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of the pyramid to stop at, where he is most comfortable. Comfort means, in this case, the minimum amount of effort and ability required to reach a certain level.

      If we combine Feodor Mikhailovich’s formula, the Scale of needs and the Matrix of Maslow, then a universal test is obtained, according to which each person can determine what he is like at the moment, as well as what he was some time ago, and most importantly, what will happen to him through Some time. With this test it is necessary to acquaint children at the earliest age and so that knowledge is settled in their mind like the multiplication table. At the end of secondary school, that is, on the verge of adult life, a person must firmly understand to what level he seeks. Moreover, here it is not scary be wrong in a bigger side, big ambitions did not harm anyone at the beginning.

      Of course, using Fyodor Mikhailovich’s formula, I am a little cunning, because They (obsolete respectful “he”) originally had something completely different in mind. But we in our case reject the cruel criminal component of the true meaning of the formula and the notion of “Have the Right” and keep, with reference to this situation, only its positive part, namely, the right to self-realization, that is, the right to creativity.

      On the other hand, there will be plenty of opportunities to touch precisely the criminal component in this narrative. Perhaps, not with reference to the main heroine, but to those who surround her. Therefore, if a chance appears we will talk about this side too.

      From the Maslow pyramid, we smoothly pass to the second marketing concept “Matrix of Opportunities and Threats”.

      If the pyramid for each person is a grid of coordinates with the point indicated on it, to which the person seeks, then the matrix is just that with the help of what he can understand whether the specified point is available for him or not. Try to fill this matrix honestly for yourself, and I assure you, it will immediately become clear to you exactly on what level of the Pyramid you can claim. Of course, no one does this, but it is a pity. Or, for example, imagine an employee of some Supreme Personnel Department, to which a person comes to take his place in life, implying that he pretends for example, for the third level of meeting the needs in the Maslow pyramid. Herewith the applicant fills in the questionnaire as honestly as possible, from which the employee of the Supreme Personnel Department makes up for him this very Matrix. Then he compares the Matrix with the Pyramid and categorically declares:

      – Uh, my friend, so high you aim at, to the third level, but with your Matrix, you do not even reach until the second.

      Returning to our heroine, I want to say that she was born with the knowledge of these concepts, or as they say, absorbed them with the mother’s milk, because all her actions are due to the knowledge of the Matrix and the Pyramid at the level of instinct.

      In order to analyze in detail the way to the success of our ward, I made for her a Matrix of Opportunities and Threats. In the most general form, her Matrix looks like this (p. 22).

      As her biography studying, we will try to reveal all her Strength sides in order to understand that she really deserves at least the Top-Low subclass and the top of the Maslow Pyramid in the form of Self-Realization. In the Weak sides column, I first wanted to write “not found,” but then I searched again in and found one. The only weak side that I found is her inability or unwillingness to admit her mistakes and misconceptions. However, from the point of view of achieving the final result, I am not even sure that this is a weak side.

      There is another issue about low self-esteem. But this question is really still not clear to me now, and we will try to deal with it closer to the end of the story.

      In general, if we summarize all the strengths of our heroine, we can conclude that this is simply a phenomenal combination of rationality and naturalness of execution. She simply acts according to the program, but it creates a complete illusion that at the moment all this is done for you and only for you.

      Chronologically, as well as of the main essence of what is happening, I would single out four main stages in the short biography of Eva:

      Childhood and adolescence.




      While just in case.

      Another entertaining fact about Eva, I accidentally knew out when I found out the date of her birthday. In my youth I read the research of Academician Yevgeny Viktorovich Tarle about Bonaparte Napoleon. Among other things, I remember the dates of the birth and death of the Great Emperor 15.08.1769—05.05.1821. Eva was also born on August 15. The devil knows, maybe the stars of her and Emperor stand in the same sequence and in the same sequence affect their fate.

      If you combine all the individual facts of the biography of Eva, you can call it even tragic. Men who came across her on life’s path were characterized by a pathological violation of the psyche and morality. The strangest thing is that after going through all this, she was able to maintain moral purity and composure.

      Another talent of Eva is the amazing ability to make your life comfortable, even if it’s not life, but only moments. She without any effort and even sincerely does so that it makes you feel good, only because she is just nearby. Everything for you, any your desire instantly becomes important to her. You are the main, you are beloved, and you are the only one. For all this, you need only one small condition; you should be interesting to her.

      Each representative of amateur flirting uses it to achieve one specific goal, corresponding to the certain needs level of the Maslow pyramid. Eva used flirting consistently to achieve each level of needs right up to the highest-level Self-realization. In addition, flirting from the point of view of Eva is a tool for studying and subsequently applying for her own purposes male psychology, ethics and morality.

      Our narration also touches upon such an immense question of permissiveness. What and who is allowed in this life. This question is possible for consideration within the framework of this text. However, at the preface I do not have any thoughts yet, how it can be used. Now I just add a lengthy quote from “Crime and Punishment” which Dostoevsky put in the mouth of Porphyry Petrovich and Rodion Raskolnikov himself, and then we will see what we can do with this:

      – Yes, and you insist, that an act of enforcement crimes is accompanied by always disease. Very, very original, but… I, actually, not this part of your article interested, and some thought, missed at the end of the article, but which you, unfortunately, spend only a hint, unclearly… In a word, if you remember, there is some hint that there are some such persons in the world who can… that is, not that they can, and have every right to commit all sorts of atrocities and crimes, and that for them as if the law is not written…

      – No, no, not quite because, – Porphyry replied, – The thing is that in their (respectful “his”) article all people are somehow divided into “ordinary” and “unusual”. Ordinary people should live in obedience and have no right to cross the law, because they are, you see, ordinary. And unusual have the right to do any crimes and in every possible way to transgress the law, actually because they unusual. So, you mean, if I am not mistaken?

      …As for my division of people into ordinary and unusual, I agree that it is somewhat arbitrary, but I do not insist on exact figures. I only believe my main idea. It consists precisely in the fact that people, according to the law of nature, are divided into two categories: the lowest (ordinary), that is, so to speak, on the material that serves only for the birth of their own kind, and actually on people, that is, having the gift or talent to say a new word in their environment. Differences there are of course endless, but the characteristics of both discharges rather abrupt: the first category, that is, the material, generally speaking, people are

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