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may be absent-minded either through intense concentration or simply through inattention, with fitful and aimless wandering of thought. Compare ABSTRACT.


alert, on hand, ready, wide-awake.
attentive, prompt, thoughtful,

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anomalous, ill-considered, ludicrous, ridiculous,
chimerical, ill-judged, mistaken, senseless,
erroneous, inconclusive, monstrous, stupid,
false, incorrect, nonsensical, unreasonable,
foolish, infatuated, paradoxical, wild.
ill-advised, irrational, preposterous,

      That is absurd which is contrary to the first principles of reasoning; as, that a part should be greater than the whole is absurd. A paradoxical statement appears at first thought contradictory or absurd, while it may be really true. Anything is irrational[12] when clearly contrary to sound reason, foolish when contrary to practical good sense, silly when petty and contemptible in its folly, erroneous when containing error that vitiates the result, unreasonable when there seems a perverse bias or an intent to go wrong. Monstrous and preposterous refer to what is overwhelmingly absurd; as, "O monstrous! eleven buckram men grown out of two," Shakespeare 1 King Henry IV, act ii, sc. 4. The ridiculous or the nonsensical is worthy only to be laughed at. The lunatic's claim to be a king is ridiculous; the Mother Goose rimes are nonsensical. Compare INCONGRUOUS.


certain, incontrovertible, rational, substantial,
consistent, indisputable, reasonable, true,
demonstrable, indubitable, sagacious, undeniable,
demonstrated, infallible, sensible, unquestionable,
established, logical, sound, wise.

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aggrieve, impose on or oppress, ruin,
damage, upon, persecute, slander,
defame, injure, pervert, victimize,
defile, malign, prostitute, vilify,
disparage, maltreat, rail at, violate,
harm, misemploy, ravish, vituperate,
ill-treat, misuse, reproach, wrong.
ill-use, molest, revile,

      Abuse covers all unreasonable or improper use or treatment by word or act. A tenant does not abuse rented property by "reasonable wear," though that may damage the property and injure its sale; he may abuse it by needless defacement or neglect. It is possible to abuse a man without harming him, as when the criminal vituperates the judge; or to harm a man without abusing him, as when the witness tells the truth about the criminal. Defame, malign, rail at, revile, slander, vilify, and vituperate are used always in a bad sense. One may be justly reproached. To impose on or to victimize one is to injure him by abusing his confidence. To persecute one is to ill-treat him for opinion's sake, commonly for religious belief; to oppress is generally for political or pecuniary motives. "Thou shalt not oppress an hired servant that is poor and needy," Deut. xxiv, 14. Misemploy, misuse, and pervert are commonly applied to objects rather than to persons. A dissolute youth misemploys his time, misuses his money[13] and opportunities, harms his associates, perverts his talents, wrongs his parents, ruins himself, abuses every good gift of God.


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applaud, conserve, favor, protect, sustain,
benefit, consider, laud, regard, tend,
care for, eulogize, panegyrize, respect, uphold,