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face puckered still more.

      “Wetched!” he muttered, throwing down a purse with some gold in it. “Wostóv, deah fellow, just see how much there is left and shove the purse undah the pillow,” he said, and went out to the quartermaster.

      Rostóv took the money and, mechanically arranging the old and new coins in separate piles, began counting them.

      “Ah! Telyánin! How d’ye do? They plucked me last night,” came Denísov’s voice from the next room.

      “Where? At Bykov’s, at the rat’s... I knew it,” replied a piping voice, and Lieutenant Telyánin, a small officer of the same squadron, entered the room.

      Rostóv thrust the purse under the pillow and shook the damp little hand which was offered him. Telyánin for some reason had been transferred from the Guards just before this campaign. He behaved very well in the regiment but was not liked; Rostóv especially detested him and was unable to overcome or conceal his groundless antipathy to the man.

      “Well, young cavalryman, how is my Rook behaving?” he asked. (Rook was a young horse Telyánin had sold to Rostóv.)

      The lieutenant never looked the man he was speaking to straight in the face; his eyes continually wandered from one object to another.

      “I saw you riding this morning...” he added.

      “Oh, he’s all right, a good horse,” answered Rostóv, though the horse for which he had paid seven hundred rubbles was not worth half that sum. “He’s begun to go a little lame on the left foreleg,” he added.

      “The hoof’s cracked! That’s nothing. I’ll teach you what to do and show you what kind of rivet to use.”

      “Yes, please do,” said Rostóv.

      “I’ll show you, I’ll show you! It’s not a secret. And it’s a horse you’ll thank me for.”

      “Then I’ll have it brought round,” said Rostóv wishing to avoid Telyánin, and he went out to give the order.

      In the passage Denísov, with a pipe, was squatting on the threshold facing the quartermaster who was reporting to him. On seeing Rostóv, Denísov screwed up his face and pointing over his shoulder with his thumb to the room where Telyánin was sitting, he frowned and gave a shudder of disgust.

      “Ugh! I don’t like that fellow,” he said, regardless of the quartermaster’s presence.

      Rostóv shrugged his shoulders as much as to say: “Nor do I, but what’s one to do?” and, having given his order, he returned to Telyánin.

      Telyánin was sitting in the same indolent pose in which Rostóv had left him, rubbing his small white hands.

      “Well there certainly are disgusting people,” thought Rostóv as he entered.

      “Have you told them to bring the horse?” asked Telyánin, getting up and looking carelessly about him.

      “I have.”

      “Let us go ourselves. I only came round to ask Denísov about yesterday’s order. Have you got it, Denísov?”

      “Not yet. But where are you off to?”

      “I want to teach this young man how to shoe a horse,” said Telyánin.

      They went through the porch and into the stable. The lieutenant explained how to rivet the hoof and went away to his own quarters.

      When Rostóv went back there was a bottle of vodka and a sausage on the table. Denísov was sitting there scratching with his pen on a sheet of paper. He looked gloomily in Rostóv’s face and said: “I am witing to her.”

      He leaned his elbows on the table with his pen in his hand and, evidently glad of a chance to say quicker in words what he wanted to write, told Rostóv the contents of his letter.

      “You see, my fwiend,” he said, “we sleep when we don’t love. We are childwen of the dust... but one falls in love and one is a God, one is pua’ as on the fihst day of cweation... Who’s that now? Send him to the devil, I’m busy!” he shouted to Lavrúshka, who went up to him not in the least abashed.

      “Who should it be? You yourself told him to come. It’s the quartermaster for the money.”

      Denísov frowned and was about to shout some reply but stopped.

      “Wetched business,” he muttered to himself. “How much is left in the puhse?” he asked, turning to Rostóv.

      “Seven new and three old imperials.”

      “Oh, it’s wetched! Well, what are you standing there for, you sca’cwow? Call the quahtehmasteh,” he shouted to Lavrúshka.

      “Please, Denísov, let me lend you some: I have some, you know,” said Rostóv, blushing.

      “Don’t like bowwowing from my own fellows, I don’t,” growled Denísov.

      “But if you won’t accept money from me like a comrade, you will offend me. Really I have some,” Rostóv repeated.

      “No, I tell you.”

      And Denísov went to the bed to get the purse from under the pillow.

      “Where have you put it, Wostóv?”

      “Under the lower pillow.”

      “It’s not there.”

      Denísov threw both pillows on the floor. The purse was not there.

      “That’s a miwacle.”

      “Wait, haven’t you dropped it?” said Rostóv, picking up the pillows one at a time and shaking them.

      He pulled off the quilt and shook it. The purse was not there.

      “Dear me, can I have forgotten? No, I remember thinking that you kept it under your head like a treasure,” said Rostóv. “I put it just here. Where is it?” he asked, turning to Lavrúshka.

      “I haven’t been in the room. It must be where you put it.”

      “But it isn’t?...”

      “You’re always like that; you thwow a thing down anywhere and forget it. Feel in your pockets.”

      “No, if I hadn’t thought of it being a treasure,” said Rostóv, “but I remember putting it there.”

      Lavrúshka turned all the bedding over, looked under the bed and under the table, searched everywhere, and stood still in the middle of the room. Denísov silently watched Lavrúshka’s movements, and when the latter threw up his arms in surprise saying it was nowhere to be found Denísov glanced at Rostóv.

      “Wostóv, you’ve not been playing schoolboy twicks...”

      Rostóv felt Denísov’s gaze fixed on him, raised his eyes, and instantly dropped them again. All the blood which had seemed congested somewhere below his throat rushed to his face and eyes. He could not draw breath.

      “And there hasn’t been anyone in the room except the lieutenant and yourselves. It must be here somewhere,” said Lavrúshka.

      “Now then, you devil’s puppet, look alive and hunt for it!” shouted Denísov, suddenly, turning purple and rushing at the man with a threatening gesture. “If the purse isn’t found I’ll flog you, I’ll flog you all.”

      Rostóv, his eyes avoiding Denísov, began buttoning his coat, buckled on his saber, and put on his cap.

      “I must have that purse, I tell you,” shouted Denísov, shaking his orderly by the shoulders and knocking him against the wall.

      “Denísov, let him alone, I know who has taken it,” said Rostóv, going toward the door without raising his eyes. Denísov paused, thought a moment, and, evidently understanding what Rostóv hinted at, seized his arm.


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