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alt="images"/> with probability 1, so images. If the father is Rh+ (the mother is still Rhimages), event images, then images. Assume that parents mate at random with respect to the Rhesus quality. Then images, the relative frequency of Rhimages in the population, independent of images. Similarly, images, the relative frequency of Rh+ in the population. These probabilities can now be inserted in (1.13) to obtain


      for the probability that a Rhimages mother will have a Rhimages child. This result is not intuitively obvious, unless one considers the approach based on the law of total probability.


      A further extension of this law to consider probabilities for combinations of genetic marker systems in a racially heterogeneous population has been given by Walsh and Buckleton (1988). Let images and images be two genetic marker systems with realisations images and images, images, and images. Let images and images be two mutually exclusive and exhaustive subpopulations such that a person from the population belongs to one and only one of images and images. Let images and images be the probabilities that a person chosen at random from the population belongs to images and to images, respectively. Then images. Within each subpopulation images and images are independent so that the probability an individual chosen at random from one of these subpopulations is of type images is simply the product of the individual probabilities. Thus

equation equation

      This is not necessarily equal to images as is illustrated in the following example. Let images, and images Then


      The product of images and images is not necessarily equal to images. Suppose, for example that images, and images. Then

equation equation equation equation


      1.7.11 Updating of Probabilities

      Example Example 1.4

      1 Consider

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