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discussion with the supervisor or other financial executive.

      Discovery of any fraudulent invoices should be reported to the authorities. Digital transmission and postal delivery of invoice scams are considered a crime of fraud and potential theft. The sending of false invoices through the U.S. Postal Service may be considered postal fraud as well.


      Whenever you encounter a potential hoax or just are concerned that a claimed threat is real, do the research. A couple of great places to check for hoax information or to look up your suspected hoax message are snopes.com and phishtank.com.

      Impersonation and Masquerading

      Impersonation is the act of taking on the identity of someone else. This can take place in person, over the phone, through email, by logging into someone's account, or through any other means of communication. Impersonation can also be known as masquerading, spoofing, and even identity fraud. In some circumstances, impersonation is defined as a more sophisticated and complex attack, whereas masquerading is amateurish and simpler. This distinction is emphasized in the difference between renting an Elvis costume (i.e., masquerading) for a party versus being a career Elvis impersonator.

      Defenses against physical location impersonation can include the use of access badges and security guards, and requiring the presentation and verification of ID at all entrances. If nontypical personnel are to visit a facility, the visit should be prearranged and the security guards provided with reasonable and confirmed notice that a nonemployee will be visiting. The organization from which the visitor hails should provide identification details, including a photo ID. When the person arrives, their identity should be compared against the provided credentials. In most secure environments, visitors are not allowed to roam free. Instead, an escort must accompany the visitor for their entire time within the company's security perimeter.

      Tailgating and Piggybacking

      Tailgating occurs when an unauthorized entity gains access to a facility under the authorization of a valid worker but without their knowledge. This attack can occur when a worker uses their valid credentials to unlock and open a door, then walks into the building as the door closes, granting the attacker the opportunity to stop the door from closing and to sneak in without the victim realizing. Tailgating is an attack that does not depend on the consent of the victim—just their obliviousness to what occurs behind them as they walk into a building.

      Each and every time a user unlocks or opens a door, they should ensure that it is closed and locked before walking away. This action alone eliminates tailgating, but it does require that workers change their behavior. There is also social pressure to hold open a door for someone who is walking up behind you, but this courtesy should not be extended to include secure entry points, even if you think you know the person walking up behind.

      A problem similar to tailgating is piggybacking. Piggybacking occurs when an unauthorized entity gains access to a facility under the authorization of a valid worker by tricking the victim into providing consent. This could happen when the intruder feigns the need for assistance by holding a large box or lots of paperwork and asks someone to “hold the door.” The goal of the intruder is to distract the victim while the attacker gains access in order to prevent the victim from realizing that the attacker did not provide their own credentials. This ploy depends on the good nature of most people to believe the pretext, especially when they seem to have “dressed the part.”

      When someone asks for assistance in holding open a secured door, users should ask for proof of authorization or offer to swipe the person's access card on their behalf. Or, the worker should redirect the person to the main entrance controlled by security guards or call over a security guard to handle the situation. Also, the use of access control vestibules, turnstiles, and security cameras are useful in response to piggybacking. These controls reduce the chance of an outsider bluffing their way into your secured areas.


      When direct physical entry isn't possible or attempts fail, adversaries may use a baiting technique to deposit malware onto internal systems. Baiting is when the attacker drops USB sticks, optical discs, or even wallets in a location that a worker is likely to encounter it. The hope is the worker will plug the USB drive or insert the disc into a work computer where the malware will auto-infect the system. The wallet often has a note in it with a URL or IP address along with credentials. The hope is the victim will visit the site from a work computer and be infected by a drive-by-download event or be tricked by a phishing site.

      Dumpster Diving

      To prevent dumpster diving, or at least reduce its value to an attacker, all documents should be shredded and/or incinerated before being discarded. Additionally, no storage media should ever be discarded in the trash; use a secure disposal technique or service. Secure storage media disposal often includes incineration, shredding, or chipping.

      Identity Fraud

      Identity fraud and identity theft are terms that are often used interchangeably. In fact, the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) states that “Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person's personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain” (www.justice.gov/criminal-fraud/identity-theft/identity-theft-and-identity-fraud). Identity fraud and identity theft can be both the purpose of a social engineering attack (i.e., to steal PII) as well as a tool used to further the success of a social engineering attack.

      However, it is important to recognize that while we can use the terms as synonyms (especially in casual conversation), there is more value to be gained by understanding how they are different.

      Identity theft is the act of stealing someone's identity. Specifically, this can refer to the initial act of information gathering or elicitation where usernames,

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