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may be written as

      where the conditioning on images has been omitted. Independence

      If two events images and images are such that, given background information images,

equation equation

      Independent events are exchangeable. It is not necessarily the case that exchangeable events are independent. See Taroni et al. (2018) for a discussion. Also, two events which are mutually exclusive cannot be independent. As an example of independence, consider the rolling of two six‐sided fair dice, images and images say. The outcome of the throw of images does not affect the outcome of the throw of images. If images lands 6 uppermost, this result does not alter the probability that images will land 6 uppermost. The same argument applies if one die is rolled two or more times. Outcomes of earlier throws do not affect the outcomes of later throws. Similarly, with the drawing of two cards from a pack of 52 cards, if the first card drawn is replaced in the pack, and the pack shuffled, before the second draw, the outcomes of the two draws are independent. The probability of drawing two aces is 4/52 images 4/52. This can be compared with the probability 4/52 images 3/51 if the first card drawn was not replaced.

       Third law of probability for independent events

      The third law, assuming images and images independent, and conditional on images is


      Consider Table 1.3 again. If DVI and DAI were independent then the probability of both occurring in a road accident fatality would be the product of the probability of each happening separately. Thus


      However, it is not the case that 9.4% of road accident fatalities have both injuries. An examination of Table 1.3 illustrates that this is not so. From Table 1.3 it can be seen that 14/120 = 0.12 or 12% of fatalities have both injuries. In such a situation where images it can be said that DVI and DAI are not independent.

      As another example of the use of the ideas of independence, consider a diallelic system in genetics in which the alleles are denoted images and images, with images. This gives rise to three genotypes that, assuming Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium to hold, are expected to have the following probabilities

        (homozygotes for allele ),


        (homozygotes for allele ).

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Allele from mother Allele from father
images images
images images images