
The book is based on the life of Jim Mahon, who was an outstanding hockey prospect, killed in a farm accident at age 19. His death broke the heart of a whole community. Jim was generally considered to be a young phenom, like a Gretzky or an Orr. His story is compelling even now, forty years after his death not only because of his hockey ability, but more because he was such a great human being.


The text of this book does not fit any category. It&#39;s like listening to a storyteller around the campfire rather reading the book. The author does not use any common literary devices as gradation, dramatization or emotionalism. In spite of that, his book made such a strong impact on me that I still remember clearly every story.<br><br>-Egon Bondy


Six thousand mile travel journal through the Southwest United States of a couple and their six loveable burros to places you will never go.


Little Changes is a succulent swirling lollipop of lessons about the products we smother on our skin, foods we devour, and surroundings in which we immerse ourselves. A gut-wrenching roller coaster of emotions, her adventure involves a Western Grebe, farm stand spinach, a meaty love story, a rock in Wyoming, and some pioneers&mdash;which eventually captured national attention. <br><br>With a cup of humor, a smidgeon of sarcasm, and a wallop of mainstream motherhood, Little Changes enlightens readers about the simmering, swelling, epic transformation of our generation; becoming self-advocates for their own environmental health.<br><br>Diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer at age thirty-six and with three young children at home, Kristi started on a quest to eliminate harmful chemicals from her life and environment. Now a proponent for environmental health, Kristi&#39;s passion is to share her knowledge and journey with others. &quot;So many people are reluctant to make changes in their lives because they think it&#39;s going to be expensive or time consuming. But making little changes over time in the products we smother on our skin, foods we devour, and surroundings we immerse ourselves, doesn&#39;t have to be difficult.&quot; Kristi&#39;s dynamic message empowers her audiences to choose wiser products with kinder, simpler ingredients, giving themselves the gift of the best life possible.


Many books, fiction and nonfiction alike, purport to probe the inner workings of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Many attempt to create spine-tingling suspense or allege that America&#39;s civilian spy operation has run amok and been infested with rogues and criminals. Not that The Craft We Chose lacks suspense, harrowing encounters or its<br>own share of villains.<br><br>But this book is different. In fact it&#39;s unique&ndash;a straightforward, honest, surprisingly captivating memoir by one of the CIA&#39;s most well-known and honored career officers. <br><br>For more than three decades, Richard L. Holm worked in the agency&#39;s Directorate of Operations&ndash;now the National Clandestine Service&ndash;the component directly responsible for collecting human intelligence. His assignments took him to seven countries on three continents, and his travels added many more destinations. At almost every turn Holm encountered his share of dangerous characters and situations, including one that nearly ended his life before he turned 30. <br><br>The Craft We Chose is more than a chronicle of those episodes. It also reveals Holm&#39;s private life, his roots and family, his courtship and marriage, and his four daughters, whom he affectionately calls his &quot;platoon.&quot;<br><br>Webster&#39;s Dictionary defines the word &quot;holm&quot; as an island in a stream. That is an appropriate analogy. The Craft We Chose reveals Richard Holm as an island of steadfastness in a stream of chaos. He served his country with distinction, in good times and bad, displaying extreme courage under the direst of circumstances and a sense of honor that can only be considered unshakeable. And he describes it all with a keen eye and a distinctive wit. His is a classic American story that conveys, vividly and unforgettably, a life in the CIA.


In 1969, when Tony Carr was in the fourth grade, he was taken from his mixed-race school and transferred to a different, predominantly-white school. He didn&#39;t realize it at the time, but he was on the front lines of a historic event, an entire generation taking the first faltering steps in the nation&#39;s march toward racial equality.<br><br>Since that time, society has made strides toward integration and coexistence. Programs were created to give minorities equal access to education and jobs. African-Americans began playing major roles in national politics, sports, and entertainment; television programs began to show interracial dating and black people in powerful positions.<br><br>Much has changed since 1969.<br><br>But, as Carr has experienced firsthand, many things have not changed, and our national journey toward equality and acceptance is far from over. Carr has lived to witness his father respond submissively to a verbally abusive young white man in front of his family&ndash;and he lived to learn his father&#39;s reasons for doing so when he was in a similar situation with his family, understanding then that the safety of his loved ones was worth any price.<br><br>Through his black memorabilia collections, classes, and community involvement, Carr has discovered that what goes around comes around. Time Bring About A Change brings us the story of how one man has dedicated his life to raising awareness that color is, truly, just a color, and that the true worth of a person is found in the respect, love, and caring that person shows to all around.


Эта книга о каждом из нас. Жизнь это твой путь. И только ты можешь решать, какой дорогой тебе идти.


Автор рассказывает о судьбах своих родственников во время Великой отечественной войны, чтобы показать, насколько глубоко она затронула его самого. Даны ссылки на книги его родителей-педагогов, которые во время войны познакомились по переписке и полюбили друг друга.Книга является одним из свидетельств первого послевоенного поколения о том, что история этой войны остаётся значительной для всех нас, благодарных фронтовикам и всем, кто трудился ради победы над захватчиками.


Это книга – соцерцательно- рефлексивная повесть о волшебной поездке на остров Ольхон, который находится посреди озера Байкал. Во время дороги до Байкала и обратно происходили разные события и переживания, и шлейф от них уже три года продолжает трансформировать внутренний и внешний мир автора этой книги. Верю, что это может помочь другим людям обнаружить какие-то важные акценты своих взаимодействий, которым не придается должного значения…


Сборник занимательных туристических баек от автора романа «Инструктор молодости. Доктор Дионов». Содержит много полезной информации о Латинской Америке, не типичной для классических путеводителей.