
To Linc Carey, Maddie Horton had always been a gangly kid with braces.So when a gorgeous woman walked off the plane, Linc was stunned at the changes in his late commanding offi cer's daughter. The Hawaiian holiday was his belated graduation present to Maddie, who'd been thrilled when her former crush invited her for a Christmas visit.Neither expected romance to blossom in such a short time. But Maddie's dream trip soon turned ugly when the people responsible for her father's murder set their sights on her. Can Linc protect Maddie from her yuletide stalker?


VOICE FROM THE PASTAn urgent call from a brother Angelina Harding hadn't seen in years brought her thousands of miles to Australia. Only to find Marcus gone.DANGER IN THE PRESENTWhat was a former Secret Service agent to do? Ditching the men who ambushed her at the airport was a start. But it was only with the help of her brother's friend, David Lemming, that Angelina had a chance to find Marcus.QUESTION FOR THE FUTUREAcross the Outback…and into the enemy's lair, Angelina raced against time – but her brother wasn't the only one at risk. Angelina's life, her new romantic interest…and perhaps even her country were on the line this time.


A NOTE FROM NERISSA BLANCHARD Now that my twin has found love, she wants me to be as happy as she is. She doesn't know how blue coming home to this empty house makes me. And our poor mother–I found her in the library, murdered. I'm thankful that Drew Lancaster was one of the first officers on the scene. He's encouraging and supportive (and he's handsome, too!).Lately, I've been hearing strange things around the house, and I worry that Mother's killer–or maybe someone else–is trying to push me over the edge of madness.


Giving murder victims a face is forensic artist Paige Bryant's specialty.She can always put the pieces together. But her work turns dangerous when Texas Ranger Cade Jarvis brings her a special project related to the notorious Lions of Texas. Identifying the victim could help with the ongoing search for the murderer of Cade's bossyet it also draws deadly attention to Paige.As she contends with attack after attack with only Cade's protection, the two of them draw closer together, learn to open their heartsand struggle to identify the face of danger before it's too late.


Brody Wick Wickham is a former Green Beret turned security agent – with a 100 percent mission success rate.No way is his new assignment changing that. Even if it's protecting a diva American rock star while she's on tour in Europe. Except Veronica Vonya Wagner isn't just a beautiful celebrity used to having her way – she's the daughter of a U.S. Senator.And she's hiding a dangerous secret. When Wick discovers what's at stake, how far over the line will he go to keep them both alive?


Sophie Clarkston is shocked to learn that she isn't who she thinks. Her birth certificate is forged. Her name – made up. And her widowed father is suddenly missing, leaving behind a heartbreaking letter asking forgiveness. Desperate for answers, Sophie turns to private investigator Cain Garrison in tiny Promise, Virginia.But the moment they leave his office, her life is threatened and her home ransacked. Who is after her? And who, exactly, is she? With questions about his own past, Cain vows to help Sophie uncover the truth. Before someone comes out of the shadows to keep it hidden forever.


Someone wants to ensure that the flight bringing Maddie Lambert and a transplant organ to her father never reaches its destination. Someone who's desperate enough to sabotage the plane. In the aftermath of the crash, Maddie finds herself stranded on an isolated mountain with the last man she'd ever trust again – her ex-fiance, Dr. Paul Ford.He's the man she blames for her family's tragic loss, but now he's the only one who can get her to her father in time. Yet what neither of them knows is that the danger has just begun.


A young woman's skeleton was found buried on the campus grounds. Contractor Trevor Whittaker couldn't get the cold-case murder out of his mind. Who was the woman? Why was she killed? And did his lovely boss's father, a wealthy, secretive benefactor of the college, have anything to do with it?Family and friends warned Alumni Director Stephanie Kessler to stay away from her new employee. They said Trevor was still the same bad boy he'd been ten years ago, but Stephanie wasn't the same mousy girl. So, this time, they both had something to prove.


According to police, Megan McClain had the motive, means and opportunity to commit a double murder.Unless she can prove her innocence, she'll spend Christmas in jail. Is someone trying to frame her? Who? She starts nosing around–and uncovers not one, but two unlikely suspects. The detective working the case doesn't appreciate Megan doing his job for him.And the more Paul Wallace investigates, the guiltier Megan looks. That's because she is hiding something. Something that scares her even more than her feelings for the handsome cop.


The struggling orchid farm on the lush island of Maui is Kiki Brill's pride and joy.And she's not about to lose it, no matter how much money Ryan McClain is offering for her family's land. But it's becoming clear that the «accidents» threatening her peaceful life are really acts of sabotage.The wealthy, handsome businessman, once the prime suspect, is beginning to seem like her last hope. Now, if only she can bring herself to trust him with her home, her heritage–and her heart.