
The Woman He Left Behind… It took serious injuries from a roadside bomb to bring war photographer Drew Michaels back to his estranged wife, Larissa. His need for adventure had ultimately pushed Larissa toward the warm embrace of the church…and away from him.But now, being back in such close quarters with his first – and only – love, was stirring up feelings of peace and comfort he'd suppressed long ago. Yet his secrets could once again tear him away from the woman to whom he'd uttered the words «I do.»


Widower Wyatt Johnson brought his two little girls home to Dawson, Oklahoma, looking for a place to heal. The grief from his wife's death still lingers, but it's time to move on and try to live a simple life. He's in for a surprise when he finds a lovely young nanny on his doorstep, ready to give him the help he won't admit he needs. Now his life is far from simple, which may be a blessing in disguise.In Rachel Waters he finds a nurturing, vivacious woman whom his daughters adore. Together, Wyatt and Rachel can help each other realize that they're deserving of laughter, friendshipand love.


With a broken-down truck, miles to go and little money, single mother Melanie Hunter needs help.It comes in the handsome form of rancher Gabe Davidson. He'll pay for the three-week repair job and provide lodging for her and her boy – if she'll take coordinating the town barbecue off his busy hands. Melanie accepts, figuring she'll soon be on her way to her new life.But as she gets to know the kind townspeople – and the hardworking cowboy her son adores – she realizes she's found her home. Now if only her Rocky Mountain hero will ask her to stay.


A Random Act of KindnessBusinessman Nick Thornton couldn't help being impulsive. But he had no misgivings about hiring away the fesity new waitress at his favorite diner. After all, he could spot a person in need, and Rona Meyers needed a protector.Yet, as he got to know her, he was humbled by her caring and no-nonsense attitude. Maybe he was the one in need–after all those long years he'd been struggling to keep his faith. With his sense of family shattered, Nick couldn't stop wondering if God wanted him to have a new beginning. And a new chance at love.


A Sprig Of Mistletoe, Some Christmas Magic…And Who Knew What Might Happen? Kate Merrill wasn't kidding herself. Attractive men didn't commit, as she knew very well from growing up without a father. So even though the jet-setting photographer with the high-voltage smile was the most captivating guy she'd ever met, she refused to think of him as anything more than a fling.Tyler Nichols was addicted to adventure. So at first he was relieved that the cynical law clerk with the cool blue eyes didn't expect him to stick around for long. But that was before he realized that being with Kate was a thrill he wasn't getting tired of.Now their future depended on him getting back to her on time from his most dangerous assignment. He just better not be late for their Christmas date!


U.S. Air Force pararescue jumper Vince Reardon was headed to a lifesaving mission.Until a too-pretty lawyer crashed her fancy car into his motorcycle–sidelining him for two weeks. Vince can barely accept Valentina Russo's heartfelt apologies. Ever since his brother was wrongly convicted–and killed in prison–Vince has lost respect for lawyers.But wait–is that Val volunteering at his refuge for underprivileged kids? If Vince isn't careful, this lady of the law might just earn his respect and his heart.


Kate Stevens needs a daddy for her baby-to-be. Candidates must be dependable, stay-at-home family men who don't rush off to sea every time the wind changes.Patrick Berzani need not apply. The adventure-loving sailor may be the baby's biological father, but he's far from daddy material. Patrick thought he and Kate were great together before, but now? They could be even better. And for Kate to believe he wouldn't be a good father to his child, well, Patrick has something to say about that, too!He just has to convince Kate. So while she interviews prospective daddies, Patrick plans to prove he's the ideal–the only–father for their child. And the man Kate loves and needs.


Cari Michaels has known for a long time that Reed Preston is the only man for her. Until her boss–the dynamic CEO of a family-owned department store chain–announces his engagement…to another woman. It's just the reality check Cari needs to get over Reed.But when a plane crash strands her in the west Texas desert with the man she loves, she can't hide her feelings. And now they have only each other to depend on for their survival.


Amelia North needs refuge, and finds it–in Refuge, Illinois.Stranded there after a car wreck, the single mother expects to be cold-shouldered. After all, she's already been rejected by her parents, her church and her daughter's father. Instead, she finds a town full of people with open hands and open hearts…including pararescue jumper Ben Dillinger.Ben wants to help Amelia and her daughter find safety and stability. Instead, he finds himself freefalling–right into love with the ready-made family.


Special agent Zachary Marshall had tracked a deadly terrorist ring to a secluded resort–right to a woman he'd once loved.Was Julie Anderson a cunning traitor…or an innocent victim of ruthless criminals? Zach planned to use their shared grief over lost loved ones–Julie's husband, his own wife and daughter–to get close enough to uncover the truth.He hadn't planned on Julie's quiet strength and unshakable faith lighting his dark soul. As sinister events unfolded, Zach realized Julie was in grave danger. And so was he…because he was falling for her all over again.