
Skeleton Trail was lined with the corpses of countless peons, ranchers, and lawmen who had died or vanished at the hands of Veck Sosna and his vicious Comancheros. Walt Slade found the trail and followed it into the dread Valley of Tears where Sosna and his killer gang holed up between the sudden, ruthless raids they made, Then Slade moved singlehanded into the valley where sudden death marked every step!


One by one they faced him. One by one they died… <P> Only four hours after Walt Slade landed in Los Angeles, he was locked in a desperate life-and-death struggle with the gang of killers he had trailed over a thousand miles. <P> One by one they faced him. One by one they died – until at last he was up against the vicious, deadly remnants whose orders from their leader were – <P> “KILL SLADE – ANY WAY YOU CAN!"


The hooded Faceless Riders had spread a trail of terror and death along the Rio Grande. Striking where they were least expected, the outlaw band had thrown the whole territory into panic. And the toll from their guns was overflowing Boot Hill.<P>
As the ace undercover Ranger Walt Slade rode into the Border country, he knew that only one man could rod a gang so ruthlessly. And that man was Slade's bitter arch-enemy Veck Sosna, the cleverest, most notorious outlaw Slade had ever faced! <P> Slade knew that the stakes were high. For if he didn't beat Sosna the whole Border country would crumble from law and order into the chaos of gun justice. And he knew, too, that if he lost this battle it would be his last. For there was another tombstone waiting in Boot Hill, marked with an S – Slade or Sosna!


The terse command cracked through Texas Ranger headquarters like a rifle shot – and no one had to be told that the most dangerous assignment ever handed out was custom-made for the coolest lawman of them all, Walt Slade!<P> For a hot, bloody week Slade haunted the trail of the vicious outlaw whose senseless cruelties shocked El Paso. One by one he whittled down Juan Covelo’s gang of killers, but always the black-hooded leader escaped his blazing irons.<P> Now Slade knew that he was up against an outlaw every bit as fiendish and elusive as his arch-enemy Veck Sosna. When the Ranger ace fingered his guns and stepped into Coveto’s hillside hideout he was grimly prepared for a deadly duel in the dark that meant either his own death or a killer’s doom!


Welcome to a Texas Boom Town – <P> Where outlaws ride roughshod and lawmen are laid low! <P> Where a vicious gang, greed-crazed for gold, guns down anyone who stands in their path! <P> Where Walt Slade, undercover ace of the Texas Rangers, is marked for death because he alone knows the twisted trail that led to their deadly secret! <P> This is another in the long-running series of exciting Westerns about Walt Slade, the most fearless of the Texas Rangers.


They called Amarillo “the Cowboy Capital" – but “Corpse-and-Cartridge City" would have been a better name after Veck Sosna and his Comancheros rode In! <P> Walt Slade, undercover ace of the Texas Rangers, tried every dodge he knew to trap Sosna, but the tricky, vicious outlaw was always one step ahead of him…until the bullet-filled night when Ranger and bandit chief met face to face at the end of The Hate Trail!


Ghosts range – fearsome figures in gleaming armor, spirits of the conquistadores – are striking terror into the herdsmen of Texas' Matagorda Bay country.... But maybe, a skeptical Slade told himself, they're not ghosts – just smart owlhoots wrapped in tin plate.... So the Ranger ace went «ghost»-hunting – with hot lead and fighting fury!<P> But Slade didn't know how close he himself would come to being made a ghost....


A RACE WITH DEATH!<P> The mighty bridge crossing the Rio Grande was to be the final step in the completion of the railroad and the taming of the West. But when Ranger Walt Slade saw the plans, he knew there was a sinister enemy at work – for the bridge was being built deliberately so that it would collapse at the first flood! Tracking his hidden adversary, facing ambush, arson, and dynamite blasts, the undercover ace of the Texas Rangers fights through until he and his quarry come face to face in a Gunsight Showdown.


Violence and rumored rebellion had turned the border country into a powder keg primed to explode at any second. The mysterious “Liberator" called for war – and men who spoke against him died suddenly!<P> Walt Slade, undercover ace of the Texas Rangers, rode into Matamoros, a one-man task force with the deadly job of stopping a revolution before it started. For Slade knew that “The Liberator" was none other than Veck Sosna, the most ruthless outlaw Texas ever spawned!<P> Danger lay ahead – but even Slade could not foresee the terrible ordeal that faced him on the TRAIL OF BLOOD AND BONES


A bloody gun feud between rival freight haulers threatened to rip apart the peace and quiet of Sanderson, Texas until Walt Slade – the undercover Texas Ranger – compelled law and order. But each side accused the other of murder as a brutal series of killings, robberies, and bank hold-ups roused the passion of the warring factions. Slade knew different. He knew that the clever, cruel pattern of the crimes was the unique work of a special breed of outlaw. And he also knew that if he didn't catch Juan Cavelo soon, a tranquil town in Texas would surely become…DEATH'S CORRAL!