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(1645.1)Joseph’s carpetry work at, 123:3.8 (1360.3)wedding at, about, 137:4.0 (1528.4–1531.4)Jesus’ later discussion of the episode at, 138:7.3 (1544.2), 138:8.5 (1545.6)later effects of the episode at, 145:2.15 (1631.3), 146:5.3 (1645.1), 157:4.1 (1746.5), 157:5.1 (1748.1)spreading of news of events at the, 137:6.1 (1532.3), 137:7.4 (1534.3)CanaanAbraham’s dream to conquer, 93:6.1 (1020.4)Melchizedek’s prophecy of Abraham’s offspring’s occupation of, 93:6.3 (1020.6)Canaanite(s)David’s compromise with the, 97:9.13 (1073.3)vs. Hebrews, the Yahweh-Baal controversy, 97:3.5 (1065.2), 97:9.0 (1071.6–1073.1)Joshua’s smiting of the, 135:9.5 (1505.5)a non-Hebrew group in Judah, 97:9.7 (1072.5)superstitions of, the source of sorcery, 150:3.11 (1681.6)tribes, Phoenician gentiles’ descendance from, 156:3.2 (1737.1)union of, with the Israelites to form the Hebrew nation, 97:9.1 (1071.6)worship of their tribal deities by the, 96:1.12 (1054.2)Canadacoal layers in, 59:5.17 (681.9)coral formations extending through, 59:4.6 (678.7)mammoth range included, 61:7.14 (702.4)Niagara limestone’s distribution over, 59:3.9 (677.6)outcroppings of Proterozoic fossil-bearing rock in, 58:7.4 (670.6)preocean rocks in Hudson Bay region of, 57:8.12 (661.6)Canalsof Jerusem, 46:2.2 (520.7)military, of Sumerians, a factor in defense, 78:8.5 (876.2)Candidatesapostolic, Jesus’ and the first group’s visit to, 138:2.2 (1539.5)for the Deity adventure, 26:7.1 (292.5)for eternal life, reaction of, to mortal living, 156:5.13 (1739.8)for life everlasting, women as, 143:5.11 (1614.5)for the seventy, bringing of, to Jesus, 163:2.1 (1801.4)of time, arrival on first Havona circuit of, 14:5.4 (158.7)for Trinitized Sons of Attainment, method of selection of, 22:4.4 (247.3)Candlesin death chambers, modern use of, 87:1.4 (958.6)lighted, origin of the use of, at weddings, 83:4.6 (925.2)in twentieth-century religious services, 85:4.4 (947.3)Candlestickcandle’s rightful place on a, 140:3.13 (1570.14)Canine familyEuropean ancestor of the, 61:2.7 (695.5)Cannibalearly man a, 89:5.2 (979.1)Cannibalisminfluences leading to gradual disappearance of, 89:5.8–16 (979.7–980.5)onetime universality of, 89:5.3 (979.2)origin of, 89:5.1 (978.8)result and cure of, human sacrifice the, 89:6.1 (980.6)slavery an advancement over, 69:8.2 (779.1)Canofate of, 75:5.3 (843.5)a leader of the Nodites, 75:3.7 (841.7)promise of, to Eve, 75:4.7 (843.1)Canvas and leather workerJesus’ proficiency as a, 126:1.1 (1387.1)Capacityof receptivity, religious, and spiritual advancement and religious revelation, 52:2.3 (591.3), 168:4.6 (1848.6)spiritual, measurement of man’s, 156:5.14 (1740.1)for spiritual receptivity, and determination of spiritual presence, 5:2.1 (64.4)and human experience of Father’s love, 3:4.6 (50.4)CapernaumAndrew’s and Peter’s first visit to, 138:1.1 (1538.3)apostles’ return to, after first preaching tour, 146:7.3 (1646.4)two-week sojourn in, 147:0.1 (1647.1)boatbuilder, Ezra’s disdain for the, 137:2.2 (1526.2)as the proposed Alexandrian teacher, 128:5.5 (1414.3)commercial and military importance of, 129:1.7 (1420.4)congregation, reaction of, to Jesus’ sermon, 153:2.13 (1711.5)crisis, events leading up to the, 152:0.0 (1698.1–1706.4)narrative of the, 153:0.0 (1707.1–1716.1)departure of Jesus from Bethany for, 134:9.5 (1495.2)of Jesus’ followers from Pella for, 144:9.2 (1627.7)evening conferences, scope of Jesus’ instruction at, 129:1.10 (1420.7)four eventful days at, 145:0.0 (1628.1–1636.3)healing, Jesus’ explanation of, 145:5.4 (1635.3)home, removal of Mary and Ruth to the, 134:1.6 (1484.3)interest, apostles’ reluctance to leave the, 145:5.10 (1636.3)Jesus’ and his apostles’ departure from Cana for, 137:5.1 (1531.5)instruction of his apostles for ordination near, 140:0.2 (1568.2)move to, reason for, 127:2.10 (1398.2)onetime home, 134:2.5 (1485.2)passing through, 134:7.5 (1492.5)pleasant memories of, while in Gethsemane, 182:3.10 (1969.5)proposed trip to, to meet his family, 157:0.1 (1743.1)residence at the Zebedee home in, 129:1.4 (1420.1)visit to, to see his mother, 137:3.1 (1527.4)visits at the caravan station in, 129:1.7 (1420.4)John’s many converts from, 135:8.1 (1503.4)last days at, apostles’, 154:0.0 (1717.1–1724.1)light-rejecting inhabitants of, 163:6.5 (1807.4)Nazareth family’s sale of property in, 127:6.10 (1405.2)opinions of fifty leading citizens of, as to Jesus, 154:4.1 (1719.4)people, reaction of, to Jesus’ synagogue sermon, 145:2.11 (1630.7)popularity of Jesus in, 145:2.1 (1629.2)postbaptismal return of James and Jude to, 135:9.8 (1506.1)purpose of setting the apostles apart in the hills of, 178:3.2 (1934.4)the "real capital" of Nebadon, during the sundown healing, 145:3.4 (1632.3)return of apostolic corps to, after Jerusalem interlude, 147:6.0 (1653.5–1655.2)revulsion against the Master in, 153:5.2 (1715.2)synagogue discourse of Jesus, 135:8.2 (1503.5), 137:6.0 (1532.3–1533.4), 145:2.1 (1629.2)Jesus’ conduct of service at the, during Bethsaida encampment, 148:3.1 (1659.3)official closing of, to Jesus, 154:1.2 (1717.5)schools, rating of, 139:0.3 (1548.3)Capital(s)accumulation of, basic urges leading to, 69:5.3 (776.1)-accumulation mores, a social advance, 69:9.3 (780.6)beginnings of, 69:5.0 (775.9–777.3)charge, usual procedure of the Jews in trying one on a, 184:3.4 (1982.5)of the continental nation, location of, 72:2.1 (809.2)crime, the first, 70:10.15 (796.5)a definition, 69:5.1 (775.9)effects of religion on, 92:3.7 (1006.4), 92:3.9 (1006.6)of Ensa, see Uminora factor in economic freedom, 81:5.5 (906.3)goods, disposition of, in early communal society, 69:9.3 (780.6)a factor in material civilization, 81:6.6 (907.3)necessity for wisdom in the utilization of, 81:6.14 (908.3)herds as the first, 69:8.5 (779.4)influence of, on man, 69:5.15 (777.3)of inhabited worlds, establishment of, 51:7.3 (588.2)presence of morontia temple at, 55:1.1 (622.1)Jesus’ statements regarding, 132:5.7 (1463.1), 132:5.19 (1464.3)and labor, co-operation of, in the continental nation, 72:5.1 (813.2)problems of, the first, 69:5.1 (775.9)land as, 69:9.15 (782.2)major, number of, on Jerusem, 46:1.1 (519.2)of Nebadon, on a certain day Capernaum the real, 145:3.4 (1632.3)see also Salvingtonof Norlatiadek, see Edentiaof Orvonton, see Uversaof Satania, see Jerusemsectional, System Sovereign’s visits to, at least once a year, 46:1.1 (519.2)of Splandon, see Umajorof the universe of universes, see Paradiseof Urantia, expectations of New Jerusalem becoming the, 176:1.6 (1913.5)the first, 67:5.5 (759.3), 77:3.2 (858.3)Capitalistsabuse by unfair, no contradiction to capital as basis of modern industrial society, 69:5.15 (777.3)herders the first, 69:8.5 (779.4)priesthoods chief among ancient, 69:5.9 (776.7)slaves unable to become, 70:8.8 (792.12)small, intelligent laborers in continental nation becoming, 72:5.1 (813.2)Capitoliasthe seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)Capitoliumthe Roman temple, 132:0.2 (1455.2)CappadociaMatthew’s journeys through, 139:7.10 (1560.6)CapriciousJesus’ freedom from being, 100:7.3 (1101.7)Life Carriers not, in their decisions about life variations, 49:1.3 (560.2)Captainthe human will the, of the mind, 111:1.9 (1217.4)of the Jewish temple guard(s), command of, for the binding of John, 183:5.3 (1977.3)Judas’s arrangement with the, for the arrest of Jesus, 177:4.8 (1926.1)reporting of Judas to the, 183:2.1 (1972.2)of our salvation, a title of Jesus, 128:1.10 (1408.7)of the Roman guard(s) also known as the centurion, command of, to Simon, to carry Jesus’ crossbeam, 187:1.10 (2006.3)the commander of the crucifixion squad, 187:0.1 (2004.1), 187:1.2 (2004.6)conversion of, to belief in Jesus, 187:4.4 (2009.3), 187:5.5 (2011.1)decision of, to allow John Zebedee’s presence, 183:5.3 (1977.3), 187:6.2 (2011.6)regarding two thieves, 186:4.4 (2001.7)one of Jesus’ pallbearers, 188:1.3 (2013.2)reaction of, to Jesus’ death on the cross, 141:3.5 (1589.6), 187:5.5 (2011.1)to Peter’s use of his sword, 183:3.8 (1975.1)releasing of Jesus’ body to Joseph by the, 188:1.1 (2012.4)report of soldiers to, about the opening of the tombstone, 189:2.4 (2023.3)signal of, to soldiers to help roll the doorstone over the tomb entrance, 188:1.5 (2013.4)and the story of the conversion of the dying thief, 187:4.3 (2009.2)willingness of, to allow the three apostles their freedom, 183:3.7 (1974.5)Captivesenslavement of, the third great advance in civilization, 81:2.6 (901.9)male, enslavement of, as agriculturists, 84:3.8 (934.7)moral, Jesus’ purpose to proclaim spiritual liberty to, 138:3.6 (1540.9)proclamation of liberty to, see Liberty(ies), proclamation ofreleased by Christ Michael, 30:4.11 (341.1)of sin, proclamation of liberty to the, 190:5.4

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