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support, assist, encourage, promote, uphold.

      Abet and instigate are now used almost without exception in a bad sense; one may incite either to good or evil. One incites or instigates to the doing of something not yet done, or to increased activity or further advance in the doing of it; one abets by giving sympathy, countenance, or substantial aid to the doing of that which is already projected or in process of commission. Abet and instigate apply either to persons or actions, incite to persons only; one incites a person to an action. A clergyman will advocate the claims of justice, aid the poor, encourage the[5] despondent, support the weak, uphold the constituted authorities; but he will not incite to a quarrel, instigate a riot, or abet a crime. The originator of a crime often instigates or incites others to abet him in it, or one may instigate or incite others to a crime in the commission of which he himself takes no active part. Compare HELP.


baffle, deter, dissuade, hinder,
confound, disapprove, expose, impede,
counteract, disconcert, frustrate, obstruct.
denounce, discourage,

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abominate, dislike, loathe, scorn,
despise, hate, nauseate, shun.

      Abhor is stronger than despise, implying a shuddering recoil, especially a moral recoil. "How many shun evil as inconvenient who do not abhor it as hateful." Trench Serm. in Westm. Abbey xxvi, 297. [M.] Detest expresses indignation, with something of contempt. Loathe implies disgust, physical or moral. We abhor a traitor, despise a coward, detest a liar. We dislike an uncivil person. We abhor cruelty, hate tyranny. We loathe a reptile or a flatterer. We abhor Milton's heroic Satan, but we can not despise him.


admire, crave, esteem, love,
approve, desire, like, relish.
covet, enjoy,

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anticipate, dwell, remain, stop,
await, endure, reside, tarry,
bear, expect, rest, tolerate,
bide, inhabit, sojourn, wait,
confront, live, stay, watch.
continue, lodge,

      To abide is to remain continuously without limit of time unless expressed by the context: "to-day I must abide at thy house," Luke xix, 5; "a settled place for thee to abide in forever," 1 Kings viii, 13; "Abide with me! fast falls the eventide," Lyte Hymn. Lodge, sojourn, stay, tarry, and wait always imply a limited time; lodge, to pass the night; sojourn, to remain[6] temporarily; live, dwell, reside, to have a permanent home. Stop, in the sense of stay or sojourn, is colloquial, and not in approved use. Compare ENDURE; REST.


abandon, forfeit, migrate, reject,
avoid, forfend, move, resist,
depart, journey, proceed, shun.


      Abide in a place, for a time, with a person, by a statement.

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abate, eradicate, prohibit, stamp out,
abrogate, exterminate, remove, subvert,
annihilate, extirpate, repeal, supplant,
annul, nullify, reverse,

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