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beau, CICISBEO.Admissible, a. Permissible, allowable, lawful, proper, justifiable, warrantable.Admission, n. 1. Admittance, introduction, access, entrance, initiation, ENTRÉE.2. Allowance, avowal, concession, acknowledgment, assent.Admit, v. a. 1. Receive, grant entrance to, let in, take in, open the door to.2. Concede, accept, grant, acknowledge, own, confess, take for granted, agree to, accede to, acquiesce in.3. Permit, allow, bear, admit of, be capable of.Admit of, Admit, permit, allow, bear, be capable of.Admittance, n. 1. Admission, introduction, ENTRÉE.2. Access, means of approach, liberty to approach.Admixture, n. 1. Mixture.2. Spice, dash, infusion, sprinkling, touch, seasoning, smack, taste, tincture, tinge.Admonish, v. a. 1. Reprove (gently), censure, warn of a fault.2. Advise, counsel, caution, forewarn, enjoin.3. Instruct, inform, teach, apprise, acquaint, notify, make acquainted, make aware.Admonition, n. 1. Hint of a fault, gentle reproof.2. Advice, counsel, caution, warning, monition.Admonitory, a. Admonishing, monitory.Ado, n. 1. Trouble, difficulty, labor, pains.2. Bustle, stir, flurry, fuss, noise, tumult, turmoil, pother, confusion, commotion, TO-DO.Adolescence, n. Youth, juvenility, minority, juniority, nonage, teens, prime of life, flower of life, bloom of life.Adolescent, a. Youthful, juvenile, young.Adopt, v. a. 1. Appropriate, take to one's self, take or select as one's own.2. Approve, espouse, support, maintain.3. Affiliate, father, treat as one's own child.Adoption, n. 1. Appropriation.2. Approval, espousal, support, maintenance.3. Affiliation, adopting, fathering.Adorable, a. 1. Divine, to be adored, worthy of adoration.2. Estimable, venerable, worthy of love or honor.Adoration, n. 1. Worship, devotion.2. Homage, reverence, veneration.Adore, v. a. 1. Worship.2. Revere, venerate, idolize, honor, pay homage to.Adorer, n. 1. Worshipper.2. Idolater, great admirer.Adorn, v. a. Embellish, decorate, beautify, ornament, deck, bedeck, emblazon, gild, trim, grace, crown, varnish, array, set out, set off, TRICK OUT.Adroit, a. Dexterous, expert, skilful, apt, handy, ready, quick, clever, able, masterly.Adscititious, a. Additional, supplemental, supplementary, superadded.Adulation, n. Flattery, flummery, excessive praise, extravagant compliment.Adulatory, a. Flattering, smooth, oily, full of compliments, servile in compliment.Adult, a. Mature, grown up, full grown, of age, of mature age.Adult, n. Person of mature age, grown up person.Adulterate, v. a. Debase, corrupt, vitiate, sophisticate, alloy, dash, deteriorate, make impure.Adulteration, n. Debasement, corruption, deterioration, sophistication.Adulterous, a. Unchaste, rakish, dissolute.Adultery, n. Violation of the marriage-bed.Adumbrate, v. a. 1. Shadow, foreshadow, shadow out, shadow forth.2. Typify, represent, symbolize, show, denote, stand for.Adumbration, n. 1. Shadowing forth, faint sketch, faint representation, indistinct image.2. Type, image, shadow, symbol.Aduncous, a. Crooked, hooked, bent, curved.Advance, v. a. 1. Promote, aggrandize, exalt, elevate, dignify, raise to preferment, raise to higher rank.2. Forward, further, promote, improve, strengthen, make better, encourage the progress of.3. Allege, adduce, propose, offer, assign, propound, bring forward, lay down.4. Pay beforehand, supply beforehand, furnish on credit.5. Increase (as price), enhance, augment, make greater, make higher.Advance, v. n. 1. Proceed, progress, make progress, make way, get forward, go forward, get on, go on, get along, come on, gain ground.2. Improve, grow, thrive, make improvement.Advance, n. 1. Progress, progression, march, way, moving forward.2. Improvement, growth, advancement.3. Payment beforehand, anticipated payment.4. Tender, offer, proposal, proposition.5. Increase (of price), enhancement.Advance-guard, n. Vanguard.Advancement, n. 1. Progress, progression, proficiency.2. Promotion, preferment, elevation, exaltation, aggrandizement.3. Improvement, advance, growth.Advantage, n. 1. Favorable opportunity, vantage-ground, superior situation or condition, best estate, best plight.2. Superiority, ascendency, pre-eminence, upper-hand.3. Benefit, avail, profit, gain, emolument, return, utility, expediency, good, weal, service, blessing.4. Behalf, behoof, account, interest.5. Privilege, prerogative, convenience, accommodation, EASEMENT.Advantage, v. a. Benefit, profit, serve, help, avail, advance the interest of, be of advantage to.Advantageous, a. Beneficial, profitable, helpful, useful, convenient, serviceable, salutary, favorable, expedient, good, well, for one's advantage, for one's interest, for one's good.Advent, n. 1. Arrival, coming, approach.2. Coming of Christ.Adventitious, a. Accidental, incidental, extrinsic, extraneous, foreign, non-essential.Adventure, n. 1. Chance, hazard, fortuity, contingency, risk, venture, stake.2. Hazardous enterprise, bold undertaking.3. Event, incident, occurrence, transaction, passage, contingency.4. (Com.) Speculation.Adventure, v. a. Hazard, venture, risk, peril, imperil, put to hazard, put at risk, put in danger.Adventure, v. n. Dare, venture, take the risk, run the risk, incur the hazard.Adventurous, a. 1. Bold, daring, courageous, venturesome, venturous, chivalrous, doughty, enterprising.2. Rash, reckless, precipitate, headlong, foolhardy, full of hazard.Adversaria, n. pl. Notes, memoranda, remarks, note-book, journal, commonplace-book.Adversary, n. 1. Enemy, foe, antagonist, opponent, adverse party.2. [With The prefixed.] Devil, Satan.Adverse, a. 1. Contrary, opposing, unpropitious, counteracting, conflicting, HEAD, not propitious.2. Hostile, inimical, antagonistic.3. Unprosperous, untoward, unlucky, unfortunate, calamitous, disastrous.Adversity, n. Misfortune, calamity, affliction, trouble, suffering, woe, disaster, distress, misery, ill-luck, bad luck, broken fortunes, hard life, frowns of fortune.Advert to, 1. Observe, remark, regard, heed, consider, notice, mark, view, give heed to, take notice of, pay attention to, attend to, look to, see to, give heed to, have an eye to, give a thought to, look after.2. Refer to, allude to.Advertence, n. Attention, heed, regard, observance, observation, notice, consideration, heedfulness, mindfulness.Advertency, n. Attention, heed, regard, observance, observation, notice, consideration, heedfulness, mindfulness.Advertise, v. a. 1. Announce, publish, declare, promulgate, trumpet, proclaim, make known, spread abroad, noise abroad, give notice of, lay before the public, bring to the notice of the public, make proclamation of.2. Offer for sale.Advertisement, n. Announcement, notification, information, notice, proclamation, promulgation, trumpeting.Advice, n. 1. Counsel, suggestion, instruction, recommendation, admonition, warning, caution, exhortation.2. Intelligence, information, notice, notification, tidings, word.Advisability, n. Expediency, advisableness.Advisable, a. Expedient, proper, fit, prudent, desirable, fit to be advised.Advise, v. a. 1. Counsel, admonish, suggest, recommend to, give counsel to, give advice to.2. Inform, acquaint, apprise, make known to, give notice to, send word to, write word to.Advise, v. n. Confer, consult, deliberate, take counsel, hold a conference.Advisedly, ad. Deliberately, heedfully, purposely, by design, with consideration.Advisement, n. Consultation, deliberation.Adviser, n. Counsellor, instructor, guide, director, mentor, monitor.Advocacy, n. Defence, vindication, support, countenance.Advocate, v. a. Defend, support, vindicate, justify, countenance, uphold, favor, plead in favor of, stand

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