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to primitive customs as guards against, 87:6.15 (965.2)the savage’s constant dread of unknown and unseen, 86:1.2 (950.4)view of good fortune as a harbinger of, 86:1.2 (950.4)Calciumin the cosmic cloud, 41:6.2 (461.6)escape of, from the solar interior, 41:6.3 (462.1)individuality and longevity of, 41:6.2 (461.6)layer, on the sun, thickness of, 41:6.3 (462.1)mass comparison of sodium and, 41:6.3 (462.1)number of electrons of, 41:6.4 (462.2)rating of, in matter-permeation of Orvonton space, 41:6.2 (461.6)success of, in escaping from solar interior, 41:6.3 (462.1)the wanderer of space, 41:6.0 (461.5–462.5)Calebentrance to the promised land by, 166:3.2 (1828.6)Calebitesa non-Hebrew group in Judah, 97:9.7 (1072.5)Caledonian Mountainsupheaval of, in early brachiopod age, 59:3.3 (676.7)Calf(ves)killing of the fatted, in the parable of the lost son, 169:1.10 (1852.3)Peter’s sermon on Aaron and the Golden, 146:1.1 (1637.3)silver and golden, symbols of the Bedouins’ concept of Yahweh, 96:1.12 (1054.2), 96:4.3 (1056.5), 96:5.8 (1058.6)a year old, burnt offerings of, read from scripture during Jesus’ first sermon, 126:4.5 (1392.3)Californiaactivity of volcanoes in, during Carboniferous period, 59:5.20 (682.3)coast-range mountains, volcanic actions along, 60:3.6 (689.5)fish fossil beds along coast of, 59:4.12 (679.5)northern, outlet of inland sea to Pacific Ocean through, 59:4.5 (678.6), 59:5.19 (682.2)Onamonalonton center in, time of vanishing of, 79:5.8 (884.2)redwoods, Onamonalonton’s headquarters among the, 64:6.7 (723.6)region, four-mile vertical fault in, 61:3.3 (696.7)sea, connection of, with old midwestern sea basin, 60:1.8 (686.4)Caligastiaactivities of, during Lucifer rebellion, 53:7.2 (607.3)adherence of, to Lucifer rebellion, 53:7.2 (607.3)agreement of, to betray the planet, 67:1.2 (754.3)vs. Amadon in loyalty, 67:3.9 (757.2)angels’ perplexity over traitorous sin of, 67:4.6 (758.4)apostasy, yellow man’s reaction to the, 64:6.15 (724.5)approval by, of plans for Jesus’ death, 183:0.4 (1971.4)approval of Urantia commission of, by Most Highs, 73:6.3 (825.8)arrival of, on Urantia, 65:4.8 (735.7)attitude of, toward friendly advisers, 66:8.2 (752.3)betrayal, the, about, 67:1.0 (754.2–755.2)effect of, on blue race, 64:6.22 (725.3)on Urantia, 120:2.3 (1327.3)handicapping of Urantia life-modification plans by, 65:5.1 (736.4)influence of, on understanding God, 4:3.3 (58.1)and isolation of Urantia, 37:8.3 (413.6)loyal midway creatures’ service during the, 45:4.18 (514.8)reaction of Andon and Fonta to the, 63:7.1 (717.2)Urantian progress as influenced by, 66:8.3 (752.4)and Vorondadek observer’s stationing on Urantia, 43:5.17 (491.13)characteristics of, 66:1.4 (741.6)chiefs of, Paul’s comment regarding, 53:9.2 (611.1)clues as to Machiventa’s being the possible replacement for, 93:10.6 (1025.2)compromise suggestions of, Adam’s and Eve’s reaction to, 75:2.1 (840.3)a conspirator against Michael’s Urantia mission, 53:1.4 (602.1)defection, universal language as affected by the, 66:5.10 (746.8)deposal of, time of, 75:2.2 (840.4)the "devil," 53:1.4 (602.1)difficulty of warning the races about, 74:5.5 (833.5)disaffection on Urantia, danger of, to Michael’s seventh bestowal, 119:7.4 (1316.7)downfall, biologic status of Urantia peoples unaffected by the, 73:0.1 (821.1)effect of the fall of, on Urantia’s government, 114:1.1 (1250.12)rebellion of, on Urantia, 49:5.23 (567.3)on usual course of planetary progress, 50:4.11 (576.1)efforts of, to hinder Van’s work, 73:2.5 (822.9)first of the divine Sons to visit Urantia, 51:3.9 (584.2)identification and experience of, 66:1.1 (741.3)iniquity of, an analysis of, 118:8.7 (1302.4)Jesus’ refusal to compromise with the techniques of, 136:9.2 (1522.1)Lanonandek classification of, 53:1.4 (602.1)limitation of power of, over humans, 66:8.6 (753.2)Lucifer’s designation of, as supreme sovereign on Urantia, 67:2.2 (755.4)materialized staff of, and succession of kings, 70:6.4 (790.1)value of tree of life to, 73:6.4 (826.1)method, Jesus’ cognizance of the futility of the, 136:8.5 (1520.6)Michael’s commission to adjudicate the pretensions of, 120:2.2 (1327.2)offer of mercy to, 53:8.6 (610.2)miscarriage of plans in the mission of, 81:0.1 (900.1)misfortunes of, 66:8.0 (752.2–753.3)one hundred after rebellion, 67:4.0 (757.4–758.5)early days of the, 66:4.0 (743.10–745.6)planetary origin of the, 66:2.4 (742.4)possible life span of, 66:4.12 (745.2)selection of the, 66:2.4 (742.4)sex of, 66:4.2 (744.1)superhuman character of, 66:4.3 (744.2)world conditions on arrival of the, 66:6.2 (749.4)see also Corporeal staff of Planetary Princeopposition of, to the Adamic mission, 51:3.4 (583.3)origin of planetary life prior to the days of, 58:4.2 (667.6)perfidy of, in wrecking planetary schools, 50:4.12 (576.2)Planetary Prince of Urantia, 66:0.0 (741.1–753.4)pleasure of, over Jesus’ betrayal, 179:2.3 (1938.2)plot of, to entrap Eve and overthrow the Edenic regime, 75:2.0 (840.3–7)powerlessness of, as regards the faith sons of God, 53:8.8 (610.4)presence of, with Jesus on Mount Hermon, 134:8.6 (1493.5)present status of, 53:9.4 (611.3), 66:8.7 (753.3)Prince, about, 66:1.0 (741.3–7)the prince of darkness, 176:2.3 (1914.4), 179:2.3 (1938.2)of this world, 136:3.1 (1512.5)prospects for success of, on Urantia, 66:1.5 (741.7)rebellion, Dalamatia culture as affected by the, 66:7.20 (752.1)first appearance of disharmonious spirits after the, 87:4.7 (962.1)Jesus’ new way of human escape from consequences of the, 34:7.6 (382.6)Melchizedek’s account of, to Adam and Eve, 74:3.3 (830.6)midwayers’ participation in, 51:3.7 (583.6)the tower of Babel as atonement for Nodite participation in, 77:3.7 (859.1)Urantian physical evolution unaffected by the, 78:1.1 (868.3)resistance of, to Adam’s world-government activities, 74:5.5 (833.5)resistance of Amadon and associates to teachings of, 67:3.8 (757.1)resurrection of Moses contested by, 52:5.5 (596.3)scheme for accelerating social evolution, Adam’s knowledge of, 74:3.3 (830.6)secession, functioning of twelve Melchizedek receivers after the, 93:0.2 (1014.2)Jesus’ virtual settlement of, 134:8.9 (1494.2)Van and Amadon the heroes of the, 74:2.1 (829.3)Serapatatia’s unawareness of co-operation with, 75:3.6 (841.6)the sin of, 136:6.9 (1519.2)since the cross of Christ, 53:8.9 (610.5)Son of Man’s recognition of authority of, 53:8.5 (610.1)staff of, Melchizedek’s similarity to the members of, 93:2.6 (1015.6)revelation regarding the Paradise Trinity made by the, 104:1.1 (1143.4)substitute for, on system council during Jesus’ tomb experience, 188:3.14 (2016.3)and teaching of horticulture and agriculture, 68:5.9 (769.1)teachings of, blue man’s responsiveness to, 64:6.22 (725.3)time of arrival of, on Urantia, 66:1.5 (741.7)the titular Planetary Prince of Urantia during time of Adam and Eve, 75:2.2 (840.4)upheaval, results of, on planetary attainment, 34:7.4 (382.4)the Urantia pretender, 136:3.1 (1512.5)Van’s indictment of, 67:2.2 (755.4)visibility of, to Adam and Eve, 76:4.5 (851.3)a visitor to the Garden, 75:2.1 (840.3)warned of critical tendencies and self-importance, 66:8.2 (752.3)CaligulaSelta’s attachment to court of, 176:2.8 (1915.5)Callof Matthew and Simon by Jesus, 138:3.0 (1540.4–1541.2)to service, of the second group of six apostles, 138:2.2 (1539.5)of Thomas and Judas by Jesus, 138:5.0 (1542.2–5)of the twins by Jesus, 138:4.0 (1541.3–1542.1)Callirrhoethe seventy’s labors in, 165:0.1 (1817.1)Callousnessmortal, an exhibition of, 187:6.3 (2011.7)Calmnessand prayer, 91:4.5 (998.3)and self-control, Buddhism’s promotion of, 94:9.6 (1038.4)Simon’s admiration for Jesus’, 139:11.5 (1565.2)Calvaryadherence of Jesus to his third decision on, 136:7.4 (1520.1)cross of, misinterpretation of, 4:5.6 (60.5)Cambrianperiod, length of the, 59:1.20 (674.6)rocks, oblique thrust out over Cretaceous layers of, 60:3.14 (690.5)seas, 59:1.15 (674.1)Camel(s)a beast of burden, 81:2.12 (902.2)driver(s), Jesus as a, 133:9.1 (1481.3)members of Jesus’ caravan family, 134:2.2 (1484.6)migration to China of, 61:4.3 (698.5)to Europe of, 61:2.9 (695.7)and the needle’s eye, 163:3.1 (1803.3)in North America, 61:3.5 (696.9), 61:3.10 (697.5), 61:5.7 (699.8)place of origin of, 61:2.9 (695.7), 61:3.5 (696.9)swallowing the, 156:2.8 (1736.5), 175:1.17 (1908.1)trains, Dravidian, to Mesopotamia, 79:3.7 (881.7)Campapostolic, in Gethsemane, 173:5.5 (1895.3)John the Baptist’s, appearance of thousands at, 135:9.3 (1505.3)at Pella, see PellaCampersPella, Jesus followed by, during Perean mission, 167:0.1 (1833.1)Canaapostles’ journey to a wedding at, 137:3.1 (1527.4)apostolic corps’ return to, 146:5.1 (1644.3)work in, 146:0.1 (1637.1)childhood trips of Jesus to, 124:1.12

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