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– does every one have the qualities which are needed to work in this group?

      <--- Score

      57. Are controls defined to recognize and contain problems?

      <--- Score

      58. What are the Web information system resources needed?

      <--- Score

      59. What activities does the governance board need to consider?

      <--- Score

      60. What training and capacity building actions are needed to implement proposed reforms?

      <--- Score

      61. How are you going to measure success?

      <--- Score

      62. What are your needs in relation to Web information system skills, labor, equipment, and markets?

      <--- Score

      63. Are problem definition and motivation clearly presented?

      <--- Score

      64. Do you need different information or graphics?

      <--- Score

      65. How do you identify subcontractor relationships?

      <--- Score

      66. Are there regulatory / compliance issues?

      <--- Score

      67. What are the minority interests and what amount of minority interests can be recognized?

      <--- Score

      68. Are there Web information system problems defined?

      <--- Score

      69. What resources or support might you need?

      <--- Score

      70. How does it fit into your organizational needs and tasks?

      <--- Score

      71. How much are sponsors, customers, partners, stakeholders involved in Web information system? In other words, what are the risks, if Web information system does not deliver successfully?

      <--- Score

      72. Will it solve real problems?

      <--- Score

      73. How do you recognize an objection?

      <--- Score

      74. What extra resources will you need?

      <--- Score

      75. Think about the people you identified for your Web information system project and the project responsibilities you would assign to them, what kind of training do you think they would need to perform these responsibilities effectively?

      <--- Score

      76. What is the Web information system problem definition? What do you need to resolve?

      <--- Score

      77. Which information does the Web information system business case need to include?

      <--- Score

      78. Are there any revenue recognition issues?

      <--- Score

      79. What do employees need in the short term?

      <--- Score

      80. What Web information system events should you attend?

      <--- Score

      81. Where is training needed?

      <--- Score

      82. How are the Web information system’s objectives aligned to the group’s overall stakeholder strategy?

      <--- Score

      83. Which needs are not included or involved?

      <--- Score

      84. Do you know what you need to know about Web information system?

      <--- Score

      85. Is it needed?

      <--- Score

      86. How do you recognize an Web information system objection?

      <--- Score

      87. Are employees recognized for desired behaviors?

      <--- Score

      88. Will a response program recognize when a crisis occurs and provide some level of response?

      <--- Score

      89. What is the problem and/or vulnerability?

      <--- Score

      90. Is it clear when you think of the day ahead of you what activities and tasks you need to complete?

      <--- Score

      91. Would you recognize a threat from the inside?

      <--- Score

      92. What tools and technologies are needed for a custom Web information system project?

      <--- Score

      93. Does the problem have ethical dimensions?

      <--- Score

      94. What Web information system coordination do you need?

      <--- Score

      95. What are the stakeholder objectives to be achieved with Web information system?

      <--- Score

      96. Who needs what information?

      <--- Score

      97. What are the timeframes required to resolve each of the issues/problems?

      <--- Score

      98. Are you dealing with any of the same issues today as yesterday? What can you do about this?

      <--- Score

      99. Why the need?

      <--- Score

      100. Are there any specific expectations or concerns about the Web information system team, Web information system itself?

      <--- Score

      Add up total points for this section: _____ = Total points for this section

      Divided by: ______ (number of statements answered) = ______ Average score for this section

      Transfer your score to the Web information system Index at the beginning of the Self-Assessment.


      INTENT: Formulate the stakeholder problem. Define the problem, needs and objectives.

      In my belief, the answer to this question is clearly defined:

      5 Strongly Agree

      4 Agree

      3 Neutral

      2 Disagree

      1 Strongly Disagree

      1. If substitutes have been appointed, have they been briefed on the Web information system goals and received regular communications as to the progress to date?

      <--- Score

      2. What are the Roles and Responsibilities for each team member and its leadership? Where is this documented?

      <--- Score

      3. What is out-of-scope initially?

      <--- Score

      4. Are accountability and ownership for Web information system clearly defined?

      <--- Score

      5. Are improvement team members fully trained on Web information system?

      <--- Score


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