
Two parts of this three part book are based upon fact: anti-Semitism and World War 2.<br><br>One part of this book represents a fiction tale involving World War 2 Jewish refugees and Russian army soldiers teamed up for behind the lines partisan warfare against the invading Nazi army.


This book describes the great pioneers of the last 2,637 years who systematically put together all the advances in the science of physics from the infinitesimally tiny to the massive universe.


Incorrect, delayed, or missed diagnoses have plagued physicians since the beginning of time. The result may be significant patient harm and medical resources wasted as the majority of all primary care physicians surveyed report that an average of five percent of their patients come under the category of difficult to diagnose, or CHALLENGING DIAGNOSES. It is more important than ever for patients to take the time to understand their own symptoms, assist in the zeroing in process of the diagnostic evaluation and collaborate fully with their physician in the sometime twists and turns leading to a final diagnosis.


Grandpa:<br>This short book was coaxed out of my head by grandkids who wanted to hear some stories. I put them in poetry form, added a moral quiz to each one and space for self-illustration. I recommend, grandpa, that you print this ebook out, give it to your grandkids and let them challenge themselves mentally and artistically. They&#39;ll love you for it and have a permanent memento of their grandpa.


Before World War II in Germany, two young boys&ndash;-one Jewish one Christian&ndash;-play football on the same team, little knowing that their paths will cross again on a war-torn battlefield.<br><br>Max Tepper&ndash;-the son of Jewish immigrants. Max becomes the target of anti-Semitism at a very young age. Hopeful for a better future, he enrolls in the university eager to become a physician like his father. But at the outbreak of World War II, things change.Max becomes a partisan fighter and devotes his life to the destruction of Nazism.<br><br>Erich Bauemler&ndash;-Personifying Hitler&#39;s dream of the perfect German, Erich joins the Hitler Youth at the age of ten. As he becomes more involved with the Nazis, Erich&#39;s anti-Semitism grows. After Hitler invades Poland in 1939, Erich is more eager than ever to prove his devotion to Hitler. Now an officer in the Wehrmacht, Erich&#39;s reputation becomes legendary.<br><br>But on a battlefield on the Russian front, the two come face-to-face again. Will good triumph over evil, or will the bonds of a long-ago friendship remain steadfast and true?


A Jewish family, victimized by anti-Semitism in Poland and Germany, flees to Minsk, Byelorussia and eventually to the Minsk forests when the Soviet Union is invaded by Nazi Germany in World War II. They become Jewish partisan fighters, and in an unusual collaboration with other Jews, a Polish-Jewish World War I veteran, a Byelorussian Christian, and two Russian partisan leaders, they join forces to wreak havoc behind Nazi lines.<br><br>The author hopes that A Jewish Story will help the reader to better comprehend the European Jewish experience including two world wars, learn about the geopolitical factors that resulted in the rise of Adolph Hitler and his quest to control Europe and destroy Europe&#39;s Jews, and allow those who hear fanatical leaders making modern day threats believe and take to heart the famous saying of George Santayana, &quot;Those that cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.&quot;


…The breathing difficulty continued, and he couldn&#39;t get up. It seemed as if he was being held down. He felt a sense of panic. But at the same time he felt as if he was drifting into a deeper state of sleep. For a short time he fought these conflicting sensations, but eventually he surrendered to the latter feeling.<br><br>One by one, prominent staff physicians, who also are members of the Medical executive Committee of Covenant Hospital in Chicago, are dying under mysterious circumstances.<br><br>When Dr. Harrison is found dead in his home, it appears to be a tragic heart attack. Then Dr. Spann dies of meningitis. When Dr. Albert is found dead in his garage from an apparent suicide, the hospital employees only have slight suspicions about the real cause of death. By the time Dr. Gottlieb expires from a venous air embolism, it becomes apparent that a serial killer is on the loose&ndash;-and Dr. Jason Pollard knows what he has to do to stop it. Pollard, along with Detective Richard Galinski and his daughter, Amanda Galinski, collaborate in an effort to solve the case.<br><br>Will they be able to catch the killer before any more doctors die?


Ben Marzan&ndash;-Searching for meaning in his life, Marzan studies with The Imam and converts to a radical sect of Islam. He&#39;s the perfect candidate for a terrorist…American-born, assimilated, and eager to embrace Jihad.<br><br>Anatoly Shenko&ndash;-A disaffected Russian scientist working in Siberia, Shenko is one of the world&#39;s top experts on biological warfare. But he, his wife and son are in ill health and he&#39;s in desperate need of money.<br><br>Abdul Saidadov&ndash;-A former Chechen rebel, Saidadov aligns himself with al-Qaeda in hopes of spreading the message of Allah throughout the world.<br><br>Marzan, Shenko, and Saidadov, along with four other conspirators and the hierarchy of Al-Qaeda, are part of a terrorist plot to smuggle weapons of mass destruction into the United States. To keep America off balance, they are prepared to sow chaos in Chicago. Anthrax and Smallpox are successfully disseminated throughout the city, and as Chicagoans die in ever-increasing numbers, the city soon learns that a nuclear bomb is next.<br><br>Will a young Chicago Emergency Department physician, a team of FBI agents, and the Chicago Police be able to abort the coming attack?


Adolph Hitler has assumed power in Germany. A brilliant theoretical and experimental physicist has clandestinely discovered the secret of nuclear energy and the nuclear bomb. No other physicist has come close to this realization. The German physicist is prepared to deliver this secret to his Fuehrer and assure him control of the world. Who is this physicist? How can he be stopped? The intelligence services of two countries combine in an effort to disrupt the physicist&#39;s efforts. There is one chance. Time is of the essence. What is there about the physicist&#39;s past that can be utilized to try and prevent this threat to the world? Will it succeed? The future of the world hangs in the balance.