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time.3. Century, a hundred years.4. Old age, decline of life, vale of years.5. Maturity, mature years, years of discretion.Aged, a. 1. Old, elderly, stricken in years, advanced in life, with one foot in the grave.2. Having lived, of the age of.Agency, n. 1. Intervention, instrumentality, mediation, action, operation, force, influence, procurement.2. Charge, direction, management, superintendence, supervision.Agent, n. 1. Actor, doer, operator, performer, executor.2. Deputy, attorney, factor, representative, substitute, proxy, go-between, procurator, middleman, commissioner, vicegerent.3. Hand, employé.Agglomerate, v. a. Gather in a ball or mass, gather together, lump together, heap up, pile up.Agglomeration, n. Conglomeration, accumulation, lump, heap, pile, mass, aggregation.Agglutinate, v. a. Unite, glue, cement, conglutinate.Agglutination, n. Cohesion, union, sticking together.Aggrandize, v. a. Exalt, dignify, honor, elevate, promote, make great, raise to higher rank.Aggrandizement, n. Exaltation, elevation, promotion, advancement, preferment.Aggravate, v. a. 1. Heighten (in evil), increase, make worse.2. Exaggerate, overstate, magnify.3. [Of questionable propriety.] Provoke, irritate, exasperate, enrage.Aggravation, n. 1. A heightening (of something evil).2. Exaggeration.3. [Of questionable propriety.] Provocation, irritation.Aggregate, v. a. Amass, collect, accumulate, pile, bring together, gather up, pile up, heap up, scrape together, keep together.Aggregate, a. Collected.Aggregate, n. Whole, total, totality, gross, lump, sum, amount, body, mass, gross amount, sum total.Aggregation, n. Collection, mass, pile, heap, accumulation.Aggress, v. n. Make the first attack, be the first to attack, be the aggressor.Aggression, n. Attack, assault, invasion, hostile encroachment.Aggressive, a. Attacking, assaulting, assailing, assailant, invading, offensive.Aggressor, n. Assailant, assaulter, attacker, assailer, invader.Aggrieve, v. a. 1. Pain, grieve, afflict, wound the feelings of.2. Wrong, injure, oppress, maltreat, abuse, bear hard upon, ill treat, ill use.Aghast, a. 1. Awe-struck, horror-struck, dismayed, horrified, appalled, terrified, frightened, panic-stricken, struck with horror.2. Amazed, astounded, startled, astonished, dumfoundered, thunderstruck.Agile, a. Lively, nimble, brisk, smart, active, quick, ready, prompt, alert, sprightly, lively, supple, SPRY, winged.Agility, n. Liveliness, nimbleness, briskness, smartness, activity, quickness, readiness, alertness, sprightliness, suppleness.Agio, n. (Com.) Premium.Agiotage, n. (Com.) Stock-jobbing.Agitate, v. a. 1. Shake, jar, toss, rock, trouble (by brisk motion), convulse.2. Excite, ruffle, rouse, ferment, stir up, work up.3. Fluster, flurry, hurry, confuse, disconcert.4. Discuss, controvert, canvass, debate, dispute, ventilate.Agitation, n. 1. Agitating, shaking, shake, concussion.2. Disturbance, jarring, commotion, convulsion, ferment, storm, tumult, turmoil.3. Excitement, emotion, perturbation, trepidation, discomposure, distraction, PUCKER, ruffle, flutter, hurry, tremor, fever, fret.4. Discussion, disputation, debate, controversy, canvassing, ventilation.Agitator, n. Incendiary, firebrand.Ago, ad. Past, gone, since.Agog, a. Eager, impatient, excited, wrought up, worked up, on tiptoe, with open mouth.A-going, ad. Abroach.Agonize, v. a. Torment, torture, rack, distress, pain severely, put in great pain.Agonize, v. n. Be tormented, be tortured, suffer great pain.Agony, n. Anguish (especially of the body), pang, torture, torment, distress, rack, throe, severe pain, extreme suffering.Agree, v. n. 1. Accord, harmonize, concur, unite, be in unison, be of one mind.2. Assent, consent, accede, acquiesce, comply, subscribe, yield assent, give consent, fall in.3. Stipulate, bargain, promise, engage, undertake, contract, be sworn, be bound, make an agreement, plight one's word, pass one's word, pledge one's word, give assurance, take upon one's self, bind one's self.4. Compromise, compound, come to an understanding, come to an agreement.5. Suit, match, tally, correspond, quadrate, coincide, cohere, comport, conform, square.Agreeable, a. 1. Suitable, fitting, fit, proper, meet, appropriate, befitting, conformable, correspondent, accordant, concordant, consonant.2. Pleasing, pleasant, pleasurable, grateful, gratifying, acceptable, welcome, good, goodly, delightful, charming, delectable, delicious, dulcet, sweet, to one's taste, to one's mind, after one's fancy.Agreeable to, 1. Conformable to, suitable to, accordant with, consonant with, tallying with, squaring with, consistent with, that falls in with.2. Pleasing to, grateful to, gratifying to, acceptable to.Agreeably to, According to, conformably to, in accordance with.Agree with, 1. Chime in with, fall in with.2. Make a bargain with, strike hands with.Agriculture, n. Tillage, husbandry, farming, culture, cultivation, geoponics.Agriculturist, n. Husbandman, farmer, tiller of the ground, cultivator of the soil.Aground, ad. 1. Ashore, not afloat.2. Stranded, wrecked, cast away.Ague, n. 1. Chilliness, cold, chill.2. Intermittent fever, fever and ague.Ague-weed, n. Thoroughwort, boneset, fever-root, Indian sage, (Eupatorium perfoliatum).Ahead, ad. 1. Onward, forward, in advance, in front.2. (Naut.) In opposition (said of the wind), against us, in our teeth.Ai, n. Three-toed sloth (Bradypus tridactylus).Aid, v. a. 1. Assist, help, support, serve, speed, second, back, befriend, prosper, abet, co-operate with, take part with, give support to, minister to.2. Succor, relieve, SPELL.Aid, n. 1. Assistance, help, LIFT, furtherance, co-operation, patronage, support, helping hand, good offices.2. Succor, relief.3. Aide-de-camp.Aide-de-camp, [Fr.] (Mil.) Aid.Aider, n. Helper, assistant, coadjutor, co-operator, ally, auxiliary, abettor.Ail, v. a. Pain, trouble, afflict, be the matter with.Ail, v. n. Suffer, be in pain, feel pain, be ill.Ail, n. Disease, AILMENT.Ailing, a. Sickly, sick, ill, indisposed, unwell, diseased, feeble, languishing, unhealthy.Ailment, n. Disease, ail, illness, sickness, ailing, indisposition, malady, distemper, disorder, complaint.Aim, v. a. Direct, level, point.Aim, n. 1. Direction, course, bearing, tendency, bent, proclivity.2. Intention, intent, purpose, design, reason, view, object, end, scope, drift, goal, point, final cause.Aim at, 1. Take aim at, point at, level at, direct towards.2. Intend, purpose, design, mean.3. Crave, affect, yearn for, aspire at, aspire after, endeavor after, be at, drive at, propose to one's self, have in view, have in one's eye, have an eye to, strive for, attempt to reach.Aimless, a. Purposeless, objectless, without aim or end.Air, n. 1. Atmosphere, atmospheric air, common air.2. Gas, aeriform fluid.3. Breeze, zephyr, gentle wind, breath of air.4. Weather, open air, open atmosphere.5. Appearance, aspect, mien, manner, look, cast, demeanor, conduct, carriage, bearing, deportment, behavior, port.6. Tune, melody.Air, v. a. 1. Expose to air.2. Ventilate, change the air of.Air-bladder, n. Sound (of a fish).Air-bubble, n. Bleb.Air-engine, n. Caloric engine.Airiness, n. 1. Openness, exposure to air.2. Gayety, levity, sprightliness, vivacity, liveliness.Airing, n. 1. Ride, drive, walk, promenade, stroll, excursion.2. Exposure to air, admission of air.Air-pipe, n. Vent, spiracle, blow-hole, air-tube.Airs, n. pl. Affectation, pretension, mannerism, affectedness, affected manner, assumed manner.Air-tight, a. Hermetic, hermetical.Air-tube, n. Air-pipe.Airy, a. 1. Unsubstantial, aerial, ethereal, aeriform, thin, rare.2. Light, subtile, sublimated.3. Sprightly, buoyant, vivacious, wanton,

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