
As a five-year-old, Shelley Fraser is known for mischief.<br><br>On Halloween in l949, she fancies her brother&#39;s devil costume and persuades her mother to hem it up for her. But her plan to scare the total baloney out of the neighbor&#39;s babies backfires. <br><br>At kindergarten, she throws a six-year-old birthday party never to be forgotten, falls in love at juice time, and learns to read. <br><br>Six weeks into first grade, she becomes one of over 30,000 falling down the Polio Hole&mdash;which is the way she thinks of the illness sweeping across America. <br><br>During those years of dealing with braces, crutches, the loss of muscles that will never come back, she finds she is still very much who she always was, only more aware of the world&#39;s miracles. With a lasting lesson from her night visitor in the Isolation Hospital and a second chance as the Halloween Queen with her sweetheart Richard, she also earns a dog named Buddy, a horse with the nickname Lightn&#39;, and the friendship of a woman who teaches the enchantment of letters that can be read only with a mirror.<br><br>Shelley&#39;s battle to overcome the nightmare illness that changed America is woven into the story of the scientific development of the vaccine that nailed shut the Polio Hole. The efforts to bury the Hole worldwide is a major challenge of the twenty-first century.


Hamba Gashle is the inside story of white society in colonial Southern Africa during the 1950s and 1960s. Ian Hassall&#39;s edgy memoir provides a vivid and disturbing depiction of childhood and family life against a background of racial exploitation, political change and the disintegration of his white community. Written as a diary from childhood through to early adulthood, the deceptively simple style provides a sense of immediacy, building a vivid picture through apparently unconnected events. The child narrator arrives in Northern Rhodesia from England aged four. Soon after, his parents divorce and he is fostered for several years. His mother marries an anti British Afrikaaner who is a strong influence on the boy. As a teenager he becomes delinquent and fails at school. He moves with his father&#39;s family to Rhodesia as it is approaching UDI. The narrator has developed anti-racist views and joins the protest movement at university in South Africa. Finally he returns to London in 1970, alone, a stranger. <br><br>Ian Hassall produces a rich and informative picture of this period, honest, critical and unflattering, attacking its racism. The work is carefully researched so that key historical events are portrayed accurately and intimately. The youthful narrator&#39;s preoccupations, adventures, sexual encounters and daydreams contrast with more sober political observations, sometimes hilariously. This is also a study of childhood, and a celebration of youth which transcends time or location.<br><br>&#39;Hamba Gashle&#39; means both chameleon and take it easy, because of the animal&#39;s leisurely pace. The book&#39;s title reflects the author&#39;s admiration for this wonderful creature and its attributes, some of which he required to survive his upbringing.


Judas Duncan was born dirt poor. Through hard work, he manages to become a professor of criminology by the age of 25. His good looks and promising future all come to a crashing halt one day when he is arrested in his classroom. His story of struggle and forgiveness could have happened anywhere. Judas fights to prove himself innocent of a crime he didn&#39;t commit, but instead ends up spending 18 years in prison. Once released, he can only think of vengeance, and seeks retaliation against the government that jailed him by counterfeiting money. After he discovers his wife is unfaithful and the son he raised is not his own, he finally finds forgiveness within himself and starts life anew as a pastor.


Meet Z.C. Christie…an ordinary suburban housewife with five nearly-normal kids, a workaholic Husband, various annoying phobias, and a propensity for scribbling random thoughts in old notebooks. When you open 8 Bags of Mice and enter her world, you will encounter observations on everyday events, expressed in her unique style…and enjoy memorable episodes from her slightly skewed family life, as related in irreverent, sometimes humorous, but always entertaining tales. She paints a vivid, yet down-to-earth picture of her family members and life in general, as only she can, with occasional sarcastic humor and a lot of heart…rather like an R-rated Erma Bombeck.


In the first part of the book, the author regales us with real-life adventures as a Game Warden in the Mkomazi Game Reserve in Northern Tanzania. The work chronicles encounters with such luminaries as Patrick Hemingway and the President of Tanzania. The book takes you on journeys on Mount Kilimanjaro, through the Serengeti Migration and hunting and conservation experiences with and for Africa&#39;s great animals. <br><br>The second part of this autobiography deals with Turner&#39;s exciting life in Canadian politics where he was elected as a Progressive Conservative Member of Parliament. You will read about his encounters in this &quot;jungle&quot; with such historical figures as Gorbachev, Sir Edmund Hillary and many other iconic personalities.


He bought the car a dozen years ago. Together, they traveled every mile of every road on his highway map, a 250,000 mile journey to discover the real America beyond the interstate. Real people. Obscure places. Forgotten facts. His story unfolds in Missouri, but it could be about any state, any traveler who drives into America&#39;s hidden heart.


Are you contemplating a career in the medical field; an M.D., D.O., Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant? If so, let a former practicing physician guide you through his own career from incubation through fruition, through the good and the bad. Let him describe for you forty years of primary care medical practice through a period of breath-taking advance and change as medical care transitions into the future. The need is greater than ever and will require more than a few good men and women. The author encourages you to join this group, but only if prepared to work hard and understand that true satisfaction resides in what you can do for others.<br>Sheldon Cohen M.D. FACP


Мемуары Луи де Рувруа Сен-Симона являются ценнейшим источником исторических сведений о последних годах правления Людовика XIV. Жизнь королевского двора, его обычаи и порядки, а также интриги и трагедии – все это нашло свое отражение на страницах остроумных и порой ироничных воспоминаний Сен-Симона. Печатается по изданию Академии 1934 года. Для широкого круга читателей.



Meet Bruce Tully, a sixteen-year-old high school jock, and follow him as he feels personally challenged by Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev after a visit to the United Nations. Discover how Bruce changes into a Cold War Warrior whose vision is to strengthen America&#39;s youth in the competitive fields of science and technology. See how he perseveres and gains the support of industry leaders and government officials including the President of the United States.