
Facing Her Past Single mother Kait Field is back home in the small Oklahoma town she left eight years ago. It’s time to empty the family home, close the door on the past and introduce her daughter, Jenna, to her daddy. Ryan Jones hasn’t quite forgiven his teenage sweetheart, who left him with unanswered questions and a broken heart.But Kait was never accepted by his controlling family, and they don’t seem any more welcoming this time around. Yet now Ryan and Kait are resolved that nothing will come between renewed promises of faith, forever—and the second chance that neither expected.


To Make A Child Smile Little Autumn barely speaks—and rarely smiles. So as a fresh start for both himself and his daughter, widowed doctor Matt Graham moves to a small Southern town. There they happen across a lovely young woman named Hannah Taylor.Something about Hannah awakens the girl, and suddenly Autumn is full of sweet chatter and laughter. In remission from the very illness that took so much from Matt and Autumn, Hannah seems to understand what the family of two needs.She’s healed his daughter’s heart. But can he open his enough to accept her love?


In Redemption, Oklahoma, a young boy is found huddled in a Dumpster, clutching a Christmas book. Scared and refusing to speak, he captures undercover agent Kade McKendrick’s guarded heart. Kade brings the child home until he can track down his family—and his story. All Kade has is a name, Davey, and the boy’s trust of sweet, pretty teacher Sophie Bartholomew.With her kindness and faith, Sophie helps both the boy and the battle-scarred cop to smile again. And as they uncover the mystery of a very special child, a family is formed—just in time for Christmas. Redemption River: Where healing flows….


Taking Charge. . . Of Her Heart High-powered businessman Jeff Brennan can't figure out why he's so smitten with the town's new librarian. Hannah Moore is quiet, skittish—and wants nothing to do with him. Yet as they work together on a fundraiser, Jeff resolves to discover why she came to the small New York town.Is working two jobs and tutoring kids with special needs an escape for Hannah? If so, Jeff is determined to show her that love can be the most powerful healing force of all.


Family, Clayton StyleRaising four-year-old triplets and an abandoned teenager, single mother Arabella Clayton Michaels has her hands full. She loves everything about her big family in tiny Clayton, Colorado. But when a Denver surgeon arrives with the news that her beloved teenager is his long-lost niece, Arabella worries she'll lose the girl—and much more.Jonathan Turner's harrowing past makes her want to open her heart to him. But will the handsome doctor accept a bigger ready-made family than either dreamed was possible?


19th Century American West. Dillon Hennessey was a man like no other… Strong yet caring, determined yet kind. But he was still a man, Katelyn Green reminded herself, and therefore not to be trusted. Hadn't her own husband abandoned her in her hour of need? And yet the whispers in her soul promised happiness with this man who'd gentled horses…and her heart!Katelyn Green had lost a child, and Dillon knew it ate away at her very core. He would help her if he could, if he had the words and ways. But would his tenderness be enough to win a woman who'd been robbed of her faith in love?


Bull riding–and all the danger that comes with it–is in Dusty McPherson's blood.When an injury knocks him out of the rodeo and back home to Desperation, Oklahoma, all he can focus on is riding again. Until he's welcomed by a gorgeous redhead aiming a shotgun at him. To Kate Clayborne's surprise, the handsome trespasser is not only a farmhand hired to help maintain the Clayborne farm, he'd been her high school crush.Used to living on her own terms and without the help of a man, Kate is reluctant to work with Dusty. Being so close to him now means trusting him, relying on him…and dealing with the attraction between them. Can she trust her heart to an adventure-seeking bull rider whose life is full of risks?


Fresh from reenacting a Civil War battle, Kyle Sherman, dressed in his Union uniform, is lost in Yewville, South Carolina.Dixie Lee Smith knows such a man should be treated as the enemy–shunned, or at the very least ignored. But with no Southern gentlemen pounding down her door, Dixie finds herself wondering if maybe the state of their potential «union» should be addressed.And once she discovers there's competition for Kyle, this particular rebel belle stops worrying about which side won the war, determined to win the handsome Yankee for herself. She's got a battle on her hands for sure. Because Kyle himself might not be so easy to subdue!


Small-town mechanic Zachary Drake had no illusions about his longtime friendship with winsome, wholesome Karen McKaslin – even after she called off her wedding to the local pastor.Zach simply intended to lend a grease-stained hand and a sympathetic ear to a pal in need, and keep his secret longing to himself…. Having narrowly escaped a loveless marriage, Karen was counting her blessings. Now she could transform herself into a woman worthy of being loved for all eternity.She never dreamed Mr. Right was waiting for her on the wrong side of the tracks, praying she'd see in his eyes what he didn't dare say….


Matthew Sheridan was the answer to her prayer…At least, to the one Hope Ashton had offered when she found herself stranded alone on a blustery Montana night. Contrary to her matchmaking Nanna's belief, Hope didn't long to land a husband – and her old pal wasn't looking for a wife. But that didn't stop Hope from secretly wondering what if…?What could a widowed country cowboy possibly have in common with a millionaire's sophisticated daughter? Absolutely nothing – save the desire to stay single. But Matthew was a lonely, red-blooded man. He was also proud papa to a determined trio of toddlers who yearned for a mommy – and they'd set their sights on Hope….