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No, not according to this way of putting the case, Socrates.

      SOCRATES: Then I said truly, Polus, that neither you, nor I, nor any man, would rather do than suffer injustice; for to do injustice is the greater evil of the two.

      POLUS: That is the conclusion.

      SOCRATES: You see, Polus, when you compare the two kinds of refutations, how unlike they are. All men, with the exception of myself, are of your way of thinking; but your single assent and witness are enough for me,—I have no need of any other, I take your suffrage, and am regardless of the rest. Enough of this, and now let us proceed to the next question; which is, Whether the greatest of evils to a guilty man is to suffer punishment, as you supposed, or whether to escape punishment is not a greater evil, as I supposed. Consider:—You would say that to suffer punishment is another name for being justly corrected when you do wrong?

      POLUS: I should.

      SOCRATES: And would you not allow that all just things are honourable in so far as they are just? Please to reflect, and tell me your opinion.

      POLUS: Yes, Socrates, I think that they are.

      SOCRATES: Consider again:—Where there is an agent, must there not also be a patient?

      POLUS: I should say so.

      SOCRATES: And will not the patient suffer that which the agent does, and will not the suffering have the quality of the action? I mean, for example, that if a man strikes, there must be something which is stricken?

      POLUS: Yes.

      SOCRATES: And if the striker strikes violently or quickly, that which is struck will he struck violently or quickly?

      POLUS: True.

      SOCRATES: And the suffering to him who is stricken is of the same nature as the act of him who strikes?

      POLUS: Yes.

      SOCRATES: And if a man burns, there is something which is burned?

      POLUS: Certainly.

      SOCRATES: And if he burns in excess or so as to cause pain, the thing burned will be burned in the same way?

      POLUS: Truly.

      SOCRATES: And if he cuts, the same argument holds—there will be something cut?

      POLUS: Yes.

      SOCRATES: And if the cutting be great or deep or such as will cause pain, the cut will be of the same nature?

      POLUS: That is evident.

      SOCRATES: Then you would agree generally to the universal proposition which I was just now asserting: that the affection of the patient answers to the affection of the agent?

      POLUS: I agree.

      SOCRATES: Then, as this is admitted, let me ask whether being punished is suffering or acting?

      POLUS: Suffering, Socrates; there can be no doubt of that.

      SOCRATES: And suffering implies an agent?

      POLUS: Certainly, Socrates; and he is the punisher.

      SOCRATES: And he who punishes rightly, punishes justly?

      POLUS: Yes.

      SOCRATES: And therefore he acts justly?

      POLUS: Justly.

      SOCRATES: Then he who is punished and suffers retribution, suffers justly?

      POLUS: That is evident.

      SOCRATES: And that which is just has been admitted to be honourable?

      POLUS: Certainly.

      SOCRATES: Then the punisher does what is honourable, and the punished suffers what is honourable?

      POLUS: True.

      SOCRATES: And if what is honourable, then what is good, for the honourable is either pleasant or useful?

      POLUS: Certainly.

      SOCRATES: Then he who is punished suffers what is good?

      POLUS: That is true.

      SOCRATES: Then he is benefited?

      POLUS: Yes.

      SOCRATES: Do I understand you to mean what I mean by the term 'benefited'? I mean, that if he be justly punished his soul is improved.

      POLUS: Surely.

      SOCRATES: Then he who is punished is delivered from the evil of his soul?

      POLUS: Yes.

      SOCRATES: And is he not then delivered from the greatest evil? Look at the matter in this way:—In respect of a man's estate, do you see any greater evil than poverty?

      POLUS: There is no greater evil.

      SOCRATES: Again, in a man's bodily frame, you would say that the evil is weakness and disease and deformity?

      POLUS: I should.

      SOCRATES: And do you not imagine that the soul likewise has some evil of her own?

      POLUS: Of course.

      SOCRATES: And this you would call injustice and ignorance and cowardice, and the like?

      POLUS: Certainly.

      SOCRATES: So then, in mind, body, and estate, which are three, you have pointed out three corresponding evils—injustice, disease, poverty?

      POLUS: True.

      SOCRATES: And which of the evils is the most disgraceful?—Is not the most disgraceful of them injustice, and in general the evil of the soul?

      POLUS: By far the most.

      SOCRATES: And if the most disgraceful, then also the worst?

      POLUS: What do you mean, Socrates?

      SOCRATES: I mean to say, that is most disgraceful has been already admitted to be most painful or hurtful, or both.

      POLUS: Certainly.

      SOCRATES: And now injustice and all evil in the soul has been admitted by us to be most disgraceful?

      POLUS: It has been admitted.

      SOCRATES: And most disgraceful either because most painful and causing excessive pain, or most hurtful, or both?

      POLUS: Certainly.

      SOCRATES: And therefore to be unjust and intemperate, and cowardly and ignorant, is more painful than to be poor and sick?

      POLUS: Nay, Socrates; the painfulness does not appear to me to follow from your premises.

      SOCRATES: Then, if, as you would argue, not more painful, the evil of the soul is of all evils the most disgraceful; and the excess of disgrace must be caused by some preternatural greatness, or extraordinary hurtfulness of the evil.

      POLUS: Clearly.

      SOCRATES: And that which exceeds most in hurtfulness will be the greatest of evils?

      POLUS: Yes.

      SOCRATES: Then injustice and intemperance, and in general the depravity of the soul, are the greatest of evils?

      POLUS: That is evident.

      SOCRATES: Now, what art is there which delivers us from poverty? Does not the art of making money?

      POLUS: Yes.

      SOCRATES: And what art frees us from disease? Does not the art of medicine?

      POLUS: Very true.

      SOCRATES: And what from vice and injustice? If you are not able to answer at once, ask yourself whither we go with the sick, and to whom we take them.

      POLUS: To the physicians, Socrates.

      SOCRATES: And to whom do we go with the unjust and intemperate?

      POLUS: To the judges, you mean.


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