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Sangik races as compared with the, 64:6.25 (725.6)profit to, of early social teachings, 68:0.3 (763.3)vs. red man, 51:4.2 (584.4)peoples, isolation of, 78:3.6 (871.2)southern trek of, 78:3.6 (871.2)Sea extension of the Mediterranean, 64:4.10 (721.8)smiths, and black magic, 69:3.5 (774.4)stone fetish, at Mecca, Arabians’ respect for the, 95:7.5 (1051.3)tribes, infiltration into Egypt of, 80:6.5 (894.6)Blackfoot IndiansOnamonalonton’s descendants among the, 64:6.7 (723.6)BlasphemerPharisees’ accusation against Jesus as a, 169:0.5 (1850.5)Blasphemy(ies)against God, deliberate, consequences of, 153:4.3 (1714.2), 165:3.6 (1820.5)definition, 165:3.6 (1820.5)high priest’s accusing Jesus of, 184:3.15 (1983.7)Jesus accused of, 164:5.3 (1815.4)Jesus’ proposed apprehension on a charge of, 153:3.6 (1713.1)testimony the basis for his conviction of, 186:2.7 (1999.7)the only consistent charge against Jesus, 184:5.7 (1985.8)Pharisee spies accuse Jesus of, 148:9.3 (1667.1)Pharisees’ charge of, against Jesus, 175:4.11 (1911.8)Sanhedrin officers’ plan for Jesus to be tried for, 154:7.1 (1723.4)Sanhedrin’s many decrees against Jesus on charges of, 168:3.3 (1847.3)unimportance to Pilate of charge of, 184:5.1 (1985.2)Blending of the racesfirst work of an Adam and Eve on a normal planet, 75:1.2 (839.3)Blessedone who hears and obeys God, 154:6.7 (1722.3)Blessednessof children, Jesus’ message on the, 167:6.1 (1839.6)of the man who trusts God, 131:2.3 (1444.3)Blessing(s)the apostles, in ordination ceremony, 140:2.1 (1569.5)changing calamity into, technique of, 131:8.5 (1452.3)comparison of earth parents and heavenly Father as to bestowal of, 131:10.3 (1453.5)heavenly, subject to personal appropriations, 144:4.4 (1621.3)of Jesus, on their marriage, Simon’s and Jude’s desire for, 134:1.4 (1484.1)the little children, 167:6.0 (1839.6–1840.5)man’s paramount, necessity for labor, 69:2.5 (773.6)the wedding bed, by the priest, 83:4.8 (925.4)Blindbeggar, healing the, 164:3.0 (1811.2–1813.3)of Jericho, restoration of sight to, 171:5.3 (1873.3)Jesus’ decision to use the, 164:3.1 (1811.2)guides, many Jewish leaders as, 153:3.5 (1712.5), 175:1.17 (1908.1)leading the blind, 140:3.18 (1571.5), 153:3.5 (1712.5), 159:5.17 (1771.1), 175:1.17 (1908.1)men, chant of the, 164:3.5 (1811.6)pleading for healing by two, 152:1.3 (1699.3)spiritually, Jesus’ charge against Jewish leaders, 175:1.18 (1908.2)opening the eyes of the, 190:5.4 (2035.1)Blindnesscause of Josiah’s, Jesus’ discussion of, 164:3.7 (1812.1)congenital, rabbis’ teaching concerning sin and, 164:3.3 (1811.4)spiritual, Jesus’ death the result of, 171:4.7 (1872.4)Blizzardsarchitectural worlds’ freedom from, 46:2.2 (520.7)Bloodof Adam, influence of, on civilization of India, 79:3.1 (881.1)alien, early man’s attitude toward shedding, 70:1.5 (784.1)bond(s), decline of the, and the embryonic state, 71:1.23 (801.11)the first peace treaties, 70:3.10 (788.1)origin of the concept of the, 84:2.1 (932.7)cells, red, and evolutionary techniques of oxygenation of living tissues, 65:6.4 (737.4)circulating, absence of, in morontia bodies, 190:0.3 (2029.3)circulation of Adamic offspring, 76:4.3 (851.1)drinking, an adoption ceremony of primitives, 70:3.7 (787.7)ancient token of group loyalty, 66:5.22 (748.3)onetime practice of, 89:5.11 (979.10), 89:9.3 (984.2)of the everlasting covenant, Paul’s attempt to build the Christian cult on the, 89:9.3 (984.2)feuds, assumption of, as tribal affairs, 70:10.11 (796.1)of Jesus, man’s inability to drink the, 153:3.2 (1712.2)not the water of life, 153:3.2 (1712.2)loss of, at childbirth, and belief as to creator of the child, 84:2.1 (932.7)material, circulation of, in Material Sons’ bodies, 51:1.3 (580.6)money, vs. blood vengeance, 70:10.12 (796.2)onetime belief in the ghost’s location in the, 86:5.15 (955.3)and pagan idea of appeasement of the Gods, 4:5.5 (60.4)and sacrifice, Christianity’s encumbrance with teachings about, 89:9.3 (984.2)sacrifices, Adam’s unsuccessful effort to substitute the fruit of the land for, 74:7.21 (836.10)for salvation, present-day dependence on, 89:9.4 (984.3)smearing on the doorposts, purpose, 89:7.2 (982.1)stream, and chemical reactions between hormone output of ductless glands, 65:6.6 (737.6)stream of Urantia animals, a "briny deep," 58:1.3 (664.4)and urine, two early medicines, 90:4.8 (991.7)Bloodless PassoverJesus’ contemplation of a, 125:2.3 (1379.4)first celebration of the, with apostles, 147:2.3 (1648.5)ever, at the home of Lazarus, 127:6.7 (1404.6)the Last Supper as the old but, 179:5.10 (1943.3)Bloodlettingvs. modern methods of treating disease, 70:2.10 (786.1)practice of, in early medicine, 90:4.5 (991.4)Blotting-outmandate of Ancients of Days, 37:3.7 (409.4)Blueman(men), about, 64:6.21 (725.2)absorption of, by the Andites in Europe, 80:4.6 (893.2)and alphabet writing, 66:5.10 (746.8)amalgamation of mixed stock of, and Eskimos, 64:7.18 (728.7)and Andite blend, 78:6.2 (873.6)and Andonite mixture, broad-headedness of, 81:4.2 (904.6)central Europe, onetime control of, by the, 80:5.8 (894.1)contribution of physical vigor to European races by the, 80:5.7 (893.9)the Cro-Magnoid, 80:3.0 (891.2–892.3)culture centers of, along European rivers, 80:3.1 (891.2)in Dalamatia schools, 66:7.7 (751.2)driving of the Andonites from Europe by the, 78:1.5 (869.1)early accomplishments of the, 80:3.3 (891.4)effect of, on early races in India, 79:2.3 (880.1)elephant training by the, 66:5.5 (746.3)enslavement of indigo men by the, 51:4.6 (585.2)in Europe, contrast of, with blue man in Asia, 80:2.5 (891.1)retardation of the, 79:5.1 (883.2)European, biologic contribution of, 80:0.1 (889.1)a factor in the southern white race, 80:9.11 (898.6)as hunters, trappers, and fishers, 68:5.5 (768.5)internecine fighting propensity of, 64:6.22 (725.3)Joseph’s line of inheritance to the, 122:1.1 (1344.4)misfortune in Urantia’s loss of the, 51:4.3 (584.5)Orlandof a prince of the, 45:4.6 (513.9)persisting strongholds of, in southern France, 80:5.5 (893.7)profit to, of early social teachings of Dalamatia, 68:0.3 (763.3)racial admixture of, in the Mediterranean basin, 78:1.11 (869.7)Saharans’, Nodites’, and Adamites’ meeting with, in maritime commerce, 80:1.1 (889.3)in Van’s outposts, 67:6.6 (760.1)western migration of, 64:7.8 (727.5)race(s), Adamites’ union with the, 80:1.5 (890.1)blood of, in the Nordics, 80:9.2 (897.5)characteristics of, 78:1.8 (869.4)European, infiltration of, by Adamites, 78:3.5 (871.1)a highly blended people, 80:3.2 (891.3)influence of Sansa on the, 76:0.2 (847.2)lack of an advanced culture by, 78:3.7 (871.3)Sargan’s position in the, 76:0.2 (847.2)a superior people, 51:4.3 (584.5)-yellow-Andite peoples of Arabia, factor in the modern Mediterranean race, 80:9.10 (898.5)and yellow races, absorption of northern green tribes by, 64:6.18 (724.8)Boardof animal domestication and utilization, purpose and activities of, 66:5.4 (746.2)status of, after Lucifer rebellion, 67:4.1 (757.4)of planetary supervisors, about, 114:2.0 (1251.4–1252.4)Boarding schoolscoeducational, early, 70:7.14 (791.7)Boatbuilderof Capernaum, one of Jesus’ names, 134:7.2 (1492.2)on the Mediterranean trip Jesus still the, 129:4.1 (1424.5)Jesus as an expert, 129:1.5 (1420.2)Zebedee a, 129:1.2 (1419.5)Boatbuilding enterpriseof Jesus and Zebedee, 129:1.2 (1419.5)Boatstrustworthiness of Jesus-made, 138:7.5 (1544.4)BoatshopJesus’ return to work at the, 137:6.5 (1533.3)of Zebedee, Jesus’ and James’s work in the, 134:9.6 (1495.3)Body(ies)and breath, primitive man’s concept of himself as, 86:4.4 (953.3)cells of evolutionary races, and disease-producing organisms, 76:4.7 (851.5)of Material Sons, disease resistance of, 76:4.7 (851.5)definition, 0:5.7 (8.7)early fetishes relating to parts of the, 88:5.1 (971.3)elimination, secrecy regarding, 88:5.1 (971.3)of Jesus, arrival of Joseph and Nicodemus at Golgotha to take possession of the, 187:6.2 (2011.6)bribed guards’ stories about the disposal of the, 192:0.1 (2045.1)Jewish rulers’ wish as to the disposal of the, 188:0.2 (2012.2)Mary’s reaction to the absence from the tomb of the, 189:4.7 (2026.1)Nicodemus’s request for, 142:6.9 (1603.1)Peter’s and John’s ideas regarding the possible theft of the, 189:5.3 (2027.7)protection of, by Roman soldiers, 188:1.1 (2012.4)truth about the dissolution of the, 189:2.7 (2023.6)women’s perplexity over absence of, from the tomb, 189:4.9 (2026.3)Jesus’ mortal, presence of, in the tomb, during universe activity of the Sovereign, 189:0.3 (2020.3)material, ultimate destiny of the, 36:6.4 (404.2)and mind, of man, the dwelling place of the gift of the Gods, 160:4.9 (1779.1)new, a morontia form, 39:2.13 (431.2)nonsurvival of, in physical death, 12:8.16 (141.1)physical, enlivenment of, by energy spark, 36:3.4 (399.6)preservation, Egyptians’ efforts at, 86:4.8 (953.7)a spirit’s possession of a, 42:12.12 (483.12)Bondirector of the domestic animal board, 66:5.4 (746.2)rebellion of the council of, 67:4.1 (757.4)Bondageof darkness, liberation of men from the, 132:4.7 (1461.5)of fear, Jesus’ delivery of mortals from the, 167:3.5 (1836.4)religious growth from the, to the liberty of divine worship, 100:5.2 (1098.5)Jesus’ promise to deliver the Jews from, 125:6.9 (1384.5)of Jewish ritualism, vs. that of Roman political rule, 121:7.3 (1340.1)the Jews’ long experience in, despite the promises of the prophets, 97:8.3 (1071.1)material, deliverance of mortals from,

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