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being guilty of the, 191:1.1 (2039.1)Jesus’ forewarning his apostles about his, 179:4.5 (1941.2)Judas’s fear of his brethren’s learning of his, 179:4.3 (1940.5)last attempt of Jesus to prevent Judas’s actual, 183:3.4 (1974.2)last hour before the, 182:2.0 (1966.1–1968.1)possibilities of, relation of, to loyalty, 3:5.12 (51.11)time of, David Zebedee’s and John Mark’s knowledge of, 182:2.9 (1967.4)Betrayerattempt of the, to return his reward money, 186:1.4 (1998.2)body of the, dashing to pieces of the, 186:1.7 (1998.5)desire of the, to identify Jesus and retire, 183:3.3 (1974.1)fear of the, of encountering Jesus’ devoted disciples, 183:2.2 (1972.3)of Jesus, a close associate, 182:3.9 (1969.4)Jesus’ last words to the, 179:4.0 (1940.3–1941.5)pity for Judas the, 139:12.14 (1567.7)John’s query as to the identity of the, 179:4.3 (1940.5)Peter’s eagerness to learn the identity of the, 179:4.4 (1941.1)vacant seat of the, Jesus’ sad countenance as he stood by the, 181:2.6 (1956.1)Betrothalof Adamic children, average age of, 74:6.8 (835.2)onetime equivalent to marriage, 83:2.6 (923.6)with Thought Adjuster, efforts resulting from a subject’s, 108:5.2 (1191.3)prerequisite for, 109:2.4 (1196.6)a reality on worlds such as Urantia, 109:3.4 (1197.6)Betterlife, apostles tasting the glories of a, 140:3.1 (1570.2)ways of living, Jesus setting men free to choose, 188:5.3 (2018.2)Bewildermentof Annas over Jesus’ kindly manner of speaking, 184:1.6 (1979.4)BewitchingJesus’ denunciation of belief in, 150:3.12 (1681.7)Biasfreedom from, necessary in problem solving, 160:1.8 (1773.5)BiblesJewish and Christian, the real beginning of the, 97:9.20 (1074.2)Bigheartednessof Jesus, 140:8.30 (1583.4)Bigotryeffect of, on revelation of truth, 159:4.9 (1768.5)faith’s nonfostering of, 101:8.3 (1114.7)human, Jesus’ life offered up as the price of, 171:4.7 (1872.4)James’s and John’s tendency toward, 139:4.8 (1555.1)a possible result of a doctrinal fetish, 88:2.7 (969.5)Bildadadvice of, to Job, 148:6.5 (1663.3)Bilingualismof ascenders to Havona, 47:7.2 (537.2)of local universe residents, 44:4.3 (503.3)of ministering spirits of time, 38:7.5 (422.5)Billionfive, the approximate seating capacity of the Jerusem amphitheater, 46:3.2 (522.2)hundred, the projected number of architectural worlds in the seven superuniverses, 15:7.12 (175.3)one, glorified individual working groups, headquarters of, on Paradise, 11:3.4 (121.1)inhabitable worlds in a minor sector, 15:2.22 (167.13), 15:13.4 (181.4)moments, meaningless to creature purpose after consecration to the Father’s will, 118:1.2 (1295.2)more than, characters in the concept symbols of Uversa, 44:4.4 (503.4)spheres of Havona, 12:1.10 (129.8), 14:0.1 (152.1), 14:0.1 (159.2), 14:0.1 (166.8)functions of, 14:3.4 (156.1), 14:5.9 (159.5), 16:5.5 (191.3), 19:6.2 (221.4), 24:6.3 (270.1), 26:3.1 (288.1), 43:4.5 (489.8)inhabitants of, 14:4.11 (157.3), 14:4.18 (157.10)trillions of atoms in a drop of water, 41:7.13 (463.13)Urantia years, the approximate age of the planet, 57:7.3 (659.2), 59:0.1 (672.1), 119:0.7 (1309.1)the duration of Michael’s creature bestowal career, 119:8.2 (1318.1)the early growth phase of a giant sun, 41:9.3 (465.3)the length of a space-force phase from nether Paradise, 11:5.8 (123.1)space respiration phases in the reservoirs, 11:6.4 (123.6)worlds of Havona, administration of, 15:2.9 (166.8), 18:2.1 (208.6), 19:4.2 (217.8), 31:9.4 (351.5)arrangement of, 14:1.9 (152.11)lighting of, 13:0.4 (143.4)materialization of, 8:1.4 (91.1)perfection of, 3:5.15 (52.1)and physical gravity, 8:1.4 (91.1)four hundred, the approximate age of the local universe, 119:0.7 (1309.1)one hundred, inhabitable worlds in a major sector, 15:13.1 (181.1)tons of matter radiated by the sun annually, 41:9.3 (465.3)twenty-five, the continuation period of the sun’s present efficiency, 41:9.5 (465.5)two, year cycle of space respiration for seven superuniverses, 12:4.12 (134.1)Binary starsenergy action in marginal gases of the, 58:3.4 (667.3)Biologicadversity, a result of, 59:6.10 (683.7)betterment, a function of the Adamic progeny, 51:5.3 (585.7)deterioration, a peril of industry, 70:2.16 (786.7)development, and appearance of man, 61:3.12 (697.7)evolutionary growth subsequent to height of, 66:5.16 (747.6)differentiation, sex domains determined by, 84:5.13 (938.3)disfellowship of Urantia’s unfit stocks, need for, 51:4.8 (585.4)elasticity, presence of, in nature, 42:9.5 (480.3)embellishment of architectural worlds by spornagia, 43:6.7 (492.7)evolution, achievement of human levels of will dignity, 62:7.7 (710.6)vs. cultural evolution, 81:6.1 (906.6)directionization of, by Life Carriers, 36:3.7 (400.2)nonnecessity of correlation between cultural civilization and, 81:5.1 (905.6)principle of, not conducive to self-restraint, 118:8.5 (1302.2)vs. social civilization, 83:6.7 (927.8)on Urantia, historic approach to, 19:1.6 (215.3)Urantian, effect of sin on, 67:7.6 (761.5)father, the father in the flesh, 51:6.7 (587.5)leaven, Amadonites as, 67:6.3 (759.6)limitations, of the Dravidians, 79:3.8 (881.8)and morontia art on Edentia, 43:1.4 (486.3)peak of racial progress, time of attainment of, on normal worlds, 49:5.24 (567.4)problems, system governments particularly concerned with, 33:6.3 (371.5)renovation of racial stocks, a means of class obliteration, 70:8.15 (793.7)safety brake, inertia the, 68:4.5 (767.5)segregation, of Adam and Eve from evolutionary mortals, 51:3.3 (583.2)status of evolutionary races, upstepping of, by Adamic progeny, 51:6.1 (586.5)strains, situation of, under receiver administration, 67:6.7 (760.2)tribulation, age of, 59:6.0 (682.7–684.2)uplifters, human evolutionary development prior to arrival of the, 65:3.5 (734.2)influence of, in planetary progress, 49:5.16 (566.4), 52:3.3 (593.2)Material Son and Daughter as, 49:5.24 (567.4)Planetary Adams as, 39:5.1 (436.5)planetary names for, 51:0.1 (580.1)second order of sonship, 51:0.1 (580.1)signal for dispatch of, to an evolutionary world, 51:0.1 (580.1)successful, destiny of, 40:2.2 (444.2)for Urantia, petition of Life Carriers for, 73:0.1 (821.1)upliftment, the role of progeny of Planetary Adams, 51:1.7 (581.4)Biological deficienciescorrection of, on first mansion world, 47:4.7 (535.3)Biologyrevelation’s co-ordination of, 102:4.6 (1123.6)Bipedsmortals of will dignity always, 49:4.1 (564.3)Bird(s)age of, 60:3.0 (688.8–691.3)evolution of, in Miocene period, 61:3.14 (698.1)family, partially progressive descendants of frog family, 65:2.8 (732.6)Reptilia the ancestors of, 65:2.8 (732.6)of the heaven have nests, 157:6.12 (1750.6), 163:2.2 (1801.5)life, appearance of, time of, 60:3.22 (691.3)development of, in Oligocene period, 61:2.12 (696.3)many, value of, vs. that of the apostles, 165:5.2 (1823.2)modern, early ancestors of, 65:2.9 (732.7)existence of, in Oligocene period, 61:2.12 (696.3)nest of a, and fire making by Andon, 63:2.5 (712.5)onetime fetishes, 88:1.5 (967.7)passenger, characteristics of, 52:1.5 (590.1)early Urantia races’ utilization of, 52:1.5 (590.1)extinction of, time of, 66:5.6 (746.4)fandors, the name for, 66:5.6 (746.4), 74:3.4 (831.1)use of, by Adam and Eve, 74:3.4 (831.1)sudden appearance of, time of, 60:3.22 (691.3)transport, of Jerusem, speed of, 46:2.4 (521.1)true, ancestors of the, 60:3.22 (691.3)flying pterosaurs not ancestors to, 60:2.12 (688.4)Birth(s)from above, and the kingdom of God, 142:6.4 (1602.3)Avonals’ nonexperience of, when on incarnation missions, 52:4.3 (594.6)a child’s existence before experiencing, 103:2.1 (1130.6)and infancy of Jesus, 122:0.0 (1344.1–1354.3)of Jesus, 122:8.0 (1351.5–1352.3)apostles’ knowledge of the place of, 142:3.2 (1605.4)date of, 122:8.1 (1351.5)like that of other children, 128:0.1 (1407.1)Jesus’ questions concerning, 123:2.3 (1357.7)John’s, news of, brought to Nazareth, 122:2.7 (1346.2)multiple, the exception on all types of planets, 49:4.4 (564.6)natural, and initiation of human life on inhabited worlds, 49:5.32 (568.3)physical, of Avonals, 20:2.3 (225.2)purpose of Jesus’, 185:3.4 (1991.4)of religion, a gradual emergence, 103:2.1 (1130.6)vs. so-called conversion experiences, 103:2.1 (1130.6)single, usual on all types of planets, 49:4.4 (564.6)of the spirit, definition, 34:6.7 (381.1)of Sons of God, 142:5.3 (1601.3)BirthdayHerod’s feast in celebration of his, 135:12.5 (1508.5)text, Jesus’ choice of a, 123:5.11 (1363.4)Jewish pupils’ golden rule, 123:5.11 (1363.4)Birthplace of Jesusignorance in southern Judea as to the, 142:8.2 (1605.4)Bisexualitycontrol by marriage of human relations arising out of, 83:1.1 (922.4)marriage an outgrowth of, 82:0.1 (913.1), 87:5.2 (962.3)of spornagia, 46:7.6 (528.4)Bishopof the Asia churches, John Zebedee the, 139:4.6 (1554.4), 139:4.15 (1555.8)BithyniaMatthew’s journeys through, 139:7.10 (1560.6)Bitter herbsas used in the Passover feast, 125:2.2 (1379.3)Bi-unificationparental, by creature trinitizers, results, 22:7.9 (250.3)of personality, continuation of status of, 22:7.7 (250.1)spiritual, achievement of, by destiny guardian pairs, 113:7.8 (1249.2)Blackart, types of practitioners of, 90:2.2 (987.6)vs. white art, 90:2.2 (987.6)artist, danger of execution as a, 88:6.6 (972.6)cats, the magic of, 88:5.4 (971.6)Forest, beginning of, time of, 59:5.12 (681.4)Friday, identification of, in the Phrygian cult, 98:4.7

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