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3. ---- de Veritate Religionis Christianæ 4. ---- de Jure summarum potestatum circa sacra.--And Commentatio ad loca quædam Novi Testamenti, quæ de Antichristo agunt, aut agere videntur 5. His Commentaries on the Scriptures 6. His other works CHAPTER XI. A.D. 1634–1645. GROTIUS, AS AMBASSADOR FROM THE KINGDOM OF SWEDEN, TO THE COURT OF FRANCE CHAPTER XII. THE RELIGIOUS SENTIMENTS OF GROTIUS; SOME OTHER OF HIS WORKS, 1. Subsequent History of Arminianism 2. Grotius's religious sentiments 3. Projects of religious Pacification CHAPTER XIII. THE DEATH OF GROTIUS CHAPTER XIV. A.D. 1680–1815. HISTORICAL MINUTES OF THE REVOLUTIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE SEVEN UNITED PROVINCES, FROM THE DEATH OF WILLIAM II. TILL THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS. 1. William III. 2. John William Count of Nassau Dietz, 1702–1711; William IV. 1711–1751 3. From the death of William IV. till the erection of the Kingdom of the Netherlands APPENDIX I. Some Account of the Formularies, Confessions of Faith, or Symbolic Books, of the Roman-Catholic, Greek, and principal Protestant Churches APPENDIX II. On the Reunion of Christians I. II. II. 1.

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