
Mysteries followed reporter Merry Kramer everywhere.Case in point: On a morning jog one day, she discovered the body of a murdered woman. The small-town journalist had to find out who'd committed the horrible crime. And the more she dug, the more she realized that whoever was hiding the truth certainly wouldn't stop at one murder to protect it.Merry knew she had to decide–and decide soon–whether finding the killer was worth risking her own life, as well as her future with a wonderful fiance.


Wounded army officer Luke Marino was sent home, his career, his spirit shattered. Now he wanted only to be left alone, refusing even the physical therapy he needed.But Mary Kate Flanagan Donnelly, a widow with two children to raise on her own, needed Luke's case to prove herself as a capable therapist. Despite the revival of feelings she thought dormant since their high school romance, she was determined to help the stubborn hero and keep matters strictly business….


Firefighter paramedic Terry Flanagan saw her clinic for migrant farm workers as the perfect way to make a difference.But when Dr. Jacob Landsdowne was assigned to oversee her project, she wondered if her dreams would go up in smoke. Two years ago a tragedy had touched both their lives and almost destroyed Jacob's career. Now he was intent on rebuilding his reputation, and Terry's clinic was an unwanted distraction.Yet, with the well-being of women and children hanging in the balance, maybe it was time Jacob put aside his trust in himself…and turn to God.


Shy schoolteacher Cassie Manning had never been in love.After literally stumbling over new parishioner Peter Scott at New Beginnings Church, Cassie was certain God had answered her prayers! Handsome, worldly and a man of faith, Peter seemed to be everything Cassie could want in a soul mate. And the look in his summer-sky eyes told her he might care for her, as well.But when he disappeared for days at a time mysteriously, she began to worry about her newfound Prince Charming. Will this sweet Cinderella ever get her happily-ever-after?


Who knew a fresh start could be so hard? Not single mom Lisa Marley. She'd made her share of mistakes, but now she just wanted a chance to rebuild trust – and to raise her daughter, Cecily. All she needed was her new faith, not all-too-sure-of-himself Ethan Vance from New Beginnings at church. Widower Ethan could tell secrets hid behind Lisa's quiet facade.Between the challenges of raising three children, his church duties and pursuing a long-cherished dream, he took every opportunity to know her better. As their relationship grew, he wondered if Lisa held the key to his own new beginning, too.


Responsibility was nothing new to Paige McKaslin.She had raised her siblings and her son. And though duty was her guiding force, even in matters of the heart, she never stopped counting her blessings – her faith and her wonderful family. Then the McKaslin diner, her livelihood and heritage, burned to the ground….Paige was suddenly free to discover herself… and a blossoming relationship with rancher Evan Thornton. This intriguing man asked her out on her first date in eighteen years, totally disrupting her routine. Now love was an exciting possibility that made her rethink her orderly life. Could it be that God still had some surprises for her?


Matt Madigan's back in town… And Minnie Clark's furious.Not only does she have her hands full being a new mother to her young niece, she has to face her high school crush again…and he's building a megastore that could put her struggling gift shop out of business! Ten years ago Minnie was head over heels for Matt Madigan. Of course, the star football player never noticed. Minnie had to sit on the sidelines and watch as he dated her more popular, prettier sister.Now she has a constant reminder of those painful days–he's her new neighbor! But she's not going to let him waltz back into their Texas hometown full of big plans, just to break her heart all over again….


It's The Only Home She's Ever Known And Ruth Ann Blakely isn't going down without a fight! The equestrian trainer has lived and worked in the stables of The Hawkridge School her whole life. She can't allow some big-city architect to tear it all down…even if Jonah Granger is as attractive as he is persuasive.When Jonah moved to North Carolina to be near his stepdaughter, he didn't expect to be raked over the coals by an outspoken horse trainer. Passionately opposed to the new stable he's designing, Ruth Ann is a force to be reckoned with. In more ways than one…


There's something about Hagan Ansdar that rubs Maddie Alexander the wrong way.The Norse-god ski bum is too sure of himself, too cynical…and way too good-looking. His charms may work on the tourists he dates–and drops–but Maddie's been around the slopes long enough to avoid his type. Besides, she's too busy figuring out what to do with her life now that she's off the racing circuit.But for someone who never dates the locals, Hagan is spending a lot of time with her. And he seems to be the only one to understand her plight. Could there be a secret side to him? If so, maybe they're more alike than she thinks….


Two's A Handful… Three's Trouble!Dr. Ella Garvey's eight-year-old twins loved to stir things up. But when they hatched a daring plan with her neighbor's son, Dillon, to keep a baby they'd found abandoned in the park, it was mischief times ten. The parents' frantic search for the runaways caused the normally take-charge pediatrician not only to fall apart, but also to start falling for Jackson Tate, Dillon's divorced dad. Ella wanted a fairy-tale ending.But then the firefighter's ex arrived on the scene, and now Dillon expected his father to turn back the clock. Of course, Ella loved the idea of sharing three boys and a baby. But when it came to the man she wanted to marry, it was strictly hands off!