
John Ruskin (1819-1900) was an aesthetician, art historian, reformer and economist, who is perhaps best known for his works on social reform. One of his earliest, and most surprising, is a fairy tale called "The King of the Golden River. Ruskin wrote the story in 1841 (it was not published until 1851) for nineteen-year-old Euphenia Chalmers Gray, whom he married in 1848. The story is set in the ancient country of Stiria, in a beautiful and fertile valley called Treasure Valley, owned by brothers Schwartz, Hans and Gluck. When the cruel Hans and Schwartz turn an important stranger away from their home, the valley turns to desert, leaving them penniless and desolate. It is only through Gluck's honesty and generous spirit that the valley can be revitalized. This early Victorian classic will delight both children and adults as a charming tale of goodness and love triumphing over evil.


In his day, John Ruskin (1819-1900) held the power to make or break artists with his critical reviews. He served as benefactor to many artists, and was a huge supporter of the Pre-Raphaelite movement. Ruskin still to this day has many schools named after him, including the fine arts program, Ruskin College, at Oxford, his alma mater. His legacy holds the titles poet and artist as well, as he wrote works that were very popular during his lifetime, and remain relevant today. One of the artists to which John Ruskin was a patron was the skilled watercolorist Louisa, Marchioness of Waterford. Louisa's daughter, Rose la Touche, was the inspiration for «Sesames and Lilies». Ruskin met Rose when she was just ten years old, and grew completely enamored of her. He proposed to her when she was just seventeen, but was ultimately rejected; an event that many scholars agree caused his mental disintegration. «Sesames and Lilies» is an articulation of Ruskin's societal views, encouraging women to recognize their most important role: to morally guide men, and embrace that position.


Originally published in «Cornhill» magazine, «Unto This Last» is a series of four essays on the politics of economics. Considered by Ruskin as one of his most important works, «Unto This Last» argues that economics, art and science must have a foundation in morality. Ruskin, who cannot be strictly labeled as a liberal or conservative in his political ideology, crafts a thought-provoking exposition of prevailing economic theories that is as relevant today as when first written.


In his day, John Ruskin (1819-1900) held the power to make or break artists with his critical reviews. He served as benefactor to many artists, and was a huge supporter of the Pre-Raphaelite movement. His legacy holds the titles poet and artist as well, as he wrote works that were very popular during his lifetime, and remain relevant today. Around the 1850's, however, Ruskin underwent a major change concerning his religious beliefs and completely gave up art criticism, turning his attention and criticism to politics. He was very involved with the formation of the British Labour Party, as well as the Christian Socialism movement, even giving up his entire inheritance after his father's death because he didn't believe there was such thing as a rich socialist. Still to this day, Ruskin has many schools named after him, including the fine arts program, Ruskin College, at Oxford, his alma mater. «The Crown of the Wild Olive» collects some of Ruskin's better essays in the style of Thomas Carlyle together. Included are essays on «Work», «Traffic», «War», and «The Future of England».


The King of the Golden River by John Ruskin libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!


John Ruskin (1819-1900) fue uno de los escritores británicos más importantes e influyentes del siglo xix. En 1860 decide publicar un ensayo con algunas ideas sobre economía titulado «The Roots of Honour» en la revista Cornhill, que sería el primero de tan solo cuatro textos que alcanzarían a ver la luz antes de que el editor les pusiera fin ante la presión de la opinión pública. A diferencia de los economistas de su época, Ruskin defendía que la base de una economía sólida debía construirse sobre el honor y la lealtad entre empleados y empleadores. Convencido no solo de la veracidad de sus ideas, sino también de su valor literario, Ruskin decidió reunir los cuatro ensayos y publicarlos bajo el título de Unto This Last.La presente traducción, El bienestar de todos, pone a disposición del lector los textos que el mismo autor consideraba «los más elocuentes y los más útiles» de toda su obra. Ediciones UC presenta la primera traducción al español después de más de cien años desde la primera y única que se hiciera en nuestra lengua de esta obra emblemática de la economía y que fuera traducida por el propio Gandhi al Guyaratí, su lengua materna, al haber influido notablemente en su vida, su filosofía y en sus ideas económicas y sociales.Este rescate adquiere un profundo sentido al ser las ideas de Ruskin especialmente relevantes en el mundo de hoy, que busca mayores espacios de igualdad y lealtad en su desarrollo económico y social. «He descubierto algunas de mis convicciones más profundas reflejadas en este gran libro de Ruskin, que me cautivó y transformó mi vida.» Mahatma Gandhi


