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abilities. The crimes of these people are, of course, relative and many-sided; for the most part, they demand, in a wide variety of statements, the destruction of the present for the better. But if he needs, for his idea, to step at least over a corpse, through blood, then he inside himself, in conscience, can, in my opinion, give himself permission to step over blood, – looking, however, in theory and in size of it, – notice it. In this sense only I also speak in my article about their right to a crime.

      Product placement 1. Hennessy. Symbol of wealth, prosperity and success

      Stop; let us have a brake for a moment, because I have a desire to develop the subject of Hennessy. I would divide this topic into three. First, maybe not as often as I would like, but I like and drink this cognac, from time to time VS, and less VSOP. And from this point of view my conscience will be clean when we would come to the third question. The choice of last partner in my life have been well thought out and the only correct, and is not a subject to appeal. However, hand on heart, I do not think of myself as so great connoisseur of cognac, to distinguish with closing eyes Hennessy from Camus or Courvoisier. Moreover, I was not lazy and looked in Internet on cognac ratings in all over the World, and it turns out that Hennessy is not always located in the first place. However, here then comes the second question. Despite all the possible ratings in favor of other brands in the World Hennessy was and remains in Russia at the beginning of the twenty-first century the number one drink. I even think that in Russian mentality, Hennessy is not only the main and the best drink, but it is already a symbol. It has become the symbol of wealth, prosperity and success, same undeniable as crimson jackets were at the dawn of second coming capitalism, and then, when capitalism in Russia has strengthened slightly, already Mercedes 600 became. Moreover, as a symbol of something highest in terms of versatility and democracy Hennessy is much more convenient and affordable than the Mercedes 600. Unlike Mercedes, which could be used by only very elected persons, Hennessy, having all the features of high-end product, however is available to millions. Well, really, almost any person at least once in life can afford to try Hennessy VS and even Hennessy VSOP. You just only need to accumulate 2200 or 3600 rubles accordingly, and you can feel yourself as a representative of high society. And it does not matter that really elite drink is Hennessy X.O and above. For most people, the word and the notion of Hennessy itself is already a pass to the elite world.

      I have imagined such a surreal picture, when a group of homeless people, basking by the fire at the backyard behind garages and drinking a bottle of elite beverage and conduct secular dainty conversation. And this picture is not so surreal, at least if you compare it with the opportunity to see the same tramp while driving Mercedes 600. So I think that my subjective choice in favor of Hennessy cognac, in my suicidal plan coincided to one of the main alcohol trends in modern Russia. The key words here are “my own” and “subjective”. Because we come to the third question, and so I stop theorizing and I suggest you, Eugene, as my former and possibly future business partner, to organize a joint business related to publication of our book.

      After writing this, I realized that I do not exist in your life any more. However, I suggest you a partnership. Aren’t you afraid to do business with the dead? Pardon, I am just joking.

      Proposal is the following. I am not in vain several times insisted in previous text on my “own choice” and “subjectivity”. The fact is that I voluntarily and naturally (and not by prior arrangement) created in my text effect of “Product placement”. If someone does not know, Product placement is a hidden form of advertising when a particular product appears in movie or in book, and in the course of the narrative this product is given some attention. The ultimate goal of the insertion description the definite product in the narrative is to draw the attention of the viewer or reader on this very product. Therefore, I have created my own quite concrete Product placement, and, I think, it is rather powerful. Powerful so that, provided that the text will ever be available to a wider audience than you and me, and even a common inhabitant, who read it, he just will have to wish to taste Hennessy VS, not to mention the Hennessy VSOP. He will have to taste it even only to understand, what it is to die with pleasure. You know, Eugene, I think, it is a pun or even an oxymoron – “To die with pleasure”, and even better way – “Even to die with pleasure!” And it is already chic slogan. I hope you already catch what I mean. You need while without any literary frills now (the more you as also me, not very capable on it) to make a translation of this text into English. To make it so that general meaning become clear, and send to the headquarters of the Hennessy marketing Department. I very much hope that Hennessy staff is versed in marketing so much to understand that the text (not just this specifically, but generally all entire text) is just a gift of fate. Because it is pure and sincere Product placement, not ordered and prepaid, but resulting in a natural way. I believe you know what I mean. Nevertheless, I will try to explain. You remember, perhaps, that I love the actor Tom Hanks; he is a super positive hero with great charm. You also remember the movie “Cast Away” with Tom Hanks in the lead role. It is thanks to Tom Hanks film turned out so interesting, exciting, but at the same time, very touching and I would even say soulful. However, what an obvious Product placement with volleyball ball Wilson is there. A more powerful impact on the consumer is difficult to come up with. I imagine very clearly, as after watching this movie, the average family visiting a sports store, and child’s shy hand reaches for the ball Wilson, and the parents of the child, also watched this movie, just cannot say no and buying him the ball. I think Wilson has statistics on how much their sales jumped after the movie came out. Here it is a classic embodiment of the winged phrase “the Magic power of art”!

      So, paying tribute to this undoubtedly brilliant marketing move with the Wilson ball, I nevertheless undertake to argue that our Product placement is much more powerful. Because I do not doubt for a minute, that the reader, having reached this place in the book, is simply obliged to slam it, to get from the stash the treasured bottle of cognac stored for some very solemn occasion. Anticipating the expected pleasure, he swallows his saliva, slowly uncorks the bottle, still slowly and solemnly pours the amber liquid into a crystal glass (also taken for this occasion from an old crystal set stored in the sideboard). Slowly, he sits in his favorite chair, staring through the filled glass to the light bulb of the floor lamp, and finally, as if something deciding he mentally wished himself and his family success and prosperity in life, slowly begins to savor the drink. After a few minutes of leisurely savoring, he suddenly begins to realize that this is the best alcohol that he had to try in life and it, at least, exceeds all his expectations.

      But if accidentally the cherished bottle by some strange coincidence is not in his house, he will take out of the stash three thousand rubles, hastily dressed and run to the nearest supermarket to be in time to buy it before the end of the sale of alcohol. He then, carefully clutching a treasured bottle in hand, fast step, get home. And then the mystery follows, which I have already described, with the awareness of divinity and uniqueness of the drink.

      I wrote this, and I myself began to drool, so heartfelt, as I think, I managed to do. So, I slowly open the bottle in front of me; carefully pour a full glass to the brim. With the elements of posturing and hussarness, raising the glass with two fingers and with my elbow aside I slowly bring it to my lips. At this place I temporarily say goodbye to you until the end of the sacrament of partaking the best drink in the world.

      So we have a lively and natural Product placement. It seems to me; the Hennessy management can appreciate our creativity and will help us to publish this text. Of course, I will leave you some money for the publication of the book, but I suspect that it will not be enough. So actually, you have a simple task, to translate this letter and Preface and send to the Hennessy Trade House and they would decide whether they are interested in it…

      Ode to Death

      To somehow understand and clear up my mental condition and creativity, I periodically talk with a familiar psychotherapist. She

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