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benevolent, gracious, complaisant, humane, obliging, benignant, good, amiable, friendly, kind-hearted, tender-hearted, of a gentle disposition.2. (Med.) Mild, of a mild nature.Benignant, a. Kind, BENIGN.Benignity, n. 1. Kindness, graciousness, benevolence, complaisance, humanity, amiability, amenity, friendliness, kind-heartedness, fellow-feeling, good feeling, good humor, good temper, obliging manner.2. [Rare.] Mildness.Benison, n. Blessing, benediction.Benne, n. Sesame, oil-plant.Bent, n. Disposition, inclination, tendency, turn, PENCHANT, leaning, bias, propensity, proclivity, predisposition, predilection, partiality, liking, fondness, proneness, appetency.Bent, a. Crooked, hooked, bowed, curved, aduncous, ARCUATE, INCURVATE.Benumb, v. a. Stupefy, paralyze, deaden, blunt, make torpid, render insensible.Be of opinion, Think, believe, conclude, judge, suppose, imagine, fancy, deem, WERN, OPINE, hold, entertain the idea, take it.Be on the carpet, Be under consideration, be upon the tapis.Bequeath, v. a. Leave, demise, devise, will, give by will.Bequest, n. Legacy, devise.Berate, v. a. 1. Scold, chide, reprimand, rate.2. Abuse, vilify, defame.Bereave, v. a. Deprive (of something that cannot be restored), dispossess, divest, take away from.Bereavement, n. Deprivation, loss (especially of friends by death).Berth, n. (Naut.) 1. Ship's station.2. Bed, place to sleep in.3. Situation, office, post, employment, place.Beseech, v. a. 1. Entreat, beg, implore, supplicate, petition, conjure, ADJURE, pray to.2. Solicit, ask, petition for, pray for, beg for.Beseem, v. a. Become, bent, be proper for, be appropriate for, be meet for.Be seized of, Possess, have possession of, be possessed of.Be selfish, Indulge one's self, coddle one's self, consult one's own wishes, interest, or pleasure; take care of, or look after, number one; have an eye to the main chance.Beset, v. a. 1. Surround, encompass, environ, encircle, enclose, besiege, hem in.2. Embarrass, perplex, entangle.Beshrew, v. a. Execrate, wish evil to, implore a curse upon.Beside, prep. 1. Near, close to, at the side of, by the side of.2. Except, save, over and above, in addition to, distinct from.3. Aside from, out of the way of, out of the course of, not according to.4. Out of, not in possession of.Besides, prep. 1. Near, close to, at the side of, by the side of.2. Except, save, over and above, in addition to, distinct from.3. Aside from, out of the way of, out of the course of, not according to.4. Out of, not in possession of.Beside, ad. 1. Moreover, yet, too, also, furthermore, more than that, over and above, in addition.2. Else.Besides, ad. 1. Moreover, yet, too, also, furthermore, more than that, over and above, in addition.2. Else.Besiege, v. a. Surround (with a military force), beset, beleaguer, invest, lay siege to.Besmear, v. a. Bedaub, daub, smear, soil, bespatter, daub over.Besot, v. a. Infatuate, stultify, stupefy, befool, make sottish, make foolish.Bespatter, v. a. Spatter (with something filthy), bedaub, BESMEAR.Bespeak, v. a. 1. Order, speak for beforehand.2. [Rare.] Forebode, foretell, predict.3. Indicate, imply, proclaim, declare, betoken, show.Best, a. 1. Most good, most excellent, superlatively good, good in the highest degree.2. Most wise, most judicious, most expedient.Best, ad. 1. Most of all, in the highest degree, beyond all others.2. With most propriety, most profitably or advantageously, to the greatest advantage.3. Most intimately, most thoroughly, most completely.4. With the highest qualification, by the clearest title.Best, n. 1. Highest perfection.2. Utmost, greatest effort, highest endeavor, the most that can be done.Bestial, a. Beastly, brutal, brutish, irrational, sensual.Bestir one's self, Labor, work, toil, strive, fall to work, exert one's self, rouse one's self, trouble one's self, busy one's self, take pains, be busy, be active, be quick, BEAR A HAND.Bestow, v. a. 1. Put, place, stow, deposit, lay up in store.2. Give, accord, grant, impart, CONFER.3. Use, apply, make use of.Bestower, n. Giver, disposer, donor, DONATOR.Bestride, v. a. 1. Straddle, stride over.2. Ride upon astraddle.Bet, n. Wager, stake.Bet, v. n. Wager, lay a wager, make a bet.Bet, v. a. Stake, pledge, wager, lay, wage.Betake one's self, Resort, repair, apply, have recourse.Bethink one's self, Consider, reflect, take thought.Betide, v. a. Befall, overtake, happen to, come to.Betime, ad. Seasonably, early, before it is too late.Betimes, ad. Seasonably, early, before it is too late.Betoken, v. a. 1. Signify, denote, indicate, represent, typify, imply, prove, show, argue.2. Prefigure, foreshow, foreshadow, portend, augur, presignify.Betray, v. a. 1. Deliver up (by breach of trust), give up treacherously.2. Violate the confidence of, disclose the secrets of, deceive by treachery.3. Discover, divulge, reveal, tell, blab, show, make known.4. Mislead, lure, insnare, entrap, inveigle.Betroth, v. a. Affiance, pledge in marriage, engage to marry.Betrothment, n. Engagement.Better, a. 1. More good, more excellent, good in a higher degree.2. More useful, more valuable.3. Preferable, more desirable, more acceptable.4. More fit, more appropriate, more suitable.5. Improved in health, less ill.6. More familiar, more intimate.Better, n. 1. Superiority, advantage.2. Improvement, greater good.3. Superior.Better, ad. 1. In a superior manner, in a more excellent way, more fully, more completely.2. With greater advantage, more usefully or profitably.3. More, in a higher degree.Better, v. a. Improve, amend, emend, meliorate, ameliorate, reform, make or render better.Better-half, n. [Colloquial.] Wife.Bettering, n. Improvement, amendment, melioration, amelioration.Between, prep. Betwixt.Betwixt, prep. [Nearly obsolete.] Between.Be upon the tapis. Be under consideration, be on the carpet.Bevel, n. Chamfer.Bevel, v. a. Chamfer.Beverage, n. Drink, potion.Bevy, n. 1. Flock, covey.2. Company (especially of women), party.Bewail, v. a. Bemoan, lament, deplore, mourn for, mourn over, express sorrow for.Bewail, v. n. Mourn, lament, sorrow, grieve.Beware v. n. Mind, take care, be cautious.Bewilder, v. a. Perplex, confound, confuse, embarrass, puzzle, stagger, pose, nonplus, mystify, entangle.Bewilderment, n. Perplexity, embarrassment, confusion, entanglement.Bewitch, v. a. Charm, fascinate, enchant, captivate, transport, enravish, enrapture, entrance.Be with child, Be pregnant, be big, be ENCEINTE, be in the family way.Beyond, prep. 1. On the further side of.2. Before, at a distance before.3. Remote from, out of the reach of, out of the grasp of.4. Farther than.5. Above, superior to.Beyond, ad. Yonder, at a distance.Bias, n. Inclination, bent, leaning, tendency, predilection, prepossession, proclivity, proneness, propensity, partiality, prejudice, disposition, predisposition, turn, PENCHANT.Bias, v. a. Influence, incline, prejudice, dispose, predispose.Bible, n. [Used with The prefixed.] The Scriptures, the Old and New Testaments, the sacred volume.Biblical, a. Scriptural.Bibliomania, n. Book-madness.Bibulous, a. Spongy, porous.Bichloride of mercury, Corrosive sublimate.Bicker, v. n. 1. Wrangle, dispute, quarrel, spar, spat, jangle, squabble, TIFF, have words, have an altercation.2. Quiver, be tremulous.Bickering, n. Dispute, quarrel, wrangle, wrangling, jangle, jarring, jangling, sparring, altercation, dissension, contention, strife, war of words.Bid, n. Offer (of a price), bidding, proposal.Bid,

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