
The story of Bill Narasnek's record setting trans-Canada ride in 1991. The book describes how Bill and his support team overcame the many challenges and obstacles that confront any adventurer when attempting an endeavour of this magnitude. Bill tells the story in his own words with humour and honesty.


The discovery of a hidden diary containing mysterious sketches leads to a personal and intriguing journey through the Saar Valley, London, New York and Israel. As a clinical psychologist and child of Holocaust Survivors, Dr.Wolgroch provides essential reading for the Second Generation and readers interested in learning about the pervasive effects of the Holocaust on four generations of one family. The narrative is personal, inspiring, informative and a good read. You won't be able to put it down.


This book is the memoirs of "A Driven Class American." The author uses his own life to characterize the after "Boomers" generation (X, Y, and Millennial's) and their traditional middle class aspirations. He shares a story about the trade-offs necessary to elevate himself and his family economically. He weaves the external factors of boom and bust activity into decision making for home ownership, higher learning, career advancement, retirement, and other life priorities. He shares his deep motivations, successes, and failures that are common to the pursuit accepted by "Driven Class Americans."


Colonel Charles E. McGee fought in World War II, in Korea and in Vietnam. He holds the record for the highest three-war total of fighter combat missions of any pilot in the U.S. Air Force history. His military service began as one of the Tuskegee Airmen in the 332nd, famed pioneers who fought racial prejudices to fly and fight for their country in World War II. They are the ones who achieved the unequaled record of not losing a single bomber under their escort to enemy fighters.<br> COL McGee went on to serve in leadership and command positions in war and in peace flying fighter missions in Korea and Vietnam. In his remarkable military career, he earned the Legion of Merit with Cluster, three Distinguished Flying Crosses, the Bronze Star and the Air Medal (twenty-five times). He was also chosen to lead the Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. into the 21st Century by serving two separate terms as its president.<br> Stories in the media seldom portray African American men as heroes. In tribute to the many unheralded fathers, husbands, sons and brothers leading exemplary lives, COL (Chuck) McGee&#39; inspiring story is now being told.<br> Colonel McGee is the latest to be inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame for having flown 409 combat missions.


1969, a Jewish honor student in the Bronx is a school newspaper editor, the son of Holocaust survivors and the newest member of a Puerto Rican extortion gang. A strong inciting sequence puts a sixteen-year-old boy in a dilemma of possible violence. After angering the gang&#39;s leader Dave, at a neighborhood pizzeria, he reduces the bruise-planting consequences by sharp thinking and more importantly, by appearing to assimilate. It&#39;s a short leap from a call-out challenge to an affinity for Carlos Santana records, but the inward identity isn&#39;t altered. After the immediate crisis is managed, the cleanly demarcated goal is to quit the gang without repercussions. This is best done by brainwashing its tough but insecure leader.<br><br>As a memoirist, Wolgroch is interested in phenomena of deception and manipulation. Situational ethics on the individual level get a look. &quot;The distinction between caring for someone and exploiting them is precariously fragile.&quot; Having found in himself an ability to influence the actions and ideas of others, Wolgroch sets wheels to turning which will eventually lead to his vocation as a psychologist. The introduction demonstrates social discomfort comes with being introduced as a &quot;shrink&quot; at gatherings. There are unwanted mind-reading tests, cheesy jibes, a whole truckload of assumptions. There is not a fitting opportunity to mention the good old days of terrorizing shop owners out of &quot;protection&quot; money.<br><br><br>This memoir of about novella length uses well-considered pacing decisions to help hold dramatic interest. The setting, an urban neighborhood in ethnic transition, and the reversed dynamic of an isolated white person operating within a minority group are partly leveraged, though readers may wish to have learned more about them from the memoirist&#39;s inside vantage. Shrink is fleshed out with brief passages which the reader may initially identify as digressions to irrelevant though interesting historical topics, but then find they tie back to the narrative, illustrating a principle in an original way. For example, the Vietnam War&#39;s birthdate-based draft shows the effects of arbitrary reallocation of life-chances on the psyches of military-age males. <br><br>Teen readers are a natural target for this story of formation, but the writing offers grist for adult minds also. The world is brimming with armchair psychoanalysts. &quot;Indeed we are all amateur scientists when faced with the challenge of understanding the curious behavior of others…&quot;


In 1985 Kim Abernethy, along with her husband, Jeff, followed a call from God to minister in the small West African country of Liberia.<br><br>She writes of the fall of one of her daughters from a two-story building, shares candid emotions from when her husband had a close call with Lassa Fever, and delightfully chronicles many of her husband&#39;s adventures of being a bush pilot in the jungle of Liberia.<br><br>Whether you are intrigued by the stories of foreign missionaries and how they adapt to a new culture or are heading towards the mission &iuml;&#172;?eld yourself, you will &iuml;&#172;?nd this book enlightening and inspiring.<br><br>Inside you will &iuml;&#172;?nd disbelief, tragedy, fear, anxiety, discontentment, and confusion, but there is also humor, delight, amazement, wonder, surrender, and a deep-seated joy as you watch how God – little by little – chipped away at the walls of pride, disbelief, stubbornness, and independence that had held Kim captive.<br><br>It is an irresistible story of an infallible God proving Himself more than enough in every fathomable circumstance. IN THIS PLACE is the &iuml;&#172;?rst of two books that record the &iuml;&#172;?rst eighteen years of the Abernethy&#39;s unsettled, but yet ful&iuml;&#172;?lling missionary career.<br><br>Gleaning stories and adventures from journals that she kept since December, 1985, IN THIS PLACE is autobiographical and concentrates mainly on their &iuml;&#172;?rst four years in Liberia. She is working on completing her second book, IN EVERY PLACE, which continues the Abernethy&#39;s missionary adventures from 1990 – 2002.<br><br>IN EVERY PLACE is expected to be published by in late fall of 2011.


On August 4, 1892, an elderly couple living in Fall River, Massachusetts, was slaughtered with a hatchet. Their daughter, Lizzie Borden, was first accused of the crime, then tried for it, and acquitted of it by a court of her peers. Yet, &quot;conventional wisdom&quot; and Fall River Society have always considered Lizzie guilty. &quot;If Lizzie didn&#39;t swing the hatchet, who did?&quot; they asked blamefully.<br> Now, after more than a century, the late University of Connecticut full Professor, William Masterton, uses modern forensic and extensive research to answer that question convincingly.<br> <br> Lizzie Borden took an axe<br> And gave her mother forty whacks;<br> When she saw what she had done<br> She gave her father forty one.<br><br>The rhythm and rhyme of the refrain may be defective; the conclusion according to Professor Masterton, that Lizzie Borden may have been the killer, is not!


This first book by Pennie Morehead chronicles the life of Judith, the wife of Gary Ridgway, the infamous serial killer of more than 48 women. It contains 112 original photographs and letters, many published here for the first time, and reveal the relationship between Gary and his unsuspecting wife, Judith, who was living some of the happiest years of her life while married to a killer. Ms. Morehead also gives an in depth analysis of Gary&#39;s handwritten letters from a professional graphologist point of view.<br> As of this date, despite the diligence of many investigators on this case in locating the victims of the Green River Serial Killer, there remain several bodies of those victims that still need to be discovered.


After it was announced that the twenty month-old son of Charles and Anne Lindbergh was abducted, the entire world grieved for their loss. Seventy-two days later, the body was found in the woods next to a roadway, a short distance from Lindbergh&#39;s house.<br> In 1927, Lindbergh was the first to fly the Atlantic. By 1932, he was perhaps the most famous man alive. A great hero, he was allowed to be the chief architect of the investigation into his son&#39;s kidnapping. In this capacity, the first thing he did was to have the body cremated without an autopsy.<br> Was this done on purpose? Or, was it done for emotional reasons? The authors, Gregory Ahlgren and Stephen Monier delve into the story like no other investigator has done in the annals of this famous-infamous kidnapping.


More than 140 entries in this book depict events which have had lasting national significance in opening opportunities in the struggle for equal civil rights and opportunities for women. The impact of many of the included events was initially felt on a local level; but in time it created repercussions that spread across the country. These stories show women assuming roles of providers and heads of households, and their leadership, exerted in and outside the home, would often manifest in the community at large and, in turn, in the nation and in the world.The book is divided into four parts: One: The Seeds Are planted; Two: 19th Century – The Movement Takes Root; Three: 20th Century – Reaching for the Sunlight; Four: 21st Century – Coming into Full Bloom. The book begins with Anne Hutchinson and Mary Dyer and ends with Condoleezza Rice, Nancy Pelosi, Oprah Winfrey, and Sarah Palin.