million words under the pen name of Max Brand and seventeen others. He sold all his stories and sometimes wrote complete issues of Western Story Magazine…” –The Incredible Pulps


"Blondy" is a 1924 short story originally published in Colliers – a change of pace for Max Brand, as its western hero is paired with a dog. <P> “No pulp writer was more prolific than Frederick Faust, who wrote nearly 15 million words under the pen name of Max Brand and seventeen others. He sold all his stories and sometimes wrote complete issues of Western Story Magazine.” – The Incredible Pulps


This fast-paced story is about a tough rebel named Destry who is sent to prison for years, serving time for a crime he did not commit. Once out, he aims to seek revenge on the 12 jury members who sent him to prison. However, his mission isn't to kill but to find other unique ways as punishment… <P> “No pulp writer was more prolific than Frederick Faust, who wrote nearly 15 million words under the pen name of Max Brand and seventeen others. He sold all his stories and sometimes wrote complete issues of Western Story Magazine.” – The Incredible Pulps


Major Arthur Marston had marked Rusty Sabin as his enemy. The red-haired white leader of the Cheyennes owned White Horse, the great stallion, and he had won the love of Maisry Lester. The prettiest girl and the swiftest horse on the plains – and these the Major thought should belong to him, not to Rusty, the man the Indians called Red Hawk. Then Rusty forced him to release a prisoner, a thief who had once saved Rusty’s life. Enraged by this humiliation, Marston led his troops out across the prairie, determined to destroy his enemy. <P> And so the stage was set for a showdown between the two men – Marston, the treacherous Indian fighter who swore he would write his name in Cheyenne blood, and Red Hawk, the adopted son of a Cheyenne chief.


Les Tarron was just a boy when five strangers rode into his life and changed it forever. Years later – jailed, hunted and betrayed – Les felt the hatred burning inside him like a fever and set out to even the score… <P> “No pulp writer was more prolific than Frederick Faust, who wrote nearly 15 million words under the pen name of Max Brand and seventeen others. He sold all his stories and sometimes wrote complete issues of Western Story Magazine.” – The Incredible Pulps


The charge was murder – and now Tom Holden had big trouble on his hands. First, he'd held off the town bully, big Crogan, and his men single-handedly. Then he announced he would marry Alexa Larrame, beautiful blue-eyed daughter of the wealthiest rancher around – even though he'd never even met her! <P> But now he had a lot more than just a rash promise to live up to. He was being accused of murder in a town where the strong make the laws – and enforce them with bullets! <P> “No pulp writer was more prolific than Frederick Faust, who wrote nearly 15 million words under the pen name of Max Brand and seventeen others. He sold all his stories and sometimes wrote complete issues of Western Story Magazine.” – The Incredible Pulps


Jingo rides into the town of Tower Creek and is soon deep in a game of poker. When one of his opponents cheats, Jingo spots it and accuses the man. In the ensuing gun fight, the man is shot in both shoulders. When the sheriff advices Jingo that the man's older brother will probably be hunting for him, a dangerous game of cat and mouse ensues… <P> “No pulp writer was more prolific than Frederick Faust, who wrote nearly 15 million words under the pen name of Max Brand and seventeen others. He sold all his stories and sometimes wrote complete issues of Western Story Magazine.” – The Incredible Pulps