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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_e22e308d-4229-5fc0-a79f-b9a7367f81cb">III. 4.



      In the following pages we shall attempt to present our Readers, with a Life of HUGO GROTIUS; and MINUTES OF THE CIVIL, ECCLESIASTICAL, AND LITERARY HISTORY OF THE NETHERLANDS.

      In writing these pages, we principally consulted his life, written in the French language, by M. de Burigni, Member of the French Royal Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres; an English translation of it, was published in 1754, in one Volume, 8vo.;

      Hugonis Grotii Manes, ab iniquis obtrectationibus vindicati; 2 vols. 8vo. 1727: the author of this work is said to be M. Lehman;

      The article Grotius, in Bayle's and Chalmers's Dictionaries;

      And many of the letters in Hugonis Grotii Epistolæ, published at Amsterdam in 1687, in one volume, folio; and many in the Præstantium et Eruditorum Virorum Epistolæ Ecclesiasticæ, published at Amsterdam in 1684, in one volume, 4to.

      For what we have said on GERMANY AND THE NETHERLANDS, we principally consulted,

      Schmidt's Histoire des Allemands;

      Pfeffell's Histoire Abregé de l'Allemagne, 2 vols. 8vo.;

      Mr. Durnford's excellent Translation, of Professor Pütter's Historical Developement, of the Political History of the German Empire; 3 vols. 8vo.;

      And Hugonis Grotii Annales, et Historiæ de Rebus Belgicis, one vol. 8vo. Amsterdam, 1658.

      In our account of the troubles on Arminianism, and the Synod of Dort; we principally consulted, the French Abridgment, in 3 vols. 8vo. of Brand's History of the Netherlands, and Grotius's excellent Apology:

      In every part of the work, we have consulted other publications;—three only of these we shall mention;

      The three Bibliothècques of Le Clerc;

      The Life of Arminius, and

      Calvinism and Arminianism Compared, by Mr. James Nichols.

      From these materials the following pages have been composed: they may be found to contain,-

A.D. 800–911.
3. Decline of Literature, under the Descendants of Charlemagne
A.D. 911–1024.
2. State of Literature, during the Saxon dynasty
A.D. 1024–1138.
III. 1. Boundaries, and State of Germany, during the Franconian dynasty
2. State of German Literature, during the Franconian dynasty
A.D. 1138–1519
IV. 1. State of Germany, from the beginning of the Suabian dynasty, until the accession of the Emperor Charles V.
2. State of German Literature, during this period
A.D. 1138–1519
V. 1. Antient, and modern Geography of the Netherlands
2. The formation, of the different provinces of the Netherlands, into one State
3. Brief view, of the History of the Netherlands, until the acknowledgment of the Seven United Provinces, by the Spanish monarch
4. Their constitution, and principal officers
A.D. 1582–1597.

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