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is as rare as any other is. Somehow to the subject or not to the subject, but I remembered a small episode from a poignant novel of Boris Vasiliev, “Do not shoot in white swans”. And the episode is like this. When Yegor, the protagonist of the story, was returning from the war, then on a small rail way station when, transplanting from a train to a train, he met a wonderful girl. Yegor in a drunken frenzy spent with her crazy night, and as result, he lost his very simple trophies, which brought from Germany, a razor for himself and something for the family. In comparison with the huge suitcases that some other liberators carried, this set looked scanty and pathetic, but the pretty girl did not disdain even this simple property. But the main idea of this episode, as I recall, was that Yegor still would have given the girl all this property without regret for this only night, and most importantly, the girl remained the brightest spot in his further difficult and righteous life. By that I mean that in the life of every man who has more or less extensive sexual experience, there was or is such a woman for all time. The question is what price a man is willing to pay to achieve this woman and having achieved, to keep. While this it is not a fact that a woman has a real sexual talent. In my life I met such a woman in the area of the 500th serial number, but I believe and undertake to assert that this number has nothing to do with reality. Women like Eva, and this was exactly her, can be met at least one in ten thousand, that is, approximately in the same ratio truly talented People meet, regardless in what field this talent, or as millionaires even from the Top-Low subclass.

      Sexual talent.

      I tried to find or formulate myself what sexual talent is. But before giving this definition, I want to first find and define the concept of sexual compatibility. From what I was able to find and then generalize and formulate, it turns out that:

      Sexual compatibility is the achievement of the highest sexual pleasure on the basis of the complete coincidence of the physical, sexual, sensual and intellectual abilities of the partners.

      Proceeding from this, the definition of sexual talent means the following and consists of two parts:

      The ability to deliver the highest sexual pleasure to any partner, regardless of his physical, sexual, sensual and intellectual abilities, and vice versa, the ability to get sexual satisfaction from any partner, regardless of his physical, sexual, sensual and intellectual abilities. That is, returning to the definition of sexual compatibility, you can define sexual talent as universal compatibility with almost any partner.

      But to limit this definition to only physiological sensations would be wrong. Therefore, sexual talent is the ability to influence the partner through sexual impression.

      And one more thing, paraphrasing an excerpt from the definition of talent in general, we can say that the best way to develop sexual talent is systematic, regular training. It turns talent into a real creative force.

      But sex, as they say is sex, but for an outstanding Hetaera, and this word seems to me the most appropriate in this narrative, only sex is not enough, she needs a set of other important human qualities and abilities. Therefore, for the sake of completeness, we should devote a little time to other qualities and abilities of our heroine.

      I sort my work have to engage in marketing research of goods and services and to use for this, like many of my colleagues, the universal tools: The Pyramid of Needs and a Matrix of Opportunities and Threats. Working with them, I have thought it was not only marketing concepts but also social and can be applied to sociological research. This is a great tool for the assessment of human personality. The pyramid very well defines a person in terms of the level to which he claims, and the Matrix not less exactly gives a categorical answer, whether he in principle has an opportunity to claim this level.

      I will allow myself to recall the essence of these marketing concepts; the first is Pyramid of the human needs of Maslow:

      The essence of this pyramid lies in the fact that a person gradually moves upwards from satisfying elementary physiological needs like hunger, thirst, as well as oxygen, sleep and sex to higher concepts such as safety and comfort, and further as the position in society grows, love, respect. The peak of human needs is self-realization or creativity in any of its manifestations. As I said, Maslow’s pyramid is not a narrowly used tool for marketing research, but a universal tool for determining the level of each person as an individual. Look carefully at the definition of each level, and you will understand what you are worth in this life. If you have managed to fulfill youthful boundless dreams or you are stuck at the base of the pyramid. The pyramid reflects not only the qualitative composition of human needs, but also reflects its quantitative composition. The bulk of the population due to social and economic conditions is at the base of the pyramid, and due to the inability to overcome these circumstances for various reasons, simply unable to move to a higher step. To each next level only the best representatives of the previous manages to reach. It seems to me that the real ratio of each successive level to the previous one in terms of number refers, as 1 to 10. On this basis, it is not difficult to calculate that one out of ten thousand is entitled to self-realization in any of its manifestations. Have noticed, all the time this number 10 000 emerges. Of course, it only makes sense to talk about self-realization, which is somehow fixed in history.

      At the beginning of this chapter, the US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was mentioned. His merit and world fame, of course, is not that he was able to move from the middle class to the higher one. This is just a side effect of his career. The main thing is that thanks to his diplomatic talent, he could stand at the helm of the foreign policy of a great country and did it much more successfully than all the predecessors and followers. That is, it is a classic example of reaching the peak of human needs.

      To the credit of my heroine, it should be noted that her rapid rise along the social ladder was also not an end in itself, but only a means of reaching the apex of the pyramid of human needs, namely self-realization.

      15 cents from Eugene.

      Perhaps it is worth mentioning that many real artists and creators violated the classical and consistent scheme of achieving the steps in the Maslow pyramid and from the stage of satisfaction of the most basic needs, or, even bypassing this stage, immediately reached the stage of self-realization. Moreover, it is the masterpieces created in this way, if you follow the logic of Schopenhauer in his “Aphorisms of worldly wisdom” are the most that neither is brilliant, because are most often can truly be appreciated by descendants after the death of the author. It is these creations and their authors that gradually displace from the Pantheon of world Glory those authors and those creations that received recognition during their lifetime. But we are still going to consider the classic scheme to overcome all stages of meeting the needs. Moreover, areas that will be addressed in this narrative, such as the vocal art, rather refers to the spiritual realm, or such as the art of sex, which is not clear at all where to carry, but in any case, to the intangible sphere. Therefore, these talents can most deeply have been appreciated only by contemporaries and in history can be preserved only already, as myths and legends. More precisely with the advent of recording equipment, the vocal art has already got the opportunity to be saved in history. Only the art of sex still can be evaluated and saved in history only due to subjective opinions of sexual partners. And here there are two options for evaluation. Or it is the opinion of an indisputable and recognized authority in the field of sex, such as, for example, Genghis Khan, Don Juan, Casanova, Lord Byron or Jack Nicholson. Or it can be a coincidence of estimates of a set of ordinary men who had the opportunity to have sex with the assessed female sexual talent.

      But we have digressed.

      It seems to me that here it would be appropriate to recall the ingenious formula of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. It turns out that briefly the movement from lower needs to higher ones is described as follows:

      “What I am, trembling creature, or have the right.”


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