
Flying has been my dream since before I can remember… literally. My Aunt Odette tells me that when I was three years old, she took me with her to the Port-au-Prince International Airport to pick someone up, and when I saw an airliner up close for the first time, I excitedly yelled out, &quot;I want to drive that!&quot; I don&#39;t recall that event, but it serves as evidence that my fascination with flying began at a remarkably young age. <br><br>My first memory of wanting to fly came a few years later at the age of seven. I was on my very first flight, from Port-au-Prince to New York City, where I was going to start a new life in a new country. I remember looking at all the people boarding the airplane and wondering how that &quot;big silver bird&quot; was going to get us into the air (that silver bird was an American Airlines Boeing 727). To this day, the whole experience is vivid in my mind: being greeted with a smile by the captain at the aircraft entry door, the funny feeling in my stomach as the plane accelerated down the runway, leaping into the air, and my utter disbelief that we didn&#39;t drop out of the sky! I was mesmerized by it all, and by the time the plane came to a stop at our gate, my dream had been born… I wanted to become an airline pilot. I have been blessed to be living that dream since 1999. It&#39;s a dream from which I hope never to awaken. <br><br>This is the story of the lifelong journey I have taken in realizing that dream. I invite you to come along with me as we go from my birth in Haiti to the present day, as I live my dream every day. You will come with me as I move to America at the age of seven, a country I knew nothing about and whose language I didn&#39;t speak, a land that would truly prove to be &quot;the land of opportunity&quot;. You will feel my sense of wonder and bewilderment growing up in New York City, trying to understand my new world. You will face my struggles to fit in with the kids in the housing project where my family lived for a decade as Mom and Dad saved money to buy a house. You will meet my parents, who encouraged my dream of flying, and my fifth grade teacher who helped me to see that it was possible not only to dream it, but also to achieve it. It&#39;s a story of potential fulfilled, and my family&#39;s sacrifices to get me through college and flight school. <br><br>You will fly with me from my first lesson to my first airline job as a copilot, to the day I earned my four-stripes and first heard someone call me &quot;Captain&quot;. You will sit with me in the captain&#39;s seat as I fly an airline jet over Haiti for the first time, looking down from thirty-eight thousand feet onto the land of my birth where my dream had been born. You will soar with me over the majestic Amazon jungle in Brazil, over the desert-flanked Nile River in Egypt, and the sparkling Mediterranean Sea. You will fly with me through New York City blizzards, Indian monsoons, and Arabian sandstorms. You will travel with me on adventures to Europe, South America, the Middle East, South Asia, the Caribbean, and other parts of the world I used to dream of going to as a child; places that have affected me profoundly and where I left a little part of myself. <br><br>I have seen all these things through the eyes of the seven year-old boy from Haiti that I was and in many ways, still am; the little boy who had a sense of just how incredible the world and life are, who dreamt of a life of worldwide adventure, and was blessed to have his dream come true. That is the reason for the title of this book, &quot;The Seven Year-Old Pilot&quot;, because even after years of flying around the world, in many ways, I still feel like that little boy, and I always try to approach my travels and my life with his sense of gratitude, amazement, and awe. <br><br>I truly believe that every one of us has life experiences and lessons worth sharing that can inspire, enlighten, teach, and benefit others because we have all lived through tragedies and triumphs. We all have a life story worth telling and worth hearing. In that spirit, I offer you MY life story… Of my dreams, my worldwide adventures, my quest for love, and the universal life lessons I&#39;ve learned along the way. It is my sincere hope that in reading my story, you will be inspired to dare to believe that if this little Haitian boy&#39;s dreams can come true, then yours can too.


No one knows the story of Kenya better than the children who live it. I had the opportunity to travel to this country and become immersed with the families there. The result is a1500-word nonfiction picture book titled, &quot;When This Is Over, I Will Go To School, And I Will Learn To Read&quot;: A Story of Hope and Friendship for One Young Kenyan Orphan. This true story of one little boy is told in his own words. While there are many books about Africa on the market, none are told from a child&#39;s point of view like this one.<br>The children from the village created the book&#39;s illustrations. I asked these students to draw what represented family, love, happiness, sadness, fear and hope for them. I have powerful photographs of the children, the school, the village and the countryside, the hospital, the mobile clinic and orphan program. It is this truth that is certain to nudge the hearts and minds of parents, teachers and children everywhere.


This final book in a series of four books; includes the success stories of business and professional women who won the title of &quot;Telecom Australian Executive Woman of the Year&quot; in its inaugural year as a national award organised by the Australian Executive Women&#39;s Network. <br><br>These women are the founders of the prestigious, &quot;Telstra Business Women&#39;s Awards&quot;.<br>This series of books have been used in &quot;Career Study Classes&quot; in High Schools, Universities and Business Colleges since the nineties.<br><br>Women wanting to start their own small businesses and those keen to climb corporate ladders or sit on company boards have all gained the valuable knowledge they needed from these pioneering women&#39;s stories.<br><br>In this book there is a &quot;Membership Guide&quot; to help you to understand how the Australian Executive Women&#39;s Network operates. It will also assist you if you would like to start a network of your own. <br><br>Be sure to collect the four volumes in this set of invaluable books.


Fast moving and insightful, Black and Gold is an extraordinary reminiscence of an extraordinary time&mdash;at once both an optimistic coming-of-age story and the depiction of the end of the most famous decade in the 20th century. This sharp and poignant story is told from the viewpoint of those who were just the right age to best experience that dangerous decade. <br><br>Set in the Midwest in a small university town, this book tells of change from the viewpoint of Mark, an engineering student in his final year of college, with the draft looming. Beautifully evoked with engaging characters, Black and Gold is a multilayered reminiscence of passion, loss, change and discovery of courage.


This third book in a series of four books; includes the success stories of business and professional women who won the &quot;Speaking Awards&quot; organised for the members of the Australian Executive Women&#39;s Network. <br><br>This series of books have been used in &quot;Career Study Classes&quot; in High Schools, Universities and Business Colleges since the nineties.<br><br>Women wanting to start their own small businesses and those keen to climb corporate ladders or sit on company boards have all gained the valuable knowledge they needed from these pioneering women&#39;s stories.<br><br>Lucille Orr the founder and president of the Australian Executive Women&#39;s Network is also a professional speaker and radio broadcaster and to assist you to become a confident, speaker she has included a Speaker&#39;s Guide in this book. <br><br>Be sure to collect the four volumes in this set of invaluable books.


A Jewish family, victimized by anti-Semitism in Poland and Germany, flees to Minsk, Byelorussia and eventually to the Minsk forests when the Soviet Union is invaded by Nazi Germany in World War II. They become Jewish partisan fighters, and in an unusual collaboration with other Jews, a Polish-Jewish World War I veteran, a Byelorussian Christian, and two Russian partisan leaders, they join forces to wreak havoc behind Nazi lines.<br><br>The author hopes that A Jewish Story will help the reader to better comprehend the European Jewish experience including two world wars, learn about the geopolitical factors that resulted in the rise of Adolph Hitler and his quest to control Europe and destroy Europe&#39;s Jews, and allow those who hear fanatical leaders making modern day threats believe and take to heart the famous saying of George Santayana, &quot;Those that cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.&quot;


A third year High School education was enough for Lucille Orr to achieve success in the corporate world and in her own businesses. She has owned over a dozen small enterprises and three national businesses. In her twenties her Key Punch Centres employed over 100 permanent staff and in her thirties her Australian Executive Women&#39;s Network had 19 branches across Australia. <br><br>In her fifties she started AWARE Properties; the first real estate company for women in Australia and in her sixties she&#39;s teaching women how to invest in property and open their own real estate businesses.<br><br>She has been a Mentor to hundreds of women and created the most prestigious award for business women in Australia. Her books are best sellers and she&#39;s a highly sort after International Speaker.<br><br>In this book Lucille shares her success secrets on how she climbed corporate ladders, wrote and published best-selling books, talked on international stages and turned her &#39;ideas&#39; into successful enterprises.


From Booklist Muchman was born in Berlin in 1933. In March 1939, she, her parents, and four relatives fled to Brussels to escape the Nazi regime. In 1942, Germany occupied Belgium, and Muchman&#39;s parents brought her and her cousin to the home of two Catholic women for safekeeping. Her parents were killed; she survived and was ultimately brought to the U.S., where she was adopted by an aunt and uncle in Chicago. Muchman grew up believing that her Jewish parents had abandoned her. In 1990, a box was discovered in her uncle&#39;s home that contained faded letters, documents, and old photographs; the letters had been written by her parents in the 1940s. &quot;I finally was able to discover, in a deep, fundamental way, that my parents had loved me more than life itself,&quot; the author relates. This important book brings the enormous magnitude of the Holocaust down to a very personal level. It contains poignant black-and-white family photographs and reproductions of passports and other documents.


This is the true life story of Thomas Crochetiere and his wife Vicki as their life together spanned 27 wonderful years. They shared several memories by going on many adventures and having a lot of unique and fun times. <br><br>Thomas and Vicki lived life to its fullest while traveling the roads of the United States and most of Canada. Together, they visited all 50-states and most of the Canadian provinces and brought back many exciting and humorous stories. <br><br>Thomas and Vicki enjoyed sharing their life with friends and family as well as spending time alone. Their journey was like no other. It was a life well-lived and full of love. This is their story, a love story.


The Choice resurrects iconic Conservative Ronald Reagan, making him 32 years younger and places him in the middle of the 2012 election. Using actual Reagan speeches and quotes, The Choice is the answer for anyone who has ever asked the question, &quot;What would Reagan do?&quot;<br><br>The year is 2012. The United States is in peril as it faces rampant unemployment and unprecedented inflation. &Acirc; Angry mobs of young people have taken to the streets in random acts of violence while in the Middle East, Iran tests a nuclear weapon. <br><br>President Barack Obama, ending his first term, has federalized health care, increased government spending and grown the national debt to $15 trillion. With the election looming, the American people have never faced a more important decision. Will they stay the course with a President who believes an unregulated free market is at the core of the nation&#39;s problems? That government must be utilized to shrink the income disparity between rich and poor and level the playing field for the middle class? Or will they choose a candidate who believes that high taxes and too many regulations have stifled business? That government isn&#39;t the solution to our problems, rather the problem itself?<br><br>That candidate: &Acirc; none other than Ronald Wilson Reagan.<br><br>Left for dead after losing the 2008 Republican nomination to John McCain, &Acirc; Reagan&#39;s message of tax cuts, deregulation, and peace through strength carry the former actor through the 2012 primaries, and eventually to his shocking nomination over the heavily favored Mitt Romney; setting the stage for one of the most historic elections in American history.