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Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг
Список книг автора Редьярд Джозеф КиплингАннотация
At the start of Captains Courageous, one of literature's most beloved stories of the sea, a spoiled rich boy is literally swept away — dashed overboard from an ocean liner. Luckily, young Harvey Cheyne is rescued by a passing fishing vessel. As it turns out, Harvey's apparent misfortune in tumbling from a life of pampered luxury into the humble company of a fishing schooner becomes a blessing in disguise. Compelled by the captain to earn his keep, Harvey loses his affectations as he learns the rewards of an honest day's labor amid the gruff and hearty companionship of the crewmen, who teach him to be worth his salt as they fish the waters off the Grand Banks of Newfoundland. Readers of all ages have delighted in Kipling's engaging maritime yarn since its initial appearance in 1897. The author's only novel to unfold in an American setting, this lively tale resounds with Kipling's customary blend of adventure and humor. This attractive new edition, unabridged and inexpensive, offers an irresistible invitation to a master storyteller's enduring tale of a boy's initiation into adulthood.
Rudyard Kipling's «The Second Jungle Book» is a classic collection of fables set predominately in the Indian jungle with animal characters used to teach moral lessons. A sequel to the popular 1894 work, «The Jungle Book», this volume includes five additional stories of one of Kipling's most famous characters, Mowgli, a 'man-cub' raised by wolves, as well as three unrelated stories. In «The Second Jungle Book» Kipling provides a set of entertaining stories which will enchant and educate readers both young and old.
"Plain Tales From the Hills" is a classic collection of short stories by Rudyard Kipling. Contained here in this volume are the following tales: Lispeth, Three and—an Extra, Thrown Away, Miss Youghal's Sais, 'Yoked with an Unbeliever', False Dawn, The Rescue of Pluffles, Cupid's Arrows, The Three Musketeers, His Chance in Life, Watches of the Night, The Other Man, Consequences, The Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin, The Taking of Lungtungpen, A Germ-Destroyer, Kidnapped, The Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly, In the House of Suddhoo, His Wedded Wife, The Broken Link Handicap, Beyond the Pale, In Error, A Bank Fraud, Tods' Amendment, The Daughter of the Regiment, In the Pride of His Youth, Pig, The Rout of the White Hussars, The Bronckhorst Divorce-Case, Venus Annodomini, The Bisara of Pooree, A Friend's Friend, The Gate of the Hundred Sorrows, The Madness of Private Ortheris, The Story of Muhammad Din, On the Strength of a Likeness, Wressley of the Foreign Office, By Word of Mouth, and To be Filed for Reference.
"Kim" is the story of Kim (Kimball) O'Hara, the orphaned son of a British soldier. Set against the backdrop of «The Great Game» a political conflict between Russia and Great Britain in central Asia, the novel traces the life of the title character from begging and errand running on the streets of Lahore to his schooling at a top English school in Lucknow, where he is trained in espionage, and ultimately to a government appointment where he himself gets to play in «The Great Game.» A classic novel of espionage and adventure, «Kim» is one of Rudyard Kipling's finest works.
The Jungle Book (Illustrated by John L. Kipling, William H. Drake, and Paul Frenzeny) - Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг
First published serially between 1893 and 1894, “The Jungle Book” is Rudyard Kipling’s classic collection of jungle tales in which we first meet Mowgli, a child lost in the jungles of India and raised by a pack of wolves. To survive in the jungle Mowgli most learn from the animals to abide by the laws of the jungle. A cast of interesting creatures surround Mowgli, including Baloo the bear and Bagheera the black panther, who help the young man to survive, and the tiger Shere Khan, who is envious of Mowgli and wishes his demise. Also contained in this collection are the stories of Kotick, a white seal in search of a new home for his tribe were they will not be hunted, and Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, a mongoose who defends an Indian family against a pair of cobras. Several other tales of the jungle grace this collection which is interspersed with beautiful poetry relating to the stories. One of the most popular collections of short stories for children ever written, “The Jungle Book” was inspired by Kipling’s own experiences as a youth in India, where he would spend many of his formative years. This edition includes illustrations by John L. Kipling, William H. Drake, and Paul Frenzeny.
Generations of children have delighted to Kipling's Just So Stories and their whimsical explanations for the reasons behind certain animals' distinctive physical characteristics. This new unabridged edition contains all 12 of these imaginatively conceived tales from a master storyteller."The Elephant's Child" reveals how pachyderms came by their trunks, and «The Sing-Song of Old Man Kangaroo» discloses the origins of that creature's unique anatomy. «The Cat That Walked by Himself» offers a beguiling description of the special relationship between cats and those they allow to shelter them. Other fables include «How the Camel Got His Hump,» «How the Whale Got His Throat,» «How the Leopard Got His Spots,» «How the Rhinoceros Got His Skin,» and five others.This timeless treasury, now available in a modestly priced edition, promises memorable amusement not only for the children of today but also for yesterday's children, the adults who may remember hearing or reading the stories when they were young.
«Старший офицер с „Бреслау“ пригласил меня пообедать на корабль, прежде чем он пойдёт в Соутгэмптон за пассажирами. „Бреслау“ стоял за Лондонским мостом. Решётки передних люков были открыты для приёма груза, и вся палуба была завалена якорями, болтами, винтами и цепями. Блек Мак-Фи был занят последним осмотром своих излюбленных машин, а Мак-Фи известен как самый аккуратный из корабельных механиков. Если случайно он заметил тараканью ножку на одном из своих золотников в паровике, весь корабль узнает об этом, и половина команды отряжается для чистки…»
«О, Запад есть Запад, Восток есть Восток, и с мест они не сойдут, Пока не предстанет Небо с Землёй на Страшный Господень Суд» – это знаменитые стихи Редьярда Киплинга. Автор «Маугли», «Рикки-Тикки-Тави» и других великолепных сказок написал также более 250 стихотворений, без которых нельзя представить сегодня мировую литературу. К числу лучших его произведений относится и роман "Ким", опубликованный в 1901 году.
«О, Запад есть Запад, Восток есть Восток, и с мест они не сойдут, Пока не предстанет Небо с Землёй на Страшный Господень Суд» – это знаменитые стихи Редьярда Киплинга. Автор «Маугли», «Рикки-Тикки-Тави» и других великолепных сказок написал также более 250 стихотворений, без которых нельзя представить сегодня мировую литературу. К числу лучших его произведений относится и роман «Ким», опубликованный в 1901 году.