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condition; fuel is consumed in the fire, food in the body; consume is also applied to whatever is removed from the market for individual use; as, silk and woolen goods are consumed. A great talker engrosses the conversation. A credulous person swallows the most preposterous[10] statement. A busy student imbibes or drinks in knowledge; he is absorbed in a subject that takes his whole attention. "I only postponed it because I happened to get absorbed in a book." Kane Grinnell Exped. ch. 43, page 403. [H. '54.]


cast out, dissipate, emit, put forth, shoot forth,
disgorge, distract, exude, radiate, throw off,
disperse, eject, give up, send out, vomit.


      Plants absorb moisture from the air; the student is absorbed in thought; nutriment may be absorbed into the system through the skin.

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abstemiousness, frugality, self-denial, sobriety,
continence, moderation, self-restraint, temperance.
fasting, self-control,

      Abstinence from food commonly signifies going without; abstemiousness, partaking moderately; abstinence may be for a single occasion, abstemiousness is habitual moderation. Self-denial is giving up what one wishes; abstinence may be refraining from what one does not desire. Fasting is abstinence from food for a limited time, and generally for religious reasons. Sobriety and temperance signify maintaining a quiet, even temper by moderate indulgence in some things, complete abstinence from others. We speak of temperance in eating, but of abstinence from vice. Total abstinence has come to signify the entire abstaining from intoxicating liquors.


drunkenness, greed, reveling, sensuality,
excess, intemperance, revelry, wantonness.
gluttony, intoxication, self-indulgence,


      The negative side of virtue is abstinence from vice.

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appropriate, distract, purloin, steal,
detach, divert, remove, take away,
discriminate, eliminate, separate, withdraw.

      The central idea of withdrawing makes abstract in common speech a euphemism for appropriate (unlawfully), purloin, steal. In mental processes we discriminate between objects by distinguishing their differences; we separate some one element from all that does not necessarily belong to it, abstract it, and view it alone. We may separate two ideas, and hold both in mind in[11] comparison or contrast; but when we abstract one of them, we drop the other out of thought. The mind is abstracted when it is withdrawn from all other subjects and concentrated upon one, diverted when it is drawn away from what it would or should attend to by some other interest, distracted when the attention is divided among different subjects, so that it can not be given properly to any. The trouble with the distracted person is that he is not abstracted. Compare DISCERN.


add, complete, fill up, restore, unite.
combine, conjoin, increase, strengthen,


      The purse may be abstracted from the pocket; the substance from the accidents; a book into a compend.

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absent, heedless, listless, preoccupied,
absent-minded, inattentive, negligent, thoughtless.
absorbed, indifferent, oblivious,

      As regards mental action, absorbed, abstracted, and preoccupied refer to the cause, absent or absent-minded to the effect. The man absorbed in one thing will appear absent in others. A preoccupied person may seem listless and thoughtless, but the really listless and thoughtless have not mental energy to be preoccupied. The absent-minded man is oblivious of ordinary matters, because his thoughts are elsewhere. One who is preoccupied is intensely busy in thought; one

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