
Fresh from reenacting a Civil War battle, Kyle Sherman, dressed in his Union uniform, is lost in Yewville, South Carolina.Dixie Lee Smith knows such a man should be treated as the enemy–shunned, or at the very least ignored. But with no Southern gentlemen pounding down her door, Dixie finds herself wondering if maybe the state of their potential «union» should be addressed.And once she discovers there's competition for Kyle, this particular rebel belle stops worrying about which side won the war, determined to win the handsome Yankee for herself. She's got a battle on her hands for sure. Because Kyle himself might not be so easy to subdue!


Can She Overcome The Fear Factor?Gina Angelini never wants to see Josh Corbett again, and everyone knows why. Two years ago he romanced her in front of millions of TV viewers–then surprised the world by picking another contestant to share his life. She's still smarting from his public rejection when he tracks her down to the Napa Valley in California and tries to rewrite their unhappy ending. But a little voice in her head keeps whispering, Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me….The longer Josh is around Gina, the more he regrets having listened to the show's producers instead of his heart. In fact, he can't really blame the blond, dark-eyed beauty for not giving him the time of day. What he needs now is forgiveness. Maybe that and a few allies in the large and boisterous Angelini clan will be enough to buy him a fresh start.In The Family: The bigger the family, the greater the love


Only Rick McCullough knows the real reason he married Martine Barrineau instead of her twin, Trista. Best friends since the age of nine, the three were inseparable. But it was Trista with whom he'd always shared something deeper than friendship–and they have the enduring memory of one night to prove it. Ten years and so much heartbreak later, Rick and Trista might have a second chance.But by this time, life's twists and turns have taken them down very different paths. Sweetwater Cottage in South Carolina's Low Country was where they'd always felt a special connection, as pictures of so many vacations show. Now, after all these years, they're at Sweetwater Cottage again…


As Different As Oil And Water!Allowing a movie crew to take over her gas station in Yewville was a bad idea, and it never would have happened if Carrie Smith's home hadn't desperately needed a new roof. Then, along with the stretch limos, came Luke Mason and his Ferrari–a picture-perfect combo no small-town girl could resist.While the petite mechanic was pretending she thought everything about Hollywood and the sweet-talking charmer was phony, her prickly reserve was challenging Tinseltown's hottest property, and he wasn't going to give up. After all, women everywhere would die for his megawatt smile.Surely he hadn't fallen for the only woman who could do without it. No way would Christmas arrive without Carolina Rose Smith knowing just what the determined Luke Mason was all about!
