
Kate Stevens needs a daddy for her baby-to-be. Candidates must be dependable, stay-at-home family men who don't rush off to sea every time the wind changes.Patrick Berzani need not apply. The adventure-loving sailor may be the baby's biological father, but he's far from daddy material. Patrick thought he and Kate were great together before, but now? They could be even better. And for Kate to believe he wouldn't be a good father to his child, well, Patrick has something to say about that, too!He just has to convince Kate. So while she interviews prospective daddies, Patrick plans to prove he's the ideal–the only–father for their child. And the man Kate loves and needs.


He'll take one for the team Advertising executive Samantha James is looking for a ballplayer who can turn the city's losing team into a winning package. From the moment she sees pitcher Jarrett Corliss in that steamy locker room, she knows she's found her star candidate. She also knows she needs to steer clear of the arrogant player outside the boardroom. Jarrett agrees to be Samantha's poster boy on one condition– that she goes out with him.Even though the team's owner has forbidden fraternization because of recent scandals that almost brought down the ball club, Jarrett isn't about to strike out. He needs the team to win this season to save his career, but he also needs Sam…and this is the one time where he hopes his pitch lands a home run.