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Rashbam (1080–1160)

      1.1.4 Ibn Ezra (c. 1089–1164)

      1.2 The Expansion of Meaning

      1.2.1 Moses Maimonides and Philosophy (1135–1204)

      1.2.2 David Kimḥi and Narrative (1160–1235)

      1.2.3 Naḥmanides and Mysticism (1194–1270)

      1.2.4 Baḥya ben Asher and Four-fold Exegesis (c. 1255–1340)

      2 Aggadic Literature

      2.1 Orality and the Open Book

      2.2 The »Problem« with Aggadah

      2.3 Midrash Reimagined

      2.3.1 Midrash-Commentary Hybrids

      2.3.2 Halakhah-Aggadah Hybrids

      2.3.3 Additional new directions

      2.4 Development of Narrative

      2.4.1 Narrative Midrash

      2.4.2 Minor Midrashim

      2.4.3 Absorption of foreign material and original Jewish stories

      2.5 Historiography

      2.5.1 Apocalypse

      2.5.2 Exempla, Hagiography and Martyrology

      2.6 Ethical Literature

      2.7 Anthologies and Collections

      2.7.1 Anthologies

      2.7.2 Midrash Rabbah and Medieval Collections

      For Further Reading


      Elisabeth Hollender

      1 Poetic Genres

      1.1 Piyyutim for the Shemaʿ

      1.2 Piyyutim for the ʿAmidah

      1.3 Further Piyyutim

      2 History of Piyyut

      2.1 Pre-classical Piyyut

      2.2 Classical Piyyut

      2.3 Post-classical Piyyut

      2.4 Andalusian Piyyut

      2.5 Italian Piyyut

      2.6 Ashkenazic piyyut

      2.7 Other Piyyut Traditions

      3 Criticism and Rejection of Piyyut

      4 Scholarly Research

      For Further Reading

      Jewish Liturgy

      Dalia Marx

      1 The History of Jewish Prayer

      1.1 Prayer in the Hebrew Bible: Spontaneous personal prayer and Psalms

      1.2 Prayer in the Second Temple Period: The root sources of Jewish prayer

      1.3 Prayer in the Rabbinic Era: Creation of prayer structure and primary content

      1.4 The Babylonian and Palestinian Talmuds and the Midrashic compilations of the Amoraic Era (ca. 220–550 CE)

      1.5 Prayer in the Gaonic Era: The First Prayer Books

      1.6 The »« Period—Formation of Local Liturgical Customs

      1.7 The : Influences of Printing and the Kabbalah upon Jewish Prayer

      1.8 Prayer in the Modern Era: from the eighteenth through the mid-twentieth centuries

      1.9 Jewish Liturgy from the mid-20 century to today: Modernity and Post-Modernity

      2 The Structure of Jewish Liturgy

      2.1 The Liturgy of the

      The portions of the

      The blessings surrounding the

      2.2 The ʿAmidah

      The Opening

      The Middle Benedictions/Blessings

      The Closing Benedictions/Blessings

      2.3 The Torah Service

      2.4 Opening and Conclusion of Prayer

      2.5 Sabbath and Festival Prayers

      2.6 Home Liturgies

      For Further Reading

      Jewish Mysticism

      Elke Morlok

      1 Sources and Major Topics

      2 Current Discussion in Research

      3 Early Jewish Mysticism

      3.1 Mysticism and Literature

      3.2 (Measures of Stature)

      3.3 (Book of Creation)

      4 Medieval Jewish Mysticism and the Rise of Kabbalah


      4.2 Kabbalah in Provence and the

      4.3 Kabbalah in Catalonia

      4.4 Kabbalah in Castile

      4.5 The

      4.6 Abraham Abulafia (1240–after 1292)

      4.7 Joseph Gikatilla (1248–c. 1305)

      4.8 Theosophy and Theurgy

      5 Renaissance and Early Modern Times

      5.1 14–16 Centuries – Spanish Expulsion to Safed Community

      5.2 Isaac Luria, (1534–1572)

      5.3 Sabbatai Zevi (1626–1676)

      5.4 Jacob Frank (1726–1791)

      6 18 Century Kabbalah

      6.1 The »Besht« and the Upsurge of Hasidism

      7 Kabbalah in the 20 and 21 Centuries

      For Further Reading


      1 Sources

      1.1 Hebrew Bible







      1 Samuel

      1 Kings

      2 Kings

      1 Chronicles

      2 Chronicles








      Song of Solomon






      1.2 New Testament

      1.3 Deuterocanonical Works and Septuagint

      1.4 Old Testament Pseudepigrapha

      1.5 Dead Sea Scrolls

      1.6 Philo of Alexandria

      1.7 Flavius Josephus

      1.8 Rabbinical Sources

      1.9 Classical and Ancient Christian Writings

      2 Names

      3 Keywords


      In the beginning, the Hebrew Bible was formed as an anthology of Jewish texts,

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