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(917.8)rejected, the original professional prostitutes, 82:4.5 (917.8)shows, original, purpose of, 70:7.13 (791.6), 83:4.3 (924.6)Bridegroomcomparison of Jesus to a, 135:11.2 (1507.1)parable of the, 147:7.2 (1655.4)Peter’s query as to whom applicable, 165:6.1 (1824.4)Bridgecomparison of this world to a, 156:2.1 (1735.5)experiential, linking beginnings and completions, the Supreme and the Ultimate, 118:0.9 (1294.9)living, from one world to another, Jesus the, 182:1.24 (1965.18)at Sidon, a rare sight, 156:2.1 (1735.5)Brigand(s)inscription over the condemned thieves, 187:1.2 (2004.6)the penitent, cause of the life of wrongdoing of, 187:4.5 (2009.4)preparation for crucifixion of the two, 187:1.2 (2004.6)railing against Jesus by one of the, 187:4.1 (2008.8)reaction of, to Jesus’ character, 187:4.5 (2009.4)the two, behavior of, on their crosses, 187:2.4 (2007.3)Bright and Morning Star(s)attributes of, 32:2.6 (359.3)the cocreator of spironga, 37:10.2 (416.2)collaboration of Creator Son and Mother Spirit in production of, 25:1.2 (273.11), 34:2.5 (376.2)companion of Michael on sixth bestowal, 119:6.2 (1315.5)creation of the, 32:2.6 (359.3), 33:4.1 (369.4)creative prerogatives not possessed by, 33:4.2 (369.5)delegation of authority of, to Mechizedeks, 35:2.5 (386.3)Father Melchizedek’s relation to, 35:1.2 (385.1)function of, 32:2.6 (359.3), 33:4.4 (370.1)of archangels by authority of, 37:3.2 (408.5)of Father Melchizedek during absence from Salvington of, 33:6.2 (371.4)Gabriel the, 37:1.9 (406.11), 39:2.3 (429.7), 136:3.4 (1513.1)high council of the, 55:10.5 (634.5)identification of, 28:1.3 (306.9)Melchizedeks the chief aids to the, 35:2.5 (386.3)Michael Sons the personality pattern for the, 1:5.6 (28.3)office of, 21:2.11 (237.1), 39:1.2 (427.2)one in each local universe, 33:4.2 (369.5), 37:1.9 (406.11)one of the universe administrators, 55:8.7 (633.3)a personal aid, 35:1.1 (384.8)representative of Creator Son and Creative Spirit, 33:4.3 (369.6)sealing of Jerusem’s vacant temple by, 46:5.32 (527.1)Son-Spirit ministers’ affiliation with, 39:1.2 (427.2)Brilliant Evening Star(s)about, 37:2.0 (407.1–408.3)angelic armies commanded by, 38:6.2 (421.5)ascendant, sources of, 37:2.4 (407.4)supervision of their satellites by, 37:2.10 (408.2)assistance of, in establishing final planetary age, 55:0.1 (621.1)as assistants of Magisterial Sons on bestowal missions, 20:2.9 (225.8)of Avalon, on Urantia advisory council, 67:6.5 (759.8)collaboration of, with superuniverse seconaphim, 55:4.18 (628.6)collaboration of archangels with, 37:3.2 (408.5)contact of Daynals with, 20:9.3 (232.1)co-ordinates of, in second circle of the Sons, 46:5.13 (524.4)created, influence of, in Jerusem, 46:5.25 (525.7)manifestation of spirit force of, 37:2.5 (407.5)supervision of their primary worlds by, 37:2.10 (408.2)deliberations of, on Evening Star seventh-world satellites, 37:2.11 (408.3)determination of degree of spirit insight by, 45:7.7 (518.3)direction of activities of, from Jerusem, 37:3.3 (408.6)elevation of seraphim to, 37:2.4 (407.4), 39:8.1 (440.3)functions of, 37:2.1 (407.1)as Gabriel’s representatives, 37:2.1 (407.1)Galantia, associate head of, 37:2.6 (407.6), 46:5.25 (525.7)Gavalia, head of, in Nebadon, 37:2.6 (407.6), 119:0.1 (1308.1)presenter of Paper 119, 119:0.1 (1308.1)headquarters and training schools of, 47:6.1 (536.2)Jerusem activities of, 43:5.11 (491.7)liaison between Gravity Messengers and, 37:2.11 (408.3)location of system headquarters of, 46:5.25 (525.7)loyalty of, to Michael during Lucifer rebellion, 53:7.4 (607.5)make-up of pairs of, 37:2.7 (407.7)of Nebadon, on Gabriel’s personal staff, 37:2.1 (407.1)number 1,146, presenter of Paper 37, 37:10.7 (417.1)presenter(s) of Papers 47, 85–89, 119, 47:10.8 (540.4), 85:7.4 (949.1), 86:7.7 (957.3), 87:7.11 (966.6), 88:6.9 (973.2), 89:10.7 (985.2), 119:0.1 (1308.1)place of origin of, 20:2.9 (225.8), 37:2.4 (407.4)portrayal of finaliter teachings by the, 55:4.14 (628.2)Satania home of, 45:1.6 (510.4)schools of, 37:2.11 (408.3)seventh primary world of, future activities of, 37:2.11 (408.3)Trinity Teacher Sons, and finaliters, relations of, 55:4.14 (628.2)two orders of, 37:2.4 (407.4)as universe teachers, 45:7.2 (517.4)visibility of, to certain beings, 37:2.5 (407.5)worlds of the, 37:2.10 (408.2)Bringing God down to manand carrying man up to God, 77:9.12 (867.3)Briny waterscirculation of, through animal bodies of marine life, 58:6.5 (669.6)emergence of first land animals from, 59:5.6 (680.8)relation of, to continued life of land animals, 58:1.3 (664.4)BritishIsles, emergence from the sea, 59:1.17 (674.3)Salem missionaries’ onetime penetration to the, 93:7.2 (1021.6)submergence of, during mid-Devonian period, 59:4.8 (679.1)thickness of lava flow of brachiopod age over the, 59:3.6 (677.3)traveler, Jesus’ talk in Corinth with the, 133:4.10 (1475.3)British Columbiafifteen-mile rock overthrust in, 60:3.14 (690.5)BrittanyAndonite identity in, 80:4.6 (893.2)present-day superstitions of sun-worship in, 80:9.14 (899.1)Broad wayto destruction, 166:3.3 (1828.7)Broadcast(s)all information not obtainable by, 23:2.16 (259.2)amphitheater, Jerusem, automatic display of broadcasts in, 46:3.1 (522.1)ascenders’ increased appreciation of, on fourth mansonia, 47:6.2 (536.3)circuits, universe, and melodies of the spheres, 44:1.1 (499.3)constellation, by chief of Constellation Fathers, 33:6.6 (372.1)consultation of, by Havona arrivals, 30:4.28 (343.3)directors, function of, 44:4.9 (504.1)flashing, and deprivation of Lucifer traitors of personality existence, 53:9.7 (611.6)of Havona, 26:9.4 (295.2)interest of post-Teacher Son people in, 52:7.6 (599.2)Jerusem, 46:3.0 (522.1–4)messages, synchronization of, with reflective vision, 28:4.12 (309.6)Nebadon, as to Life Carriers’ sixtieth experiment, 57:8.9 (661.3)in operation prior to Havona arrival of Grandfanda, 24:6.8 (270.6)of Paradise, a superuniverse circuit, 15:9.9 (177.8)receivers, energy transmitters’ services to, 29:4.29 (327.5)function of primary seconaphim as, 28:4.12 (309.6)receiving amphitheater of Jerusem, 46:3.1 (522.1)stations of Jerusem, activities of, during quiet hour, 46:1.7 (520.3)Salvington, range of, 33:6.5 (371.7)regarding the unbelievable steadfastness of Amadon, 67:8.2 (762.1)sending station of Jerusem, location of, 46:3.4 (522.4)seraphic recorders’ utilization of, 39:2.15 (431.4)service(s), periodic functioning of, 17:3.7 (201.5)suspension of, during Lucifer rebellion, 53:7.3 (607.4)of universe of universes, time of establishment of, 24:6.8 (270.6)use of, sometimes inexpedient, 23:3.1 (260.5)Solitary Messengers’ ability to "listen in" on, 23:1.6 (257.1)stations of Nebadon, Satania-rebellion bulletins of the, 53:7.11 (608.7)superuniverse, at Michael’s birth, 38:6.3 (421.6)universal, of Creator Son conclave, 21:0.5 (234.5)universe, tuning in the soul on, as worship, 144:4.8 (1621.7)value of, in conduct of the universes, 28:4.12 (309.6)waves, Urantian, prevention of escape of, 46:1.6 (520.2)Broadcasterspromulgation of constellation legislative enactments by, 43:2.8 (488.2)superior seraphim, function of, 39:2.16 (431.5)tertiary supernaphim, function of, 26:3.8 (289.1)Broadcastingdisturbance of, by ionosphere storms, 58:2.10 (666.7)Brokenheartedthe Lord’s healing of the, 2:6.3 (41.1), 97:5.3 (1066.7), 123:5.11 (1363.4), 126:4.2 (1391.6), 131:2.4 (1444.4), 131:2.10 (1445.4), 148:5.5 (1662.2), 190:5.4 (2035.1)BronzeAge, in Scandinavia, 80:9.13 (898.8)simultaneous existence of, with Stone and Iron Ages, 81:3.4 (903.6)culture, in Turkestan, 81:3.4 (903.6)discovery of, 81:3.5 (904.1)BrooderJudas a, 139:12.9 (1567.2)Broodingmelancholic, Thomas’s inclination toward, 139:8.5 (1561.5)in sorrow, a weakness of character, 156:5.17 (1740.4)Brothel keeperreformed at Simon’s banquet, 147:5.3 (1651.7)Brother(s)affection of a, vs. a father’s affection, 140:5.1 (1573.3)a believer’s natural attitude toward his, 193:1.2 (2053.4)discovery of the reality of all men as, 130:2.6 (1431.1), 147:8.5 (1656.6)erring, reconciliation of an, 159:1.3 (1762.5)Eternal Son’s attitude of a, 6:2.8 (75.5)in the flesh, Michael to minister to the material comforts of his, 120:2.5 (1328.2)-friend, Jesus as a, 143:6.4 (1615.5)God our, according to Hinduism, 131:4.4 (1448.3)God’s intention that all men be, 131:10.4 (1454.1)Jesus’, establishment of, in their lifework, 128:7.9 (1418.1)Jesus’ designation of his, 154:6.5 (1722.1)qualifications as a, in his family, 124:5.6 (1373.6)Jesus our understanding, 127:6.13 (1405.5)teaching the apostles to treat all men as, 140:10.7 (1585.5)possible compatibility of, 139:1.6 (1549.4)the relation of poor men and rich men as, 131:1.7 (1443.3)and "sister" greetings of early believers, 194:4.7 (2067.2)and sister marriages, early prevalence of, 82:5.4 (918.4)as influenced by plural-wife mores, 82:5.5 (919.1)a phase in marriage evolution, 83:5.2 (925.7)and sisters, Jesus’ youthful relation with his, 124:4.3 (1371.6)three apostolic groups of, Jesus’ praise of the, 181:2.19 (1959.3)-trustee, Immanuel’s authority as, 120:1.6 (1326.3)walks with two, Jesus’ seventh morontia appearance, 190:5.0 (2034.2–2036.3)Brotherhood(s)of all universe creatures, morontian awareness of the, 101:6.11 (1112.7)ancient, and rite of blood drinking, 89:9.3 (984.2)attainment of recognition of, 16:9.14 (196.10)believers’ effort to enlarge the, 170:3.9 (1862.6)of culture, science’s attempt to create the, 102:3.8 (1122.4)dependence of, on religion, 99:1.4 (1087.1), 134:6.2 (1490.5)difficulties of attainment of, 52:6.2 (597.3)discipline of the, man’s part in, 159:1.6 (1764.1)a fact of relationship,

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