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man’s release from, 143:2.8 (1610.3)slavish, vs. loving service, 149:6.5 (1675.6)theological, Jesus’ desire to free the Jews from, 125:5.10 (1383.3)woman’s method of alleviating her, 84:4.3 (935.3)Bondsof the flesh, death the means of emancipation of mortals from the, 49:6.1 (568.4)servant(s), an early form of property, 69:5.8 (776.6)human’s need to cease being, 130:6.3 (1437.3)of sin, a definition, 162:7.2 (1796.4)of time, affliction of men by the, 147:3.3 (1649.3)Bondslavesof the flesh, mortals’ release from being, 143:2.4 (1609.5)of self, vs. masters of self, 143:2.7 (1610.2)Bonesof the dead, magic in, 88:5.2 (971.4)of heroes, man’s tendency to revere, 88:2.1 (968.6)and saints, the Latins’ preservation of the, 98:3.4 (1080.6)Book(s)of the Dead, Egyptian, identity of the, 95:2.5 (1044.4)of Enoch, concept of the Messiah in the, 136:1.6 (1510.3)influence of, on Jesus, 126:3.6 (1390.1)Gonod’s suggestion that Jesus write a, 132:6.3 (1465.7)of Hebrews, quotation from, regarding Melchizedek, 93:9.11 (1024.2)of Job, so-called, Egyptian and Mesopotamian concepts recorded in the, 96:7.1 (1060.1)sources of the variegated picture of Deity in the, 96:7.5 (1060.5)wrong ideas about God in the, 148:6.11 (1664.3)of the Law, period of Jesus’ study of the, 123:5.2 (1362.3)study of, in the synagogue school, 123:5.3 (1362.4)of Leviticus, study of, in the synagogue school, 123:5.3 (1362.4)of life, custodians of knowledge the, 27:5.1 (301.6)no, left on Urantia by Jesus, 141:7.4 (1593.5)the opened, the living records of the tertiary seconaphim, 28:6.6 (314.5)of Proverbs, the philosophy of Amenemope, 95:4.3 (1046.4)portions of, originating in Amenemope’s Book of Wisdom, 95:4.3 (1046.4)of Psalms, cover the period from Amenemope to Isaiah, 96:7.3 (1060.3)unique wealth of inspirational ideas about God, 96:7.3 (1060.3)of Revelation, fragments of a great revelation, 139:4.14 (1555.7)John’s writing of the, 139:4.14 (1555.7)use of, in schools of the continental nation, 72:4.1 (812.3)of Wisdom, Amenemope’s, some contents of, 95:4.5 (1046.6)BookkeeperGod not a, 141:4.1 (1590.4)Bornagain, definition, 130:6.4 (1438.1), 155:6.3 (1731.1)necessity of being, to enter the kingdom of heaven, 103:2.1 (1130.6)of the spirit, vs. born of the flesh, 141:6.4 (1592.6), 142:6.5 (1602.4)definition, 193:0.3 (2052.3)discernment of the word of God by those, 155:6.12 (1732.5)evidence of man’s being, 142:5.4 (1601.4)the experience of faith sons of God, 34:6.4 (380.5)importance of man’s being, 103:2.1 (1130.6), 130:6.4 (1438.1), 142:6.5 (1602.4), 144:8.4 (1627.1)Jesus’ call to believers to be, 155:6.3 (1731.1)necessity for prayer’s being, 168:4.10 (1849.1)a prerequisite to yielding the fruits of the spirit, 156:5.2 (1738.1)Bosorathe seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)Botanicartistry on constellation headquarters, significance, 43:6.1 (492.1)beauty, even the unfinished Eden a gem of, 73:5.8 (825.5)decoration of architectural worlds by spornagia, 43:6.7 (492.7)expression, Garden of Eden a paradise of, 73:3.6 (823.6)grandeur of Edentia, Gardens of Eden patterned after, 51:3.2 (583.1), 73:4.1 (823.7)Bouldersdistinctive, a result of ice action, 61:7.1 (700.6)Bountyheaven’s, constancy of, 131:9.2 (1452.6)Bow and arrowred men the inventors of, 64:6.4 (723.3)Boybabies, Bethlehem, execution of, by order of Herod, 122:10.3 (1354.2)of Nazareth, reaction of, to temple sacrifices, 125:1.4 (1378.6)Roman, emancipation of, at twenty-one, 71:1.22 (801.10)BoyhoodJesus’ comparison of his, with John Mark’s, 177:2.1 (1921.5)Brachiopod(s)age, 59:3.0 (676.5–678.1)arthropods the successors of, 59:4.3 (678.4)modern, vs. very early, 59:1.18 (674.4)number of surviving varieties of, at close of trilobite age, 59:1.18 (674.4)Brahmathe deity-father principle, 94:1.4 (1027.5)identity of, 94:4.3 (1031.4)Siva, and Vishnu, a later Indian trinitarian concept, 104:1.5 (1144.2)Brahman(s)the Absolute, the Infinite One, the IT IS, 94:4.3 (1031.4)efforts of, to combat the Salem teachers, 94:1.7 (1028.3)influence of, on India, 94:2.1 (1028.4)lack of personality attributes, 94:3.7 (1030.7)-Narayana, identity of, 94:3.3 (1030.3)priest caste, influence of, on the Salem teachers, 94:1.2 (1027.3)pagan influence on the, 79:4.7 (882.7)refusal of, to accept salvation through faith, 94:1.5 (1028.1)unique attempt of self-exaltation by, 94:2.2 (1028.5)the Sethite priests of the Hindu faith, 92:5.9 (1009.3)and the Sethites, 79:4.6 (882.6)Brahmanasa compilation of the later scriptures of the Hindu faith, 94:2.6 (1029.4)Brahmanic philosophyabout, 94:3.0 (1030.1–1031.1)failure of, to differentiate between the several levels of reality, 94:3.8 (1031.1)Brahmanismabout, 94:2.0 (1028.4–1029.6)philosophy of, nearness of, to the doctrine of indwelling Adjusters, 94:3.7 (1030.7)a philosophy rather than a religion, 94:3.1 (1030.1)Brain(s)capacity, basis of, 58:6.7 (670.1)innate, and adjutant mind-spirits’ bestowal of mind, 58:6.7 (670.1)classification, not a factor in Adjuster fusion, 40:5.12 (446.3)evolution of, time of beginning of, 60:2.14 (688.6)hemorrhage, Elijah Mark’s death from, 192:4.5 (2051.2)material, Adjusters not dwellers in, 110:1.1 (1203.3)many mortal memories and experiences perish with the, 112:5.22 (1235.4)mechanism, three basic organizations of the, 49:5.13 (566.1)and nervous system, the one physical uniformity of mortals, 49:5.13 (566.1)patterns, physical, destruction of the, at death, 112:5.14 (1234.3)perishing of material mental associations with the, 47:4.5 (535.1)physical, capacity of, for response to mind ministry, 65:6.10 (738.3)power, development of, in the Primates, 62:4.4 (707.3)of the races, Adam’s influence of Adamic bestowal on, 81:5.1 (905.6)quality and size of, of mid-mammal twins, 62:3.3 (705.2)size, comparative, of dawn mammals, 62:2.3 (704.2)of early Cenozoic mammals, 61:1.10 (694.2)type(s), mortal, comparison of the three, 40:5.17 (447.2)series, of mortals, 49:5.13 (566.1)Branchesthe apostles the, 180:2.1 (1945.4)the Father’s requirement of the, the bearing of fruit, 180:2.1 (1945.4)the vine and the, 180:2.0 (1945.4–1946.5)Braveryof armies, vs. that of Jesus’ followers, 143:1.7 (1608.4)of the flesh, vs. mind bravery, 143:1.7 (1608.4)of Havona creatures, vs. human courage, 3:5.17 (52.3)of Jesus, 161:2.6 (1786.1)Breadof earth, manna the, 153:2.8 (1710.6)of ease, multitude’s desire for the, 153:2.6 (1710.4)of heaven, a definition, 153:2.8 (1710.6)Jesus’ life in the flesh a bestowal of, 153:3.2 (1712.2)manna not the, 153:2.8 (1710.6)Jesus’ blessing the, in the Emmaus home, 190:5.5 (2035.2)refusal to deal out, 136:9.11 (1523.3)of life, the eternal word of God the, 153:3.2 (1712.2)the Father’s readiness to give the, 153:2.8 (1710.6)for hungry souls, Jesus’ offer of, 153:2.9 (1711.1), 159:3.8 (1766.4)Jesus the, 153:2.8 (1710.6), 179:5.3 (1942.2)Jesus’ designation of the Passover bread as the, 127:6.7 (1404.6)message the, 121:5.12 (1337.8)the Messiah’s purported power to supply the, 152:3.1 (1702.2)multitude’s lack of hunger for the, 152:5.4 (1704.3)Pharisee’s question regarding Jesus’ being the, 153:3.2 (1712.2)prerequisite to one’s being a recipient of the, 193:2.2 (2054.3)and the rich young man, 165:4.8 (1822.3)the morontia Jesus’ breaking of, for the apostles, 192:1.8 (2047.1)of remembrance, a definition, 179:5.3 (1942.2)and wine, vs. flesh and blood, in the Melchizedek colony, 93:4.14 (1018.3)Breadfruit treesspread of, 60:3.7 (689.6)Breakfastof the apostles with the morontia Jesus, 192:1.4 (2046.2)Nathaniel’s, for Jesus and certain Pharisees, 166:1.1 (1825.3)with the Pharisees in Philadelphia, 167:1.0 (1833.4–1834.3)Breast platesymbol on Machiventa’s, 93:2.5 (1015.5), 104:1.3 (1143.6)Breathand body, primitive man’s concept of himself as, 86:4.4 (953.3)connection of, with beginnings of life, 84:1.3 (931.6)-dream idea-system, derivation of the ghost concept from the, 86:4.3 (953.2)early association of soul with, 86:5.13 (955.1)man’s concern about, 86:4.3 (953.2)father’s last, the eldest son’s effort to catch the, 86:5.13 (955.1)Giver, to men and animals, Onagar’s leadership in worship of, 45:4.3 (513.6), 63:6.1 (715.8)of life, impartation of, 36:6.4 (404.2)significance of, to early man, 86:4.3 (953.2)Universe Spirits’ contribution to mortal evolution, 34:2.5 (376.2)of the soul, prayer the, 144:2.3 (1619.1)Breathing type of mansuitability of Urantia atmosphere for the, 49:2.11 (561.10)Breeding of defectives and criminalsprevention of, in the continental nation, 72:10.3 (818.6)Brenner Passcommercial use of, by the Nordics and Danubians, 80:9.4 (897.7)Brethrenall men are, 131:1.6 (1443.2), 134:4.7 (1487.4), 190:4.1 (2033.4), 193:5.2 (2057.4)in the heavenly estate, Jesus and mortals as, 149:6.8 (1676.2)of Jesus, men the, 196:2.9 (2093.3)Jesus calling his apostles, 180:1.6 (1945.3)of the life in the flesh, Jesus and mortals as, 149:6.8 (1676.2)love of, a frequent prerequisite to love of God, 155:3.4 (1727.4)Bretonspresent-day, and charms of the New Stone Age, 80:9.14 (899.1)Bribed guardsJewish rulers’ dependence upon the stories of the, 192:0.1 (2045.1)Bribescommon offering of, for possession of bodies of the crucified, 188:0.3 (2012.3)the Jewish leaders’ resort to, 189:2.5 (2023.4)Bricksome early homes made of, 81:2.16 (902.6)use of, in early construction in Egypt, 80:6.4 (894.5)Bridal veilorigin of use of the, 83:4.7 (925.3)Bride(s)carrying, over the

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